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Forums - Politics Discussion - The Free Speech thread


Is free speech suppressed on the internet's main public squares

Yes 61 54.95%
No 46 41.44%
Undecided 4 3.60%
RolStoppable said:
ConservagameR said:

I wonder what Twitter has to say about this? Their fact checkers are no doubt on this!

This term keeps coming up, so I assume it has become one of the latest buzzwords among people who align with republicans.

Is this buzzword merely used in a sarcastic manner or is it also a general complaint that fact-checking pierces through the heart of the drivel that republican-aligned people like to spew?

I don't remember talking about fact checking prior, so maybe you're hearing or seeing it from elsewhere and misassociating it?

I don't see what's wrong with checking if things are factual and it seems like you agree from what I can tell.

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Hiku said:

Came out as a Republican and claimed ppl going after him will be politically motivated, on the same day he was contacted about the story they were going to release on him flashing his dick on a plane.

March 25th 2021?

Looks like Elon knew or assumed it was coming, long, ago.

So guilty, or aware of what was likely coming if he made certain moves in the future?

RolStoppable said:
ConservagameR said:

I don't remember talking about fact checking prior, so maybe you're hearing or seeing it from elsewhere and misassociating it?

I don't see what's wrong with checking if things are factual and it seems like you agree from what I can tell.

It was mentioned here:

The same guy mentioned it again in a later post, all in this thread.

If you see nothing wrong with fact-checking, then why did you make fun of it in your previous post? You clearly refered to it in a sarcastic context.

EnricoP mentioning fact checking to Dulfite, who was quoting what I said, which didn't include fact checking?

I was pointing it out in the more recent post, because I hadn't seen or heard of any fact checks being made yet, as quickly as fact checks tend to come out. Which makes you wonder if there's any truth to it or not, or why some other fact checkers are no longer fact checking, or whether it perhaps has something to do with Elon's purchase considering he'll be the owner? 

It's a hot pot of mystery and irony soup.

Hiku said:
ConservagameR said:

March 25th 2021?

Looks like Elon knew or assumed it was coming, long, ago.

So guilty, or aware of what was likely coming if he made certain moves in the future?

I'm sorry, could you explain what you are trying to say with his? I don't follow.

The settlement for the sexual misconduct claim of $250 000 was paid in march 2018. Three years before the tweet you posted.
So I suppose he could have been thinking of it when he wrote that tweet in your post. But it could also have been something else.

Though the fact that he said "political attacks on me will escalate drastically in the coming months" on the same day that Business Insider reached out to him for a comment before publishing the story, is obviously not a coincidence.

Except there's nothing political about what allegedly happened on that plane.
So it appears like he came out as a Republican on that same day, to get automatic support from Republicans, and to paint this as a political attack.

May 18

Not exactly Yagami Light level execution on that plan. But tbf, the vast majority of his supporters probably won't notice the timing.
So it'll probably be effective regardless.

The post I was quoting was making a point of a seemingly related Twitter post date, so I made a similar point about a far earlier post date. Maybe they mean something, maybe they don't.

The reception of the Twitter purchase hasn't exactly been celebrated by the left politically, and now this sex scandal oddly pops up. Hard not to think of a similar relatively recent thing happening to Trump and Kavanaugh, though it seems to happen to many once they enter the political sphere in some way. I can only assume this is his line of thinking, especially since it's Elon Musk of all people.

Perhaps Elon is looking to enter politics? Perhaps his tweets are linked? Perhaps he's guilty?

Maybe it's all just a game?

ConservagameR said:

I was pointing it out in the more recent post, because I hadn't seen or heard of any fact checks being made yet, as quickly as fact checks tend to come out. Which makes you wonder if there's any truth to it or not, or why some other fact checkers are no longer fact checking, or whether it perhaps has something to do with Elon's purchase considering he'll be the owner? 

It's a hot pot of mystery and irony soup.

Who are these 'fact checkers' who should have a verdict on this by now but don't? Can you give me an example? Business Insider seems to be confident enough in its veracity to publish the story and stake their name on it. You would think it would be more suspicious that Elon and SpaceX are dragging their feet about commenting on the settlement than it would be that outsiders haven't yet come to a verdict on documents that have not been entrusted to them...

So mysterious...

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TallSilhouette said:
ConservagameR said:

I was pointing it out in the more recent post, because I hadn't seen or heard of any fact checks being made yet, as quickly as fact checks tend to come out. Which makes you wonder if there's any truth to it or not, or why some other fact checkers are no longer fact checking, or whether it perhaps has something to do with Elon's purchase considering he'll be the owner? 

It's a hot pot of mystery and irony soup.

Who are these 'fact checkers' who should have a verdict on this by now but don't? Can you give me an example? Business Insider seems to be confident enough in its veracity to publish the story and stake their name on it. You would think it would be more suspicious that Elon and SpaceX are dragging their feet about commenting on the settlement than it would be that outsiders haven't yet come to a verdict on documents that have not been entrusted to them...

So mysterious...

Well shouldn't Twitter be fact checking this? Looks like WAPO only stopped fact checking Presidents once Biden took office. I thought they stopped entirely. I also thought I had read Facebook had stopped as well, but looks like that was just a joke based on Facebook claiming in the Stossel case that their fact checks against him were protected opinion under the first amendment, since Stossel had proved them wrong.

Guess I didn't get the whole scoop on those in the past, not that the reality of it is much better.

Hasn't Musk said the claim against him is bogus? Hasn't he seemingly been hinting at considerable negativity coming his way for quite some time? I haven't seen anywhere that proves a settlement ever occurred, just accusations. I would think it's more likely the other way around. If Elon and SpaceX aren't saying anything, based on their track record, it would seem they're disregarding it for good reason, but that doesn't mean they're not actually trying to hide from it. Now the fact that all the fact checkers aren't all over this, and the media isn't exactly pointing out the fact checks, tells me at the very least, they aren't very sure or confident of the accusation. That doesn't mean they aren't just taking a different approach than they typically do, but it would certainly be odd for them to change their ways so drastically all of the sudden.

It's not impossible for it to have happened, but for it to pop up right now of all times, would be quite the coincidence.

If nothing has been proven, or close to it yet, then I wouldn't exactly call that a done deal. Not sure about a three dot mystery, but one nonetheless.

ConservagameR said:
TallSilhouette said:

Who are these 'fact checkers' who should have a verdict on this by now but don't? Can you give me an example? Business Insider seems to be confident enough in its veracity to publish the story and stake their name on it. You would think it would be more suspicious that Elon and SpaceX are dragging their feet about commenting on the settlement than it would be that outsiders haven't yet come to a verdict on documents that have not been entrusted to them...

So mysterious...

Well shouldn't Twitter be fact checking this? Looks like WAPO only stopped fact checking Presidents once Biden took office. I thought they stopped entirely. I also thought I had read Facebook had stopped as well, but looks like that was just a joke based on Facebook claiming in the Stossel case that their fact checks against him were protected opinion under the first amendment, since Stossel had proved them wrong.

Guess I didn't get the whole scoop on those in the past, not that the reality of it is much better.

Hasn't Musk said the claim against him is bogus? Hasn't he seemingly been hinting at considerable negativity coming his way for quite some time? I haven't seen anywhere that proves a settlement ever occurred, just accusations. I would think it's more likely the other way around. If Elon and SpaceX aren't saying anything, based on their track record, it would seem they're disregarding it for good reason, but that doesn't mean they're not actually trying to hide from it. Now the fact that all the fact checkers aren't all over this, and the media isn't exactly pointing out the fact checks, tells me at the very least, they aren't very sure or confident of the accusation. That doesn't mean they aren't just taking a different approach than they typically do, but it would certainly be odd for them to change their ways so drastically all of the sudden.

It's not impossible for it to have happened, but for it to pop up right now of all times, would be quite the coincidence.

If nothing has been proven, or close to it yet, then I wouldn't exactly call that a done deal. Not sure about a three dot mystery, but one nonetheless.

Biden still gets fact checked. He made the list of biggest lies of 2021:


So Elon bot Twitter eh?

EricHiggin said:

So Elon bot Twitter eh?

Haha! :D

I also came here to post that he seems to be having buyer’s remorse on his 44 billion USD metaphorical Mazda Miata.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Jumpin said:
EricHiggin said:

So Elon bot Twitter eh?

Haha! :D

I also came here to post that he seems to be having buyer’s remorse on his 44 billion USD metaphorical Mazda Miata.

I dunno, it looks as though Elon was at least somewhat aware of the situation from the get go. It almost seems like he planned on this for quite some time.