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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Show your game room/setup 2020

Thread is broken again

Shiken said:

wow, even thinking about game preservation !!!

BasilZero said:
xl-klaudkil said:


Lot's of games. Thanks for embedding the picture Basil.

@Twitter | Switch | Steam

You say tomato, I say tomato 

"¡Viva la Ñ!"

Around the Network

My wife saw the pics I posted and she says they suck. She took some pictures that blew me away. I told her "Wow. I wish I had a game room that looked like that!" I'll post them sooner or later.

Edit: I posted them on Twitter. Here ya go if you're interested

Last edited by d21lewis - on 08 December 2020

d21lewis said:

My wife saw the pics I posted and she says they suck. She took some pictures that blew me away. I told her "Wow. I wish I had a game room that looked like that!" I'll post them sooner or later.

Edit: I posted them on Twitter. Here ya go if you're interested

Here it is embedded for you:

Looks way better than your pics Lewis, you need to learn from her!

BTW to help out with those with troubles:

To host images I suggest to use, hasn't failed me yet (I used to use tinypic in the past).

To embed images in VGC use the picture icon pointed as photos. Two more icons to the right it is for youtube. And at the top is the twitter one!

The source code "<>" is useful for fixing broken stuff.

@Twitter | Switch | Steam

You say tomato, I say tomato 

"¡Viva la Ñ!"

d21lewis said:

My wife saw the pics I posted and she says they suck. She took some pictures that blew me away. I told her "Wow. I wish I had a game room that looked like that!" I'll post them sooner or later.

Edit: I posted them on Twitter. Here ya go if you're interested

 I clicked on your wife's twitter feed, knowing it would be more interesting than yours, Honey and Maple Syrup you lucky dog.

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot

mjk45 said:
d21lewis said:

My wife saw the pics I posted and she says they suck. She took some pictures that blew me away. I told her "Wow. I wish I had a game room that looked like that!" I'll post them sooner or later.

Edit: I posted them on Twitter. Here ya go if you're interested

 I clicked on your wife's twitter feed, knowing it would be more interesting than yours, Honey and Maple Syrup you lucky dog.

No argument, here. She's my happiness-- except when she's mad at me for liking the wrong stuff on social media.

Around the Network
d21lewis said:
mjk45 said:

 I clicked on your wife's twitter feed, knowing it would be more interesting than yours, Honey and Maple Syrup you lucky dog.

No argument, here. She's my happiness-- except when she's mad at me for liking the wrong stuff on social media.

Oh well you can tell her I'm a Saint and liking my comments on here is an act of penitence and also she can report to me your bad behaviour.

The follow up is IMPORTANT I need to access all the sites that these very bad things happen, but not social media stuff I trust her judgement there, but anything Porn related needs my immediate attention,I will save this family from vice but I warn you it will take years.

Last edited by mjk45 - on 08 December 2020

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot

mjk45 said:
d21lewis said:

No argument, here. She's my happiness-- except when she's mad at me for liking the wrong stuff on social media.

Oh well you can tell her I'm a Saint and liking my comments on here is an act of penitence and also she can report to me your bad behaviour.

The follow up is IMPORTANT I need to access all the sites that these very bad things happen, but not social media stuff I trust her judgement there, but anything Porn related needs my immediate attention,I will save this family from vice but I warn you it will take years.

Unfortunately (and not at all because you have my wife's Twitter account...) I have to admit that I've never watched porn. Not even once. I use the internet for looking up charities and good causes. Anything that I've posted to the contrary was just for entertainment purposes...

*Note* I tried to post a picture of an "Innocent angel" and my Google search immediately showed images of porn. It's worse than I thought!

d21lewis said:
mjk45 said:

Oh well you can tell her I'm a Saint and liking my comments on here is an act of penitence and also she can report to me your bad behaviour.

The follow up is IMPORTANT I need to access all the sites that these very bad things happen, but not social media stuff I trust her judgement there, but anything Porn related needs my immediate attention,I will save this family from vice but I warn you it will take years.

Unfortunately (and not at all because you have my wife's Twitter account...) I have to admit that I've never watched porn. Not even once. I use the internet for looking up charities and good causes. Anything that I've posted to the contrary was just for entertainment purposes...

*Note* I tried to post a picture of an "Innocent angel" and my Google search immediately showed images of porn. It's worse than I thought!

Innocent angel porn it is also better worse than I thought it may take decades ,i definitely need that link for research purposes .

Signed  mjk45 guidance counselor

btw your reply gave me a good laugh.

Last edited by mjk45 - on 09 December 2020

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot