What is he even talking about? He mentions the CIA documents as source but then he mentions a 7:1 ratio of losses in Russia's favour even though the documents clearly state that Russia has higher losses (but Ukraine has high losses as well obviously). It doesn't make any sense. You either believe the CIA documents or you don't but you can't believe them but mention completely different numbers lol.
If Ukraine's losses would be so much higher and if Russia would be in such a good shape why would they waste so much time to fight for a few kilometers of area and not just run over Ukraine's army?
Why is logic so hard for some? And yes, Ukraine wouldn't have a chance without other countries helping them with equipment obviously. And Ukraine got stomped the first weeks especially in Mariupol. That's also when Ukraine obviously lost many men. Too bad for Russia that they thought nobody would help Ukraine, right? That happens when you are delusional and think everyone is so scared of you to not get in your way.
No idea if Ukraine will be able to get back any of the territory they already lost years ago to Russia or only what they've lost since last year but one is for sure, Russia fought a war which is completely nonsense and doesn't gain anything from that war.
Last edited by crissindahouse - on 26 April 2023