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Forums - PC Discussion - Steam Deck looks awful


Thoughts on the Steam Deck?

Way too big, who wants to play an anvil? 19 27.14%
Bad design but still cool idea 17 24.29%
Maybe a Steam Deck Mini w... 3 4.29%
Does it come with a wireless gamepad? lol 1 1.43%
I'll just play it on my c... 0 0%
It's huge but still looking forward to it 11 15.71%
You're crazy it looks awesome 19 27.14%
Conina said:
Mummelmann said:

And we haven't even mentioned the storage issue, these won't be taking physical discs of any kind so internal storage will fill up incredibly fast. The 64GB model is a joke, modern games are often huge, and buying extra storage in the form of SD cards or other solutions is an extra expense for the consumer.

microSD cards are pretty cheap these days, less than 10 cents per GB... f.e. 400 GB for less than €40, 512 GB for less than €50.

And the games seem to load faster from a microSD on Steam deck than the same games from HDD on PS4/Pro or Xbox One/S/X.

You can even hotswap microSD cards on the Steam Deck, so you don't have to reboot the device like on Switch.

Also there are many great games that should run fine on Steam Deck which are a lot smaller than 10 GB.

I've got a 512 GB card for 30€ once from some company I've never heard of and never again will I even try buying cheap cards. It didn't work, it was broken. All the other ones from Sandisk for example are at least 100€. Their cards work perfectly. You can get them for less than 50€, but there's a high chance that they're cheap trash, just like the price suggests.

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Kakadu18 said:
Conina said:

microSD cards are pretty cheap these days, less than 10 cents per GB... f.e. 400 GB for less than €40, 512 GB for less than €50.

And the games seem to load faster from a microSD on Steam deck than the same games from HDD on PS4/Pro or Xbox One/S/X.

You can even hotswap microSD cards on the Steam Deck, so you don't have to reboot the device like on Switch.

Also there are many great games that should run fine on Steam Deck which are a lot smaller than 10 GB.

I've got a 512 GB card for 30€ once from some company I've never heard of and never again will I even try buying cheap cards. It didn't work, it was broken. All the other ones from Sandisk for example are at least 100€. Their cards work perfectly. You can get them for less than 50€, but there's a high chance that they're cheap trash, just like the price suggests.

Kakadu18 said:
Conina said:

microSD cards are pretty cheap these days, less than 10 cents per GB... f.e. 400 GB for less than €40, 512 GB for less than €50.

And the games seem to load faster from a microSD on Steam deck than the same games from HDD on PS4/Pro or Xbox One/S/X.

You can even hotswap microSD cards on the Steam Deck, so you don't have to reboot the device like on Switch.

Also there are many great games that should run fine on Steam Deck which are a lot smaller than 10 GB.

I've got a 512 GB card for 30€ once from some company I've never heard of and never again will I even try buying cheap cards. It didn't work, it was broken. All the other ones from Sandisk for example are at least 100€. Their cards work perfectly. You can get them for less than 50€, but there's a high chance that they're cheap trash, just like the price suggests.

Yeah always get memory cards from reputable retailers. There's a lot of fakes out there and sometimes you can get duds from even legit ones. I got a relatively cheap 512GB Samsung Evo for £38 during Black Friday fron Amazon which works great.

Conina said:
Kakadu18 said:

I've got a 512 GB card for 30€ once from some company I've never heard of and never again will I even try buying cheap cards. It didn't work, it was broken. All the other ones from Sandisk for example are at least 100€. Their cards work perfectly. You can get them for less than 50€, but there's a high chance that they're cheap trash, just like the price suggests.

I should check Otto next time.

Last holiday you could get 512 GB U3 Samsung EVO micro SD cards (the new ones colored blue) for 55 dollars-ish in the Mexican Amazon, and the Gigastone ones of the same capacity were 40. Anything less than that is a big hell nah.

My bet with The_Liquid_Laser: I think the Switch won't surpass the PS2 as the best selling system of all time. If it does, I'll play a game of a list that The_Liquid_Laser will provide, I will have to play it for 50 hours or complete it, whatever comes first. 

