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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

I'd recommend getting news from Russian mouthpieces on the ground than Kiev independent and similar sources*

Fixed that for you.

Thank God that you don't represent British people at large.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 26 April 2023

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Libara said:
Skeeuk said:

Look at the leaked top secret document that was in news Americans put losses 7 to 1 in Russia favour. Ukraine has nothing apart from what is donated. I'd recommend Getting news from telegram channels on the ground than Kiev independent and similar sources

It's Ukraine running out of stuff not Russia..

Explain what's happening here? There's tons of videos of officers literally kidnapping men from streets they are on 11th or so mobilisation against a country that hasn't even declared war on them.

You know wagner is actively recruiting right? You have the mindset that they look for.

Oh you know these people wouldn't dare move to Russia, despite how much they scream about how evil the West is, how it's all our fault, how Putin is amazing and I wish he was my leader!

Doctored Russian Telegram channels, such a good source of information.

Everything in the West = Fake News.

Skeeuk said:
EpicRandy said:

Bakhmuth have been used by Ukraine to inflict maximum casualities to russian and lock large swats of their troops in the east. So far it's been a sucess for Ukraine on both front. 

And there's absolutetly no genuine way to look at the situation and not conclude that Russia is not the one responsible for Ukraine financial status. Anyway Russia will end up with the bill with this is all done.

Support from Nato and other nations have been unwavering and only increased over time. All the indication point that it will continue this way.

Look at the leaked top secret document that was in news Americans put losses 7 to 1 in Russia favour. Ukraine has nothing apart from what is donated. I'd recommend Getting news from telegram channels on the ground than Kiev independent and similar sources

It's Ukraine running out of stuff not Russia..

Explain what's happening here? There's tons of videos of officers literally kidnapping men from streets they are on 11th or so mobilisation against a country that hasn't even declared war on them.

First your link is not working, seconds I have 0 confidence in a site whose domain name is, and neither should you.  

Also the CIA documents highlight 189,500 to 223,000 Russian casualties (35,500 to 43,000 death), compared to 124,500 to 131,000 Ukrainians (15,500 to 17,500 death). So you are clearly being misinformed.

If your info had any elements of truths in them, then explain why isn't it already over, explain why Russian progress is ever so slow, explain Kharkhiv, explain Kherson, and Explain why Ukraine just does not leave Bakmuth which has 0 value other than the ability to inflict casualties to Russian.

It's not like we expect all of our information to be devoid of propaganda but your information goes against the reality of the situation in so many ways it's baffling to even give them a hint of credit.

What is he even talking about? He mentions the CIA documents as source but then he mentions a 7:1 ratio of losses in Russia's favour even though the documents clearly state that Russia has higher losses (but Ukraine has high losses as well obviously). It doesn't make any sense. You either believe the CIA documents or you don't but you can't believe them but mention completely different numbers lol.

If Ukraine's losses would be so much higher and if Russia would be in such a good shape why would they waste so much time to fight for a few kilometers of area and not just run over Ukraine's army? 

Why is logic so hard for some? And yes, Ukraine wouldn't have a chance without other countries helping them with equipment obviously. And Ukraine got stomped the first weeks especially in Mariupol. That's also when Ukraine obviously lost many men. Too bad for Russia that they thought nobody would help Ukraine, right? That happens when you are delusional and think everyone is so scared of you to not get in your way. 

No idea if Ukraine will be able to get back any of the territory they already lost years ago to Russia or only what they've lost since last year but one is for sure, Russia fought a war which is completely  nonsense and doesn't gain anything from that war. 

Last edited by crissindahouse - on 26 April 2023

crissindahouse said:

What is he even talking about? He mentions the CIA documents as source but then he mentions a 7:1 ratio of losses in Russia's favour even though the documents clearly state that Russia has higher losses (but Ukraine has high losses as well obviously). It doesn't make any sense. You either believe the CIA documents or you don't but you can't believe them but mention completely different numbers lol.

Russian telegrams doctored the documents when they leaked, which ironically didn't go in their favour because then it put doubt into what is real/fake.

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Eighth? Guessing (in no particular order).

  1. Tanks
  2. Artillery Ammo
  3. Long-Range Missiles.
  4. Air Defence.
  5. Infantry Vehicles
  6. Ammo/Infantry Equipment
  7. ????
  8. Western Jets.

Still not happy it that it's old Leopard 1's mixed in with the 230 tanks or Soviet tanks but at least it's something.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 26 April 2023

Ryuu96 said:

Eighth? Guessing (in no particular order).

  1. Tanks
  2. Artillery Ammo
  3. Long-Range Missiles.
  4. Air Defence.
  5. Infantry Vehicles
  6. Ammo/Infantry Equipment
  7. ????
  8. Western Jets.

Still not happy it that it's old Leopard 1's mixed in with the 230 tanks or Soviet tanks but at least it's something.

All the better to give Russian troops what they deserve.

Ryuu96 said:

Eighth? Guessing (in no particular order).

  1. Tanks
  2. Artillery Ammo
  3. Long-Range Missiles.
  4. Air Defence.
  5. Infantry Vehicles
  6. Ammo/Infantry Equipment
  7. ????
  8. Western Jets.

7. I would assume stuff like demining and bridge laying equipment which will be vital for a counter offensive.

For example Tucker Carlson has been spreading this 7:1 lie, it's explained here

Here's a list of pro-Russia actors and propagandists

If you see information spread by these people it's best to apply some extra-critical thinking. Actually Kim Dotcom is looking to sue Pekka Kallioniemi over this list and some others are calling Elon to ban it from Twitter lol free speech, anyone? 

KiigelHeart said:

For example Tucker Carlson has been spreading this 7:1 lie, it's explained here

Here's a list of pro-Russia actors and propagandists

If you see information spread by these people it's best to apply some extra-critical thinking. Actually Kim Dotcom is looking to sue Pekka Kallioniemi over this list and some others are calling Elon to ban it from Twitter lol free speech, anyone? 

16. "Useful idiots"

Lmao. 👀

The far right guys like Fucker Carlson are hypocrites when it comes to free speech, hypocrites when it comes to "cancel culture".

Wouldn't surprise me if Elon actually did ban it from Twitter.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 27 April 2023