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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Phil Spencer confident after seeing PS5 presentation - Gamelab 2020 interview


How do you think MS will perform at the July presentation?

MS will be in a league of its own 5 6.25%
MS will do better than the PS5 presentation 14 17.50%
MS will do as good as the PS5 presentation 13 16.25%
MS will do less well than... 48 60.00%
kirby007 said:
SvennoJ said:

Fun fact, many game's logic and controller polling input run independent of output fps nowadays. So no, it wouldn't make any difference.

Another fun fact, Polybius running at native 120fps has higher latency when turning your head than standard 60fps psvr games that use frame shift to double to 120hz.

Thats called shit optimising

No it's called latency. Polybius doesn't use frame shift, renders the full frames after receiving orientation input then displays.
Frame shift grabs the frame, gets the orientation input, moves the frame slightly, displays, repeat, grab next frame. No delay.

Of course the solution is to render 120fps and still apply frame shifting to last millisecond correct for head orientation.

However with good optimizing, reducing input latency to the minimum, you don't need 120fps.
Average human reaction time is 215ms, going from 16ms to 8ms render time per frame won't do anything.

Around the Network
Blood_Tears said:
COKTOE said:

I just want to mention he tweeted congratulations to PS regards to to TLOU 2. It's transparently sycophantic. This guy has media coverage based on ideas he had while flossing his teeth. His opinions don't deserve this amount of attention. Among the big 3, he is the epitome of a social media corporate husk. #PHILosophy

100%!   People glorify him for his tweets because they need a PR champion after this horrendous hardware gen but in reality he's just a used car salesman in a suit, saying all the right things to get you to buy into his schtick. Rinse and tweet....rinse and repeat.

It’s a tweet. Making a little much of this huh? Would you prefer he says nothing? Sorry Xbox has been more vocal and transparent with their community this year.

If I had to guess, people don’t like when he talks because he steals the spotlight away...if only for a moment. 

Last edited by sales2099 - on 30 June 2020

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


Mordred11 said:

     People who think Microsoft will "do better" with their July presentation are vastly underestimating what Sony did. There is nothing MS can show that will generate more buzz. Maybe only something impossible like GTA6 being time-exclusive for a year. Not happening.
     The PS5 presentation was some avengers endgame levels of buzz, regardless of the 1% of people who thought "it wasn't anything special and that MS can easily do better".

Did we watch the same presentation? How can you possibly assume only 1% thought it wasn't good? I was on the fence with which device to get. I'm a Nintendo fan with an aging PC so I'm interested in buying one of the HD twins this generation. I was/am very interested in both Sony and MS's presentation. Sony had a dlc standalone/expansion for Spiderman and Zero Dawn coming and re release of GTA5. None of those are full fledged games. Rachet and Clank was and that impressed me, but most of their new full fledged game announcements didn't have a date or were confirmed to not be during launch period. I do not care about dlc or small expansion games or the 15,000 version of GTA V.

Also they lose points for designing their device to only look good in a bachelor pad.

If MS has more full fledged AAA game exclusives they easily win this comparison of who will have the better show as long as they are confirmed launch games.

sales2099 said:
Blood_Tears said:

100%!   People glorify him for his tweets because they need a PR champion after this horrendous hardware gen but in reality he's just a used car salesman in a suit, saying all the right things to get you to buy into his schtick. Rinse and tweet....rinse and repeat.

It’s a tweet. Making a little much of this huh? Would you prefer he says nothing? Sorry Xbox has been more vocal and transparent with their community this year.

If I had to guess, people don’t like when he talks because he steals the spotlight away...if only for a moment. 

Well that is basically the problem he always tries to bath in Sony spotlight. Doesn't matter the good news for Sony, if something is similar on MS he will tweet that (like saying Unreal Engine 5 will look great on XSX, or that the games showed on Sony presentation will launch on XSX) if he doesn't have something similar (like titles selling records and goty) he make sure to congratulate and be remembered.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

Dulfite said:
Mordred11 said:

     People who think Microsoft will "do better" with their July presentation are vastly underestimating what Sony did. There is nothing MS can show that will generate more buzz. Maybe only something impossible like GTA6 being time-exclusive for a year. Not happening.
     The PS5 presentation was some avengers endgame levels of buzz, regardless of the 1% of people who thought "it wasn't anything special and that MS can easily do better".

Did we watch the same presentation? How can you possibly assume only 1% thought it wasn't good? I was on the fence with which device to get. I'm a Nintendo fan with an aging PC so I'm interested in buying one of the HD twins this generation. I was/am very interested in both Sony and MS's presentation. Sony had a dlc standalone/expansion for Spiderman and Zero Dawn coming and re release of GTA5. None of those are full fledged games. Rachet and Clank was and that impressed me, but most of their new full fledged game announcements didn't have a date or were confirmed to not be during launch period. I do not care about dlc or small expansion games or the 15,000 version of GTA V.

Also they lose points for designing their device to only look good in a bachelor pad.

If MS has more full fledged AAA game exclusives they easily win this comparison of who will have the better show as long as they are confirmed launch games.

Aren't you from the group that thinks PS3 to PS4 level of graphics are already good enough?

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

Around the Network
Mordred11 said:

     People who think Microsoft will "do better" with their July presentation are vastly underestimating what Sony did. There is nothing MS can show that will generate more buzz. Maybe only something impossible like GTA6 being time-exclusive for a year. Not happening.
     The PS5 presentation was some avengers endgame levels of buzz, regardless of the 1% of people who thought "it wasn't anything special and that MS can easily do better".

