That was a surprise. The last one for the 3DS should have had a port for the NS but at last Metroid on the Switch is real.
That was a surprise. The last one for the 3DS should have had a port for the NS but at last Metroid on the Switch is real.
Interesting info - Metroid 5 concludes the "Samus and Metroid Saga". Fresh start next game.
mZuzek said: I've never been in favour of a thumbs down button, but... |
Oh, come on! That was good! Where’s your sense of humor, man?!
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Mar1217 said:
It's prolly gonna take me 15 hours to complete and I wanna savour every freaking last drop of it ! |
15 hours? You don't play Metroid to beat. You play to master.
The_Liquid_Laser said: The only Metroid game I've really liked is the first one, but I'm willing to give this one a shot. It has potential. |
Really? Have you played Super and Fusion? Those games are like the original but with icing all over them, lol
I'm skeptical of Mercury Steam handling Metroid Fucking 5, to be honest. Samus Returns wasn't good at all.
Visuals are fine but they seem... bland, the aesthetic doesn't convince me. I don't know, I think there must be a way to make Metroid look amazing in 2021 on Switch's hardware.
My bet with The_Liquid_Laser: I think the Switch won't surpass the PS2 as the best selling system of all time. If it does, I'll play a game of a list that The_Liquid_Laser will provide, I will have to play it for 50 hours or complete it, whatever comes first.
Very cool announcement. Looks like Samus Returns gameplay meets the horror aspects of Fusion, Both the 5 and the Dread titles are pretty big.
One thing is so far it looks like the least colorful Metroid game since 2 on the black and white Gameboy. I'm hoping for more diverse and colorful environments in the final game.
PAOerfulone said: Hey guys, what does a Metroid fan feel when they hear Prime 4 is still in development? |
I sentence you to being chased by an E.M.M.I. for the rest of your life for such a mean, mean joke.
Now that I've seen it during the Treehouse segment I'm liking the aesthetics a lot more. I like how seamlessly it zooms out after close-ups and the detail in the backgrounds such as creatures running around looks good. So great that we finally got this game.
Wow. It's actually Metroid Dread. Didn't think I would ever hear that name again, unless in some joke.
Anyway, looked cool if you asked me.