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Chazore said:
DonFerrari said:

And what Valve expertise do you expect on Steam Deck with their zero success? And fault on Steam Machines falls entirely on Steam that wasn´t able to even provide good guidelines when certifying the machines. If any console were bad due to the platform holders allowing vendors to freely decide the specs of components sold to them to assembly wouldn´t you blame them?

Well for starters they've been making leaps with their OS, instead of just sitting there and letting it rot in the corner. For another they've obviously worked from prototype stage of the Deck to it's final release, as well as 3 variation models, so that tells me they are dedicated to selling their product. The first batch are also completely sold out as well.

They and devs are also working together to optimise games for their OS, so that also shows that both parties are working together to make it happen. So far reception towards the device seems rather positive, and that alone tells me that it's going to appeal to those that have already bought it/ people like me who are wanting to buy one in the future. 

The fault of Steam machines isn't on Valve, it was on the vendors for going batshit crazy with their parts. The main part of the SM's was the OS, the HW was supplied by each vendor that made their own Steam machine. Saying Alienware isn't responsible for it's own Steam machine is a bit absurd, considering they have a known track record of shoving in all kinds of parts and charging you out the ass, why would their Steam machine be any different?.

Yuri put it best when he mentioned Nintendo, and Nintendo got bit when they shoved out the Wii U and we all know how that went, that was on them for making a console so underpowered and gimmicky, that not many 3rd parties wanted to port to it.

The Deck however is another handheld device that is already supported from the get-go, thanks to it's Linux distro and on top of that, Valve/devs working together to optimise it further, gaining more perf per game.

Steam machines also weren't really as much as a console as you'd think. They were SFF's.

Would you care to explain how expertise in making OS translates to developing good HW?

The fault is fully on Valve it is their product and brand there is no way around it. Didn't say Alienware have no responsibility, but ultmost responsibility lies with Steam they are the platform holder and who designed how the system was supposed to be. The great part of consoles is paying less for the HW for more performance, Steam tried to benefit of it without putting the effort just wanting the profit.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

We seemed to have moved on from pockets. I am disappointed.

Dulfite said:

We seemed to have moved on from pockets. I am disappointed.

That subject have been pocketed.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

DonFerrari said:
Dulfite said:

We seemed to have moved on from pockets. I am disappointed.

That subject have been pocketed.

You win the internet for the day!

DonFerrari said:

Would you care to explain how expertise in making OS translates to developing good HW?

The fault is fully on Valve it is their product and brand there is no way around it. Didn't say Alienware have no responsibility, but ultmost responsibility lies with Steam they are the platform holder and who designed how the system was supposed to be. The great part of consoles is paying less for the HW for more performance, Steam tried to benefit of it without putting the effort just wanting the profit.

You know the story of how it went, yet at the same time you are treating Valve as if it is a copy of Sony/Nintendo, when they really aren't, and even then, Sony/Nintendo worked with HW manufacturers, not HW vendors that put together their own systems.

Sony makes it's order for manufacturing, same with Nintendo, Valve literally said to the hw *vendors* "build your own Steam machines how you want", expecting them to know better (which they should, that goes without saying). 

Steam machines was their idea, Alienware's own Steam machine was of their own HW, put together from HW manufacturers, even they didn't own half the hw inside the damn thing. The only part that was Valve's was the gamepad and the OS, nothing more. 

Valve didn't ultra specifically tell each vendor to design any of those Steam machine at all. They literally said they could do what they wanted, as long as they contained the Steam OS, because that's how Valve are, you see how they design their games, they don't spam shit out constantly like a PLC, and they don't breath down necks all the time (like the big 3 do for nearly everything). 

It's so weird how you're trying to word it like they are some big bad retard or something, when they really aren't like that. Like I said, Yuri's already explained this before and I've been trying to explain it to you here, so if you cannot accept either, then we cannot do anything more for you (but I'm not going to allow baseless blame when the subject hasn't been researched from your end, to what is common knowledge on mine/Yuri's end). 

Also we're straying off course here with past device talk, instead of the current, which is the Steam Deck.

Last edited by Chazore - on 08 February 2022

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"