Shiken said:
golfgt170 said:
arguably: used to say that a statement is very possibly true even if it is not certainly true. So, It's debatable and his opinion.
Arguably there will be a lot of games that will run on ps5 4k 60fps with superior graphics than ASS creed, which is so heavily advertised by MS.
I am just going to leave this here...
quoting me just to say the same thing, lol.
On topic though, as me and Shinobi-san said, AC:V is a Series X promoted game in the next gen campaign, as seen from advertising and events held by Microsoft so far. My point is that comparing resolutions on a 3rd party game that the author believes its the biggest next gen launch (just because he prefers Microsoft consoles), is not evidence to compare the next gen machines. Well especially on Launch for a cross-gen game.