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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

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On a less serious note, but more topical for this website, it has occurred to me that Stalker 2: Heart of Chernobyl can probably be removed from the list of games slated for this year.
It was scheduled to release in December having been pushed back from April a few months ago. The developer, GSC Game World, is based in Kyiv. I don’t think I need to fill in the blanks for anyone.

Last edited by SecondWar - on 01 March 2022

SegaHeart said:

What happens after if Russia does win the war in Ukraine? Russia needs to not attack another Country , or make false claims another country is joining nato?Yes , Before Ukraine it was Syria and Georgia that Russia attacked I think they are smaller but Ukraine is huge about 44 million in population . Almost Everybody in the Planet knows Ukraine , Georgia was something not even FIFA has as a soccer team? If Russia does win they should back off from another known Country that is recognize globally. I heard a video of a woman saying the bad Russians are driving by when they see someone on the street they just shoot I can't those are innocent people . Why is peace talks taking so long? I don't think Zelensky can beat Putin? Putin military keeps shelling the cities I hope Ukraine president does something to get the peace talks before it's over

a) Not true. Georgia is indeed a member of FIFA, and UEFA and enters every qualifying tournament it is eligible for though has yet to qualify for one. It feel just short for Euro 2020, losing the play-off to North Macedonia. The only countries in the world without FIFA membership are a few small island nations in the Pacific.

(sorry, football know-it-all who felt obliged)

b) Likely because the terms presented were unacceptable. Russia wants a Ukrainian capitulation. Ukraine was to preserve its independence. And I wouldn’t trust Russia right now in the talks. They will likely feel they are in a position where they can stall and hope shifts in the frontline will force Ukraine to agree to terms more beneficial to Russia.

Massive Russian military convoy of tanks and military closing in. Airforce is waiting for orders.

Ryuu96 said:

I'm not sure how Russia lasts 1 year, let alone 10, under the current sanctions...

The easy answer is probably because China. The more grim explanation is that they probably don't expect the sanctions will last, once the fighting dies down and long occupation begin some country will probably scale down their sanctions  and some will literally bend over for Russian Oil and Gaz. Also Russia will find ways to mitigate the remaining sanctions.

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Ryuu96 said:

I'm not sure how Russia lasts 1 year, let alone 10, under the current sanctions...

They're assuming China is ultimately going to act as a backstop for Russia. China may not be happy (publicly) with what Putin is doing, but they don't want the uncertainty that Russians might oust him and replace him with a leader that pivots Russia towards the west and away from China.

It's one of the more hideous jokes against human society that so much of the world's oil and gas is in the hands of despots like Putin and King Salman.

SecondWar said:
SecondWar said:

I'm curious how some sports like tennis, where players compete as individuals rather than nations, handle the bans.

There's a big tournament in Indian Wells next week. The full draw isn't out yet but the seeds are. The men's draw has 4 Russian players. The Women's has 2 Russian and 2 Belarusian, but also 1 Ukrainian. Could well be contentious if the Ukrainian player is drawn to play any of the Russians or Belarusians.

With the football ban, unsurprisingly Russia are whinging about the ban being unfair and are going to challenge it, as expected. But given such bans have been applied to South Africa and Yugoslavia in the past I can't see them overturning it. And they can go whistle as far as I'm concerned.

Formula 1 have just annouced that Russian driver Nikita Mazepin is permitted to complete in this year’s championship albeit not under the Russian flag (so if he gets on the podium in any race it will be under to FIA flag). I can understand them drawing a distinction between a Russian person and Russian national teams here - and this might be reflected in other sports like tennis

I’ve now seen it reported that the tennis organisations are allowing Russian and Belarusian players to continue competing but under neutral flags. This is in effect in tournaments on the WTA this week.

The top ranked Ukrainian player, Elina Svitolina, was drawn against a Russian player and has agreed to play her under a neutral flag. She had previously said she would withdraw.

In team tournaments though, such as the upcoming Billie Jean King Cup, Russia have been kicked out.

Machiavellian said:

I find this interesting, exactly what is being overblown about the invasion.  Could you elaborate on this one and if possible put the source of it.  If you believe one story and doubt another, is it your bias that choose one over the other or is it creditable evidence.  I am not doubting what you say as those things does happen but the story of one Ukranian that says things isnt all that bad when we have other first hand images from multiple sources would need some backing up.

Yes of course let me see..., i was writting this response before but it suddenly the tab closed and it didn't save in fact i think the previous version was better written,but here i go again:

We have been having an influx of shock videos, images and notes that have been used by newspapers, TV and other media around the world and shared a lot in social media,  but have been verified to be false as pointed out by Agencia EFE (in spanish but you can use google translate in those sites,  has a great counting of reported fake imagery)

and others media

Some have reported that several of the fake news spreaders have even go so far to use videogames, CGI and other footage to "describe" the situation in the zone

not only it has been sharing on the social media but also in "official and credited" news media outlets like this spanish ones, which was rightfully called out by the people that sumbmitted the twits 

Others have used images like children injured or one that has been in a lot of news, about a girl bidding farewell to his dad who has to stay to fight off the invasion, which is in fact the reverse, it was a image of a father in the separatist republic of Donestk who had to flee to Rusia and leave his daughter behind, becuase of the conflict in 2014

on another note this colombian guy was interviewed in Univision, and the journalist were appaled that he was denying the narrative they were going to push him to say about the Russians

Also, I have had relatives living abroad in both Rusia and Ukraine to study and do their careers for almost all their life, and also several teachers that came from there to the university I studied, living there before and after the fall of the USSR, and like the colombian guy they have pointed out that first, there has always been a lot of missinformation spreaded in the western countries and their media about how it was living there (not that it was a paradise, in fact some had it harsh), but also they pointed out is that there were a lot of local conflicts in those regions, and one thing that they observed repeteadly is that people started to treat each other more and more in very roughly manner, according to "identity", "nationalisms", "ethnic groups" and other things even before the fall of the USSR . Now part of the problem is that people have started to divide among themselves in some regions by such categories, that for simplicity have been labeled by some into  "pro-russian" or separatist, and "Ukrainians".

