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Blood_Tears said:
padib said:

Kind of like Tim Sweeney from Epic games, hey?

Blood_Tears said:

Positive Sony article about PS5 = Same usual members coming in to stomp their feet and whine about it and then bring Xbox into it. How dare anybody praise Sony? How much did Sony pay them? Blah blah blah. As if MS has never made partnerships for PR before. The article has nothing to do with MS or its July event so bring it up. So many hypocrites these days that are scared of Sony taking media attention away from Xbox.

Nooo, we're not playing fiddle on one side of the pond. I swear, we aren't....

You sound upset that Phil tweets, but you know what? At least he says interesting things rather than repeat how much of a "masterpiece" the PS5 is every second day like you so much love to hear. Rinse and repeat, really.

Except this thread is about Phil Spencer and not about Epic's partnership with Sony. You just proved my point on how you derail topics over and over again. Then you whine and cry about how people downvote you about it.  You went into a Sony article, derailed the topic and now you're waiting for me to post in another thread with a copy and paste move that makes you look really sad and even derailing your own thread about Phil Spencer. That's the true irony here. Do you recall how many threads and articles you downplayed Sony in the last few months?  I am not going to bother copy and pasting your past comments padib as I will let the pettiness rest with you. Please carry on posting links to articles that have nothing to do with Spencer and making yourself look like a petty fool, all because you can't handle someone's opinion of Phil Spencer who is the topic of your thread. Good day to you padib..

He’s pointing out that us fans are slaves to double standards and changing narratives. That you can’t stand Phil’s positive tweets but can’t get enough when someone praises PS5. We look for things that satisfy our narrative and parrot the talking points of our favourite gaming corporation. I recommend you make peace with this, in my experience self awareness gives you focus when having discussions. Just saying you are no better, just on the other side is all. 

Last edited by sales2099 - on 30 June 2020

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