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Forums - Sales Discussion - Do you think PlayStation 5 sales will be as good as Nintendo Switch sales?

Are you talking about how Switch have broken numerous NPD monthly sales data this year or have came close to the Wii/DS records?

Because if you are talking about WW LT PS4 is still winning but Switch is winning by launch dates alligned. But both consoldes did launch at different months.

Pocky Lover Boy! 

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Probably not since the PS5 would have to outperform the PS4 significantly for there to be any chance at all of that happening.

Doctor_MG said:
xMetroid said:

PS4 had 0 competition, was a force in first party exclusives, had it's moment in japan when Nintendo transitionned from 3DS to Switch.
PS5 will start stronger with covid boost and whatever, but lifetime it's kinda way too early. I will say no. I don't see Sony dominating as much as they did with the PS4. We can see it probably will continue the decline in Japan. In the US i think the Xbox series X/S can put up a better fight in mid/late gen when Bethesda and their other studios starts pumping up great first party titles.

Switch started pretty slow, it was constantly on droughts for the first year and took off slowly until it's 4th year. I think the PS5 will probably trend a little higher until Switch hi 2020 and then we will see what happens from that point. But PS5 will never have a 30 million year like Switch is having right now.

I agree with everything except the Switch starting slow and droughts in the first year. The first year was stacked (second year was not), and Switch has been keeping up with PS4 until this year when it finally surpassed it (when you compare dates, not totals). 

I meant it like droughts of stock not software. I just think PS5 will have a stronger first or second year.

People are definitely snatching up the 9th gen systems but I just don't see the XS or PS5 having as much appeal. I could be wrong but load times, performance, and lighting just don't seem like a big enough leap to me.

Sony have 3 out the 5 best selling consoles of all time, the best selling console of all time and PS4 is going to hit 120m+, something the Switch can only dream of.

PS5 will sell a number that Nintendo wishes SW2 can achieve.

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src said:

Sony have 3 out the 5 best selling consoles of all time, the best selling console of all time and PS4 is going to hit 120m+, something the Switch can only dream of.

PS5 will sell a number that Nintendo wishes SW2 can achieve.

And Nintendo dominates on portable consoles, with 4 of the 5 best-selling portable consoles from Nintendo.
The Nintendo Switch has one of the best selling dynamics and it is well ahead of the PS4 and will be ahead of the PS5.

The Nintendo Switch will finish the best-selling console of all time.
If Nintendo makes the console last for 7 years in any case, the console will surpass the PS2.

YanisFromFrance said:

The Nintendo Switch will finish the best-selling console of all time.
If Nintendo makes the console last for 7 years in any case, the console will surpass the PS2.

Highly doubt it. Don't even think it will come within 20 million of DS

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

We talking about hardware sales or software sales?

Because that is a bit of a factor to consider: Nintendo's been very good at high quality, high sale evergreen titles doing historically well for their franchises. As first party driven that money also goes more clearly into the big N system. This also means Nintendo is profitable a lot quicker on things that Sony is.

Will God of War sell Breath/Ultimate/Odysey/New Horizon levels? Will the niche titles have fairly significant buzz? Tis my question to ask. Hardware in turn is also affected by software shall we not forget.

The Democratic Nintendo that a paradox? I'm fond of one of the more conservative companies in the industry, but I vote Liberally and view myself that way 90% of the time?

src said:

Sony have 3 out the 5 best selling consoles of all time, the best selling console of all time and PS4 is going to hit 120m+, something the Switch can only dream of.

PS5 will sell a number that Nintendo wishes SW2 can achieve.

PS4 will reach 120 Million+ with very little price cuts too. There is a lot of incentive for Sony to actually cut price this generation with growing digital ownership, subscription revenue, and higher game prices.