Some chronology to have more information about the conflict

what we get is that there are regions where large groups people aren't not only not in accordance with the government but also with their neighbors everyday people.

- By protests the president that was in 2013 was kicked out of power due to how a sector of people reacted to his politics and his retaliation, this opposition mainly represented a lot of people in Kiev and the neighboring blue regions in a map, and a few red regions in the map

- in 2014 the opposition made themselves with the goverment, but then the people at Crimea, lots of them of Russian ancestry decided that the region should form part of Russia again, doing a referendum with an 80% of approval this was rejected by USA and other countries.

- the new Ukraine government takes his first military actions against territories in the East when groups started taking out governmental buildings.

- then groups of people in Luhansk and Donetsk, also decided to become independent of Ukraine henceforth known as separatists, 

- new president is elected in 2014 and the groups try to make a truce which  was later violated by separatist attacks

- by 2015 they reach a new agreement of cessfire, but in the end both sides kept attacking each other, western media mostly pointing at separatist groups, while some others (like the colombian that was interviewed by Univision), also point at the continuous harrassment, attacks, bullyng out of the country, and assasinations to the groups that are seen as "pro-russian" by central government(the mislabeled photo of the father leaving his daughter was such a case)

Now Putin has gone off the Rails, in fact i think it was dumb since this just gave the pretext to USA to expand NATO(which they already planned) and have more bases and weapons targeting Russia, there is no need for fake news or missinformation Putin is discredditting himself alone,  the conflict is still at local(eastern european level) but USA and some media seem eager to scalate this conflict to global levels a few days ago Biden said something about "World War III being a solution to the conflict",(in spanish

there's a lot of things going on, and there has been a lot of historic tensions in the region, as this Mexican historian points out

that Ukraine joining NATO is just a pretext to have complete Europe become USA private gun pointing at Russia's head, which has only been a continuation of their politic against everything they saw as "comunist" after the end of world war II, and which supposedly shouldn't serve any purpose after the fall of the USSR in 1991.

Now while i disagree with Putin actions,i agree with other users that I don't think taking it out on the Russian people(some have been very vocal against the conflict) like the athletes, scientist,

(image says "This war doesn't have any ration justification": Nobel Prize and more than 600 russian scientis protest.)

baning the products like the vodka, or making Xenophobic remarks and actions truly helps to aleviate things, my country for example was having a homage to Dominican Republic independence, and some retards mistook the blue, red and white colors in the projections for showing support for Russia and started calling out xenophobic things, while we have always had and important populace of Russians AND Ukrainians living here.

As i previously said i would hope for this to end in the quickest and less violent way possible, also there's still tons and tons of information recent and historical we have to analyze to better understand the conflicts and the historic processes that have lead us to them, like I said before this was written better but now i made it in a hurry since i still wanted to give out some of the sites as they were fresh in my memory that have been churning out the fakes and giving more information, greetings.

Last edited by foxmccloud64 - on 01 March 2022

Under siege. Russians have arrived. This is bad news.
Putin does not believe in democracy. It is Putin's way or the highway.

I will say this, there is a lot of misinformation going around but when war comes out so do all the bad actors.  Case in point would be how that Biden statement was twisted to make it appear he was in favor of world war III.  This is why I have repeatedly stated that never go on clips or videos or opinion statements from talking heads until you can actually see the full thing.  This happens so often especially in todays social media where constructing a message is way more important than the truth.  As long as you use a bit of truth within its construction you can always feign ignorance.

Just today, I was watching that Bolden interview on Newsmax which is funny because in one breath, they blame Joe Biden for the sanctions helping to cause this way then try to use sanctions during the Trump administration to show how tough he was on Russia and its the reason they did not go to war during his term.  

At the end of the day, we did not get here because of Trump or Biden or Obama but instead we have gotten here because of Putin.  More importantly I believe Putin getting very close and making a solid alliance with China is the real key to him believing he could make this happen.  Without China, Russia would get crushed by the sanctions but with China, they have a source that can keep them afloat for a very long time.  If China would pull support or by GOD throw out a few sanctions, this war would be over tomorrow.  

The tough part is finding a way to give Putin an out without losing to much face.  No matter how much you may hate this guy, the end result should be to get this war done with the least amount of life lost as possible.  Putting Putin in a corner where he feels he has to continue means this war will continue for a long time.  

We know that Biden and his administration was working for months to get China to get involved before this all happen.  Maybe they need to get China, Putin and Ukraine at the table again if possible to get something settled.  It doesn't need to be public, as trying to make Putin as Hitler just does not solve the problem.  Everyone get in there hash out the deal, let Putin make some public statement dressed up to make himself not look bad and end this war.