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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox One X sales up 747%..... whoops.

Probably the 747% of a very low number.

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Damn shout out to all of those kids that'll be visibly unhappy when they open their gift to see it wasn't what they wanted. A lot of parents aren't in the "know". They see, "Xbox X", and just went with it. Can't blame them.

PSN ID- RayCrocheron82

XBL Gamertag- RAFIE82

NNID- RAFIE82/ Friend Code: SW-6006-2580-8237

YouTube- Rafie Crocheron

MS really needs to stop selling Xbox One consoles soon or there will be many kids opening their Xbox Series S Christmas gift just to get an years old Xbox One S lol.

It really is confusing for everyone who doesn't read as much about gaming like we do. 

ArchangelMadzz said:
Goatseye said:
What that screenshot didn’t provide was the list that ranking is on, which is Movers and Shakers. This list just shows the percentage jump of an item, instead of units sold. It might be that Amazon sold 50 Xbox One Xs the day before and 1000 next day, the percentage will jump exponentially. It looks like Twitter, websites and forums didn’t bother with looking into that and just ran with a negative Xbox story.

I mean, the thread title and the Original tweet were both in percentages I don't know what else to tell you.. 

But yes percentages don't show actual number, that's something we all learned in school. It's just funny that XSX pre order day saw 750% extra XOX sales compared to the previous day.

Yeah, percentages don’t show numbers and the posts online  that are using it to reaffirm their Xbox “confusing” narrative, sound like school skipping comments. Also, we don’t know the real reason they were bought. 
The account around some places is that X1X is stronger than Series S. So whoever bought them got a deal. 😃  

Goatseye said:
ArchangelMadzz said:

I mean, the thread title and the Original tweet were both in percentages I don't know what else to tell you.. 

But yes percentages don't show actual number, that's something we all learned in school. It's just funny that XSX pre order day saw 750% extra XOX sales compared to the previous day.

Yeah, percentages don’t show numbers and the posts online  that are using it to reaffirm their Xbox “confusing” narrative, sound like school skipping comments. Also, we don’t know the real reason they were bought. 
The account around some places is that X1X is stronger than Series S. So whoever bought them got a deal. 😃  

Occam's razor comes to a very easy conclusion.

X1X has 50% more TF than XSS. But teraflops mean nothing for gaming especially across architectures. I'm sure it will be similar in FPS performance.

There's only 2 races: White and 'Political Agenda'
2 Genders: Male and 'Political Agenda'
2 Hairstyles for female characters: Long and 'Political Agenda'
2 Sexualities: Straight and 'Political Agenda'

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Let's hope it was those soulless scalpers.

Since my emails were ignored. Here I am, John2290, sick of these weak reasoned and lengthy moderations for saying the wrong thing and a mod team that is doing everything it can to kill this site quicker. So now that I've actually broken a rule instead of mildly hurting someones feelings without even interacting with them, I request my Permban on John2290 and of course this account will be banned. Please and thank you and good luck keeping this site alive while you alienate people with silly moderation.

Fourth massive rule break, get it done.

User was banned.

Last ban was like yesterday night. We have lives and jobs, and we're not going to get to emails right away. 

Not sure what the point of this was as you could have just stopped coming to the site, but whatever. You want it, you got it. 


Last edited by JWeinCom - on 23 September 2020

Get this orange notification the fuck off my buddy