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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Halo Infinite to have free MP, support 120FPS

Pemalite said:
EricHiggin said:

Would MS dare try a Halo Infinite campaign exclusive to XB+PC, then have Halo F2P mutliplayer for everyone's existing and next gen hardware, on a level like Epic's Fortnite?

I wonder how many PS and Nin gamers would play and get hooked enough to buy the Halo Infinite campaign on PC or with an XB console purchase?

That tactic would certainly work if the campaign was a must-have knock-it-out-of-the-park story and gameplay... But honestly they would be better served porting MCC over and hooking them into the franchise that way.

I think the "hook" would be some MP content that is exclusive to XB, or to GP subscribers.  Probably skins, maybe some little mini quests, cut scenes, or something else that doesn't impact the game overall.  

With that said, not needing live or GP to play the PVP content seems to be counter to MS' stated goal of growing GP subscriptions.  

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Manlytears said:

so... Multiplayer is free, and people that spend $60 are only getting Campaign + (most likely) extra costumes/weapon skins/etc.??

I mean... they will try to sell "campaign only" Halo + ( most likely but not confirmed) "some extras" for $60!? I don't think this is a good idea...

Errr...   you know that every single month there are single-player "campaign only" games being released, right? Some of which get metacritics scores in the 90s and are acclaimed as some of the best things ever.

Curious to see how they will handle the F2P aspect. And good that they will give support for 120fps.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

Well if the fidelity is close to what we saw in the demo, this pretty much is making the best out of it. Halo being a trailblazer again, being the first FPS with 120 FPS gameplay.

Being free is amazing too. Game gonna have so much reach it’ll make Halo 3 peak population look barren. Works both ways if you wanna play you play. Otherwise you have your battle pass system or whatever for cosmetics.

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sales2099 said:

Well if the fidelity is close to what we saw in the demo, this pretty much is making the best out of it. Halo being a trailblazer again, being the first FPS with 120 FPS gameplay on console.

Being free is amazing too. Game gonna have so much reach it’ll make Halo 3 peak population look barren. Works both ways if you wanna play you play. Otherwise you have your battle pass system or whatever for cosmetics.

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ArchangelMadzz said:
sales2099 said:

Well if the fidelity is close to what we saw in the demo, this pretty much is making the best out of it. Halo being a trailblazer again, being the first FPS with 120 FPS gameplay on console.

Being free is amazing too. Game gonna have so much reach it’ll make Halo 3 peak population look barren. Works both ways if you wanna play you play. Otherwise you have your battle pass system or whatever for cosmetics.

Fair enough. First for consoles still noteworthy 

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


sales2099 said:
ArchangelMadzz said:

Fair enough. First for consoles still noteworthy 

Just seems a bit arbitrary. Any console can do 120fps in a game with low enough settings/resolution, engine permitting. 

Although to stay on topic, I'm glad it's free multiplayer and I'll definitely play it. 

There's only 2 races: White and 'Political Agenda'
2 Genders: Male and 'Political Agenda'
2 Hairstyles for female characters: Long and 'Political Agenda'
2 Sexualities: Straight and 'Political Agenda'

chakkra said:
Manlytears said:

so... Multiplayer is free, and people that spend $60 are only getting Campaign + (most likely) extra costumes/weapon skins/etc.??

I mean... they will try to sell "campaign only" Halo + ( most likely but not confirmed) "some extras" for $60!? I don't think this is a good idea...

Errr...   you know that every single month there are single-player "campaign only" games being released, right? Some of which get metacritics scores in the 90s and are acclaimed as some of the best things ever.

yeah, but we talking about Halo here, Multiplayer is the flagship. I already made a post explaining my point on pag.2...

This is very good news imo. Don't care about the 120FPS but making the MP a bit more interesting.
The way I see it, is like COD, if they can keep the MP alive with "seasons" and stuff like that (nobody has to pay for anything basically, just accelerator for cosmetic). I would love it. I would probably pay for one or two season pass or whatever the name they would come with.

Sounds like they are going in every direction that doesn't appeal to me with this title. I will give them my money for the single player, and my time to complete the campaign, but I'll steer clear of this.

I will be interested to see how this multiplayer portion performs in the market though. To me it sounds like something made 100% by a market research team, with absolutely zero passion. Focus appears to be on Marketing Free and 120fps vs Designing Quality Content and Gameplay. I guess time will tell.

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