I don’t even get what this post is trying to say. If you’re implying that MS can’t generate the clicks and likes and retweets, you’re exactly right. But how is that relevant? What does that have to do with the actual show? Their YouTube feed had hundreds of thousands of likes before the show even began. Kim Kardashian has like one hundred million followers on Instatweetbook, I still don’t give a crap about anything she has to say. 

If you’re implying they can’t beat Sony on substance, well that’s a cool opinion I guess. Disagreeing doesn’t mean we are underestimating anything, just weren’t impressed by most of what Sony showed us. 

sales2099 said:
Blood_Tears said:

100%!   People glorify him for his tweets because they need a PR champion after this horrendous hardware gen but in reality he's just a used car salesman in a suit, saying all the right things to get you to buy into his schtick. Rinse and tweet....rinse and repeat.

It’s a tweet. Making a little much of this huh? Would you prefer he says nothing? Sorry Xbox has been more vocal and transparent with their community this year.

If I had to guess, people don’t like when he talks because he steals the spotlight away...if only for a moment. 

Everything is a battlefield 

DonFerrari said:
sales2099 said:

It’s a tweet. Making a little much of this huh? Would you prefer he says nothing? Sorry Xbox has been more vocal and transparent with their community this year.

If I had to guess, people don’t like when he talks because he steals the spotlight away...if only for a moment. 

Well that is basically the problem he always tries to bath in Sony spotlight. Doesn't matter the good news for Sony, if something is similar on MS he will tweet that (like saying Unreal Engine 5 will look great on XSX, or that the games showed on Sony presentation will launch on XSX) if he doesn't have something similar (like titles selling records and goty) he make sure to congratulate and be remembered.

This seems to be a pretty one sided problem ;)

You think Sony was going to tell people the majority of games shown were multiplats? Or that Unreal Engine 5 will work amazing on Series X (also informing people that their studios actually use it)?

He is doing his job to inform his community and clear out any FUD. And above all else, grace in your competitions triumph. Instead of “salty silence” when LOU2 breaks records, he congratulates them. Genius. So ya, that’s my opinion when people get defensive about Phil’s tweets, it tells me he’s doing his job. 

Last edited by sales2099 - on 30 June 2020

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


padib said:
Blood_Tears said:

100%!   People glorify him for his tweets because they need a PR champion after this horrendous hardware gen but in reality he's just a used car salesman in a suit, saying all the right things to get you to buy into his schtick. Rinse and tweet....rinse and repeat.

Kind of like Tim Sweeney from Epic games, hey?

Blood_Tears said:

Positive Sony article about PS5 = Same usual members coming in to stomp their feet and whine about it and then bring Xbox into it. How dare anybody praise Sony? How much did Sony pay them? Blah blah blah. As if MS has never made partnerships for PR before. The article has nothing to do with MS or its July event so bring it up. So many hypocrites these days that are scared of Sony taking media attention away from Xbox.

Nooo, we're not playing fiddle on one side of the pond. I swear, we aren't....

You sound upset that Phil tweets, but you know what? At least he says interesting things rather than repeat how much of a "masterpiece" the PS5 is every second day like you so much love to hear. Rinse and repeat, really.

Except this thread is about Phil Spencer and not about Epic's partnership with Sony. You just proved my point on how you derail topics over and over again. Then you whine and cry about how people downvote you about it.  You went into a Sony article, derailed the topic and now you're waiting for me to post in another thread with a copy and paste move that makes you look really sad and even derailing your own thread about Phil Spencer. That's the true irony here. Do you recall how many threads and articles you downplayed Sony in the last few months?  I am not going to bother copy and pasting your past comments padib as I will let the pettiness rest with you. Please carry on posting links to articles that have nothing to do with Spencer and making yourself look like a petty fool, all because you can't handle someone's opinion of Phil Spencer who is the topic of your thread. Good day to you padib..

PM sent ~ CGI

Last edited by CGI-Quality - on 01 July 2020

Blood_Tears said:
padib said:

Kind of like Tim Sweeney from Epic games, hey?

Blood_Tears said:

Positive Sony article about PS5 = Same usual members coming in to stomp their feet and whine about it and then bring Xbox into it. How dare anybody praise Sony? How much did Sony pay them? Blah blah blah. As if MS has never made partnerships for PR before. The article has nothing to do with MS or its July event so bring it up. So many hypocrites these days that are scared of Sony taking media attention away from Xbox.

Nooo, we're not playing fiddle on one side of the pond. I swear, we aren't....

You sound upset that Phil tweets, but you know what? At least he says interesting things rather than repeat how much of a "masterpiece" the PS5 is every second day like you so much love to hear. Rinse and repeat, really.

Except this thread is about Phil Spencer and not about Epic's partnership with Sony. You just proved my point on how you derail topics over and over again. Then you whine and cry about how people downvote you about it.  You went into a Sony article, derailed the topic and now you're waiting for me to post in another thread with a copy and paste move that makes you look really sad and even derailing your own thread about Phil Spencer. That's the true irony here. Do you recall how many threads and articles you downplayed Sony in the last few months?  I am not going to bother copy and pasting your past comments padib as I will let the pettiness rest with you. Please carry on posting links to articles that have nothing to do with Spencer and making yourself look like a petty fool, all because you can't handle someone's opinion of Phil Spencer who is the topic of your thread. Good day to you padib..

He’s pointing out that us fans are slaves to double standards and changing narratives. That you can’t stand Phil’s positive tweets but can’t get enough when someone praises PS5. We look for things that satisfy our narrative and parrot the talking points of our favourite gaming corporation. I recommend you make peace with this, in my experience self awareness gives you focus when having discussions. Just saying you are no better, just on the other side is all. 

Last edited by sales2099 - on 30 June 2020

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles.