John2290 said:
DonFerrari said:
I have nothing against you finding both games 10. But when I evaluate a game I don't do by the fun I had (otherwise I would detract points from TLOU2 by not liking to much how it plays and for the story being inferior to TLOU1 to me, and would give a 10 to GoT), I evaluate as technically as possible.
So when the animation, hit collision and physics have such obvious flaws I can't give it a 10, while on TLOU2 the only point I could take out is the story not being as good as the first because everything else is leaps and bounds better. That is also the reason why I complain when a reviewer gives less than 9 for TLOU2 or 7.5 to GoT.
Have you found these flaws though in your game? I haven't after 20+ hours (maybe 24 now), what reviewers are saying these flaws exist and to what extent?
The ones I listed and that were also mentioned on the 3 reviews I watched I noticed in less than 1h gameplay, they are persistent.
EDIT: Watch Jin's foot when he is walking up a slope or stair, it will enter like 10cm inside those and will look like he is sliding up. When you are in a horse gallop through a bamboo field and you'll see they passing through you. When you are following your savior on the start of the game when she open a path if you are very close to her you'll see it closing by passing by you. On several doors and similar you can see your cloth and even arms passing through them.
And today few hours ago I have no Idea what glitch occured but by arms got reverse/twisted in a totally bizarre way, altough I could still use the arch and sword even with my arms not showing up.

The quality is a little bad because I took a phone shoot just to record since facebook isn't linked to PS4 anymore.
Last edited by DonFerrari - on 19 July 2020