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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Star Fox 2: The game that could have been.

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I'm glad this was canned in favor of Starfox 64. I don't think too highly of this game tbh. Feels like another Starfox game that misses the point of what I like about Starfox and tries to add some new gameplay element that ruins the pacing and slows the game down. I just want to fly and shoot. I don't want RTS elements in fucking Starfox. Also, the poodle is horrifying. Worse than crystal for Furry bait.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

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Pemalite said:
curl-6 said:

Yeah I'm pretty sure Starfox 2 was designed to run on the GSU-2 or "FX2" chip, and that it would be pretty much unplayable if you dumped it onto a FSU1/FX1 equipped cart.

People have dumped the Rom onto the "FX1" chip and had it running, it's not silky smooth 60fps... But that was never going to happen on a SNES pushing 100's of polygons. :P

That's interesting I had no idea it worked on an FX1 chip, I'm actually surprised since it seems to push more polygons than FX1 games like the first Starfox. Pretty sure the one I have is on the FX2 chip which I hear it was made for.

Leynos said:

I'm glad this was canned in favor of Starfox 64. I don't think too highly of this game tbh. Feels like another Starfox game that misses the point of what I like about Starfox and tries to add some new gameplay element that ruins the pacing and slows the game down. I just want to fly and shoot. I don't want RTS elements in fucking Starfox. Also, the poodle is horrifying. Worse than crystal for Furry bait.

Lylat Wars was amazing, probably the best game in the series, however its a reboot of the first game so its expected. Its the direction Star Fox took after the N64 game. Star Fox Assault wasn't done very well and Star Fox Adventures.. is not a Star Fox game which to me was a massive let down. Star Fox Zero tried to bring back the original idea but failed with the controls. Star Fox 2 actually felt like the first game just with a RTS Map screen between missions with more variety but it was extremely short which would have been another key factor why the game was dropped.

Azzanation said:
Leynos said:

I'm glad this was canned in favor of Starfox 64. I don't think too highly of this game tbh. Feels like another Starfox game that misses the point of what I like about Starfox and tries to add some new gameplay element that ruins the pacing and slows the game down. I just want to fly and shoot. I don't want RTS elements in fucking Starfox. Also, the poodle is horrifying. Worse than crystal for Furry bait.

Lylat Wars was amazing, probably the best game in the series, however its a reboot of the first game so its expected. Its the direction Star Fox took after the N64 game. Star Fox Assault wasn't done very well and Star Fox Adventures.. is not a Star Fox game which to me was a massive let down. Star Fox Zero tried to bring back the original idea but failed with the controls. Star Fox 2 actually felt like the first game just with a RTS Map screen between missions with more variety but it was extremely short which would have been another key factor why the game was dropped.

Yeah Starfox 2 is the only game in the series that feels like a proper sequel to me. As for it being short, I doubt that was why it was dropped, it's not really any shorter than the first game, and it plays out differently each time so it's highly replayable.

I played it for the first time on the SNES Classic, after a good number of playthroughs is my favorite Star Fox game, the RTS aspect is done very well and better paced than Command, like the added exploration with the small dungeon like areas in the planets, these elements give enough extra flavor without overshadowing the qualities of SF's gameplay, the music score is excellent too, pretty varied compared to the rest of the series and really catchy to listen to.

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curl-6 said:
Azzanation said:

Lylat Wars was amazing, probably the best game in the series, however its a reboot of the first game so its expected. Its the direction Star Fox took after the N64 game. Star Fox Assault wasn't done very well and Star Fox Adventures.. is not a Star Fox game which to me was a massive let down. Star Fox Zero tried to bring back the original idea but failed with the controls. Star Fox 2 actually felt like the first game just with a RTS Map screen between missions with more variety but it was extremely short which would have been another key factor why the game was dropped.

Yeah Starfox 2 is the only game in the series that feels like a proper sequel to me. As for it being short, I doubt that was why it was dropped, it's not really any shorter than the first game, and it plays out differently each time so it's highly replayable.

That's true, the 1st game wasn't that much longer either. It would take about 1.2h to finish SF1 however SF2 can be completed in 44m and as ARandomGamer posted, SF2 was re-playable many times due to the different actions you may take. Plus in an era where Saves weren't standard, long games wouldn't be ideal to finish.

The music was also great, i don't think many games can top Star Fox 1 in the music department but Star Fox 2 did add more great themes to the series.

Mar1217 said:
Azzanation said:

That's true, the 1st game wasn't that much longer either. It would take about 1.2h to finish SF1 however SF2 can be completed in 44m and as ARandomGamer posted, SF2 was re-playable many times due to the different actions you may take. Plus in an era where Saves weren't standard, long games wouldn't be ideal to finish.

The music was also great, i don't think many games can top Star Fox 1 in the music department but Star Fox 2 did add more great themes to the series.

Menu themes, Eladard,Venom,Macbeth and Surprise Attack(Wolf's theme) were pretty amazing themes imo. It's a solid jam all around I'd say.

I also really dug Fortuna's theme, Flotilla Battle, Battleship, (inside and out) Battleship Victory, Mysterious Space Station, and the Credits Roll.

All in all, while I still think the original game has the best soundtrack in the series, Starfox 2 is also excellent in this regard.