Skeeuk said:
Look at the leaked top secret document that was in news Americans put losses 7 to 1 in Russia favour. Ukraine has nothing apart from what is donated. I'd recommend Getting news from telegram channels on the ground than Kiev independent and similar sources It's Ukraine running out of stuff not Russia.. Explain what's happening here? There's tons of videos of officers literally kidnapping men from streets they are on 11th or so mobilisation against a country that hasn't even declared war on them. |
First your link is not working, seconds I have 0 confidence in a site whose domain name is, and neither should you.
Also the CIA documents highlight 189,500 to 223,000 Russian casualties (35,500 to 43,000 death), compared to 124,500 to 131,000 Ukrainians (15,500 to 17,500 death). So you are clearly being misinformed.
If your info had any elements of truths in them, then explain why isn't it already over, explain why Russian progress is ever so slow, explain Kharkhiv, explain Kherson, and Explain why Ukraine just does not leave Bakmuth which has 0 value other than the ability to inflict casualties to Russian.
It's not like we expect all of our information to be devoid of propaganda but your information goes against the reality of the situation in so many ways it's baffling to even give them a hint of credit.