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Time for new hints, #31 hasn’t been guessed yet, so the third hint may be of interest to @GoOnKid (Ride 3 or 4 was incorrect) or @Farsala . Also first hint for #30.

#32: Chose one of three families, naturally one goes west over the mountains, the next goes east towards islands and ancient lands, and the third goes across the sea to the desert and fertile shores.

Hint 2: Even though each of these three families are the driving force behind the expansion of this empire, or republic actually, you all still answer to a central government that owns the capital.

Hint 3: At some point however, you'll want everything for yourself, and you'll start a big war to conquer all the areas of the other two families and, finally, the capital itself to become the first emperor. Guessed by Farsala - Rome: Total War

#31: This games comes with what is maybe the most accessible map editor ever shipped alongside a game, where you can simply put down track elements such as tabletops, whoops and low high and high jumps as simple tiles.

Hint 2: Especially interesting, I always thought it was pretty hypnotising at least, was how you had to "verify" your newly built track before you could save it. The computer would then visibly trace your tiles and pieces first with black outlines from start to finish, and then remove all the tiles one after one temporarily in the backwards order.

Hint 3: You could however only create something for the ‘Supercross’ mode, not the ‘National’, ‘Baya’ or ‘Stunt Quarry’ modes. Which was too bad because ‘National’ was awesome.

#30: The battle between these two belligerents continues this time also over sea and air.

Around the Network
UnderwaterFunktown said:

Time for more hints:

32) The protagonist for this game looks decidedly different from the other protagonist of the series.


Alright, a new set of hints for the next five games.


  • Mountain on the horizon


  • The Core and the Arm


  • The main character is now an instructor at a military school


  • Deviating from the course of destiny


  • The origin of the dragon and the mad dog

#35: The Walking Dead

This game is great. The storyline and writing is superb with plenty of difficult choices to make that often enough lead to the death of certain characters. It's emotionally straining.

A fantastic adventure that I won't forget any time soon.

Darashiva said:

Alright, a new set of hints for the next five games.


  • Mountain on the horizon


Around the Network
S.Peelman said:
UnderwaterFunktown said:

Time for more hints:

32) The protagonist for this game looks decidedly different from the other protagonist of the series.


Nah. I think it's a bit better than people give it credit for, but I wouldn't put it near my top 50 :D

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coolbeans said:
Eric2048 said:

#39 This Is the first game in this franchise which will be celebrating it's 20th anniversary next year.

#38 This PS1 title received a remake in 2019 which added new characters and new Tracks to race on.

#37 Is the second game in this PS2 franchise. It allowed you take control of two other characters. The level structure was also changed up from the previous game.

#36  This Sequel introduced new features and improvements that would become staples in this franchise. One being the ability to level up weapons and health by deafeating enemies

#35 This Rpg originally released for the NES allowed you to recruit up to three other characters to join you in your quest to defeat a demon lord.

39 - Ratchet & Clank

38 - Crash Team Racing

I'll have to think of other ones.

#39 is correct

#38 also correct

UnderwaterFunktown said:
Eric2048 said:

#39 This Is the first game in this franchise which will be celebrating it's 20th anniversary next year.

#38 This PS1 title received a remake in 2019 which added new characters and new Tracks to race on.

#37 Is the second game in this PS2 franchise. It allowed you take control of two other characters. The level structure was also changed up from the previous game.

#36  This Sequel introduced new features and improvements that would become staples in this franchise. One being the ability to level up weapons and health by deafeating enemies

#35 This Rpg originally released for the NES allowed you to recruit up to three other characters to join you in your quest to defeat a demon lord.

39) Well many games fit this, I'm gonna guess Kingdom Hearts

37) Sly 2

#39 wrong but already guessed to be Ratchet and Clank

#37 is right

S.Peelman said:
Darashiva said:

Alright, a new set of hints for the next five games.


  • Mountain on the horizon



Darashiva said:
Farsala said:

35 Sci fi Fantasy but not Final Fantasy. Main character is dressed like he is going to beach every day, even in colder climates.

You can participate in the trades like Cooking, Alchemy, Engineering and Smithing. Some Characters are better than others at these things.

34 Yet another JRPG, this time featuring a franchise that wasn't really that popular until this entry.

When this game released, a lot of people enjoyed this game simply due to its distinct style, but the story has depth within the social climate.

35: Star Ocean 3?


S.Peelman said:
Farsala said:

2nd round of hints for the 3 left.

36 Mario never felt so fluid until now. Go anywhere!

By anywhere I mean like up, down, left, right. As well as the direction of the game, you can choose which worlds to enter from a main hub.

Stealing it: Super Mario 64.


Last hint for #34

34 Yet another JRPG, this time featuring a franchise that wasn't really that popular until this entry.

When this game released, a lot of people enjoyed this game simply due to its distinct style, but the story has depth within the social climate.

A lot like Digimon World 2, there is a fusion system. Fusing 2 strong things together naturally makes a stronger 1 thing.