Guessed by drbunnig
A legendary game, which I played many, many times. However, I never beat it. Nor did I ever beat its successor. This is because they are actually quite challenging. Maybe not in the realm of say NES Ninja Gaiden or Battletoads, but challenging nonetheless. Especially for a younger person. It's great though, because it has sword fights. The impressive thing is that even though this is a sprite based game, and its earliest release was in 1989, the animations are really detailed. Movement of the characters in all kinds of motions and directions are extremely fluid.
The premise is simple, escape the dungeon and make your way up through the palace to reach the throne room to save the princess from the usurper Jaffar who wants to take over the kingdom while the sultan is away at war. Halfway through the game you come across an impassable mirror. For year, years, we tried everything to get past it. Break it, jump over it, go around it. Nothing worked. Remember this weren't the days where you could just look up a walkthrough on the internet. One faithful day, probably in frustration, I just ran towards it and jumped. Lo and behold, you go right through! Years down the drain, but, ahh, the good old days.