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I will say this, there is a lot of misinformation going around but when war comes out so do all the bad actors.  Case in point would be how that Biden statement was twisted to make it appear he was in favor of world war III.  This is why I have repeatedly stated that never go on clips or videos or opinion statements from talking heads until you can actually see the full thing.  This happens so often especially in todays social media where constructing a message is way more important than the truth.  As long as you use a bit of truth within its construction you can always feign ignorance.

Just today, I was watching that Bolden interview on Newsmax which is funny because in one breath, they blame Joe Biden for the sanctions helping to cause this way then try to use sanctions during the Trump administration to show how tough he was on Russia and its the reason they did not go to war during his term.  

At the end of the day, we did not get here because of Trump or Biden or Obama but instead we have gotten here because of Putin.  More importantly I believe Putin getting very close and making a solid alliance with China is the real key to him believing he could make this happen.  Without China, Russia would get crushed by the sanctions but with China, they have a source that can keep them afloat for a very long time.  If China would pull support or by GOD throw out a few sanctions, this war would be over tomorrow.  

The tough part is finding a way to give Putin an out without losing to much face.  No matter how much you may hate this guy, the end result should be to get this war done with the least amount of life lost as possible.  Putting Putin in a corner where he feels he has to continue means this war will continue for a long time.  

We know that Biden and his administration was working for months to get China to get involved before this all happen.  Maybe they need to get China, Putin and Ukraine at the table again if possible to get something settled.  It doesn't need to be public, as trying to make Putin as Hitler just does not solve the problem.  Everyone get in there hash out the deal, let Putin make some public statement dressed up to make himself not look bad and end this war.