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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

Unfortunately Oryx may stop updating soon due to health issues.

Shame, it was the best source of the minimum amount of Russian equipment losses.

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Imperialist country trying to expand its reach only to become China's little bitch.

I too wish I lived in a country where criticism of a leader can land you in a gulag.

Putin's setting up tactical weapons in Belarus. Now what do we do? -_-

CaptainExplosion said:

Putin's setting up tactical weapons in Belarus. Now what do we do? -_-

Nothing, it literally means nothing, like all of Putin's attempts to scare us.

Russia already has tactical nuclear weapons in Kaliningrad which is located here.

We do nothing aside from maybe laugh at how much of a simp Lukashenko is to Putin.

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And honestly given it's Russia, there's also a decent chance it's all bullshit too.

But the invasion of Ukraine isn't bullshit, and Russia keepa firing on civilians.

Skeeuk said:

that list is absolutely pathetic. anyone can type numbers on a PC and upload it. since the begining theres a massive info war painting russia as looser and ukraine as winner its a disgrace. the truth is nobody knows but you get an idea if ukraine is on its 10th or 11th mobilisation things are looking dire for them

Yes, there's an information war. But up till now all the visual evidence overwhelmingly favors the stats that Ukraine has given out while Russia's claims are all too often exposed as lies and deception.

This war started as a special operation that was supposed to be concluded within a week. It has now entered month 16. Russia has scaled back its goal from full conquest to regional control and they aren't even managing to accomplish that. Just look at the fierce battle of Bakhmut that has been ongoing for months; you can doubt the numbers of manpower and equipment losses in and around the city, but there's no shred of doubt that Russia still hasn't managed to conquer the city.

Is Russia losing? They sure are.

Is Ukraine winning? Not yet. Despite Ukraine's continued commitment to defend and take back their country, the collective West continues to doubt them. It's this ongoing hesitation that has bought Russia much needed time over and over again.

The West's hesitation is grounded in the nature of democratic systems, namely political parties looking out to maintain their voter base. There are too many surveys and too many countries that display no clear general consensus of the common people in either direction when it comes to the question of weapon deliveries to Ukraine. What plays a big role in this is the information war where too many people fall prey to Russia's bullshit and are unable to tell fact and fiction apart.

The best argument against democracy is a ten minute conversation with the average voter.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

Skeeuk said:
Ryuu96 said:

that list is absolutely pathetic. anyone can type numbers on a PC and upload it. since the begining theres a massive info war painting russia as looser and ukraine as winner its a disgrace. the truth is nobody knows but you get an idea if ukraine is on its 10th or 11th mobilisation things are looking dire for them

What exactly is pathetic about the list? We have thousands of destroyed tanks and other equipment confirmed with photos and videos. 

The human casualties might differ from that list but it can't look much better for Russia considering all the destroyed equipment and drone videos. 

Might be 10-20k less or might be even more but it definitely won't be so much better for Russia that the list is pathetic.

Ukraine's losses? They will be horrible as well but at least they die for defending their country. Russians die for Putins ego

crissindahouse said:
Skeeuk said:

that list is absolutely pathetic. anyone can type numbers on a PC and upload it. since the begining theres a massive info war painting russia as looser and ukraine as winner its a disgrace. the truth is nobody knows but you get an idea if ukraine is on its 10th or 11th mobilisation things are looking dire for them

What exactly is pathetic about the list? We have thousands of destroyed tanks and other equipment confirmed with photos and videos. 

The human casualties might differ from that list but it can't look much better for Russia considering all the destroyed equipment and drone videos. 

Might be 10-20k less or might be even more but it definitely won't be so much better for Russia that the list is pathetic.

Ukraine's losses? They will be horrible as well but at least they die for defending their country. Russians die for Putins ego

That's why I don't weap for dead Russian troops. Not a single human being among them.