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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

I'm very in favour of banning Russian teams from competing.
The Russian state is involved in all of them. For example, the president of the Russian football association is the CEO of Gazprom Neft, a Gazprom subsidiary. Similar is true for Russian clubs.

Something people also aren't considering, where are they supposed to compete against each other? In Russia? Hell no.
What's the alternative? The EU airspace (among others) is shut for Russian planes and vice versa. They'd have to play on neutral ground and that's what non-Russian teams (maybe Russian teams as well idk) don't accept for various reasons.

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Barozi said:

I'm very in favour of banning Russian teams from competing.
The Russian state is involved in all of them. For example, the president of the Russian football association is the CEO of Gazprom Neft, a Gazprom subsidiary. Similar is true for Russian clubs.

Something people also aren't considering, where are they supposed to compete against each other? In Russia? Hell no.
What's the alternative? The EU airspace (among others) is shut for Russian planes and vice versa. They'd have to play on neutral ground and that's what non-Russian teams (maybe Russian teams as well idk) don't accept for various reasons.

They are major stores now not selling russian vodka , what do you make of it?

Putin's war not going to plan. Turkey deniesd Russia warships access to Black Sea. Russia has failed to secure UK airspace. This war is going to last longer than expected.

KratosLives said:

The russian athlete and sport people being banned from major sports events is bullshit. What do theyhave to do with putin and political affairs? Is this even legal? It goes against human rights and to me is just as evil and a stain on humanity.

You're seriously going to complain about sports at a time like this?

So they don't get to compete in the FIFA World Cup, boo-fucking-hoo.

I'm sure all the dead Ukrainians will play a song on the world's smallest violins for the Russian goalkeeper who won't get the chance to kick the ball away in Qatar this winter while Putin looks on from his cozy little press box.

The people of Russia, athletes or not, need to understand that what Putin is doing is absolutely, 220% UNACCEPTABLE!

No ifs, and, or buts.

Actions have consequences - And his country being disqualified from miniscule sporting events is a very minor consequence in the grand scheme of things. To the Russian athletes who understand this, oppose Putin, and support Ukraine - They'll be on the right side of history and God bless them.
To those who side with Putin - Fuck them, they should be banned from competing in whatever sport they play permanently once the ban ends.

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PAOerfulone said:
KratosLives said:

The russian athlete and sport people being banned from major sports events is bullshit. What do theyhave to do with putin and political affairs? Is this even legal? It goes against human rights and to me is just as evil and a stain on humanity.

You're seriously going to complain about sports at a time like this?

So they don't get to compete in the FIFA World Cup, boo-fucking-hoo.

I'm sure all the dead Ukrainians will play a song on the world's smallest violins for the Russian goalkeeper who won't get the chance to kick the ball away in Qatar this winter while Putin looks on from his cozy little press box.

The people of Russia, athletes or not, need to understand that what Putin is doing is absolutely, 220% UNACCEPTABLE!

No ifs, and, or buts.

Actions have consequences - And his country being disqualified from miniscule sporting events is a very minor consequence in the grand scheme of things. To the Russian athletes who understand this, oppose Putin, and support Ukraine - They'll be on the right side of history and God bless them.
To those who side with Putin - Fuck them, they should be banned from competing in whatever sport they play permanently once the ban ends.

I'm curious how some sports like tennis, where players compete as individuals rather than nations, handle the bans.

There's a big tournament in Indian Wells next week. The full draw isn't out yet but the seeds are. The men's draw has 4 Russian players. The Women's has 2 Russian and 2 Belarusian, but also 1 Ukrainian. Could well be contentious if the Ukrainian player is drawn to play any of the Russians or Belarusians.

With the football ban, unsurprisingly Russia are whinging about the ban being unfair and are going to challenge it, as expected. But given such bans have been applied to South Africa and Yugoslavia in the past I can't see them overturning it. And they can go whistle as far as I'm concerned.

Man 2022 was supposed to be the year, corona slowly fizzelled out.
SURPRISE! Putin decided to kick off a war in europe just for funsies cuz... why not!? *sigh*

KratosLives said:

They are major stores now not selling russian vodka , what do you make of it?

Collateral damage. Insignificant for now, but the longer it takes, it will eventually lead to hate crimes against Russian immigrants abroad.

The danger is that this conflict leads to falling back into black and white binary thinking. The same thinking that led to Russian soldiers killing Russians that live on the other side of a virtual line.

I'm in two minds about all the military hardware that's currently being given to Ukraine. In an active war it's not much of a deterrent and will lead to more casualties. It's escalating the conflict further. But that's human nature, time to go at it... So far civilians blocking the streets seem more effective. The papers here say 660K people have fled the Ukraine so far, perhaps more effort should be put into helping those people out instead of sending weapons.

Reading about all the rich and successful sportsman from Ukraine going back to their country to defend it shows what kind of people these Ukrainians are. If even those who would never have to risk anything go there to fight for this country you can only imagine how many "normal" people who live there think. It still looks like they won''t have a chance with the sheer amount of soldiers and military equipment Russia is using but every Ukrainian can be damn proud about this country and their people.