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Forums - Politics Discussion - (POSSIBLE SPOILERS INSIDE) The agenda and political discussion of Naughty Dog


Have politics damaged the quality of ND games

No 39 41.94%
Yes 54 58.06%
the-pi-guy said:
A decent review:

I'm subscribed to her channel,she has a more casual but often funny take on things and seems like a sweet person too.

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DonFerrari said:
EricHiggin said:

Unfortunately that's how it can work for different people in different ways, especially when it get's political.

Don't look deeper and don't ask questions, just repeat after me.

TLOU2 = Bad.

MSM = Bad.

DT/OM = Bad.

Our own world can be as sick and sad and divisive as the one ND is creating. People don't like looking in the mirror without makeup...

I'm guilty of this as well, don't go as far as say it is bad or I hate, but I decide quite early if I want to try or not a game and sure that can be often based on imprecise information.

It's the reason why I never played Uncharted until PS4, of which the UC Collection came with my bundle. I was going to sell it because I read a few somewhat negative reviews, and a few of my friends said they didn't like the first game. Those friends were fairly liberal, and one was a bigger XB fan, though I didn't really pay attention to politics back then or look at the world in a political way. A 'buyer' actually messaged me asking me why I was selling it and told me it was like a better version of the Tomb Raider franchise and I should really try it out. I did oddly enough and loved the series, eventually getting UC4 and UCLL.

It works the opposite way as well at times. You just gotta make a choice and maybe it turns out positive or negative. You never truly know until you try though. For some people $60 just to try every game they want ain't worth the risk. When you get big legitimate leaks and can easily watch walk through's now however, it makes deciding a little easier anyway.

EricHiggin said:
DonFerrari said:

I'm guilty of this as well, don't go as far as say it is bad or I hate, but I decide quite early if I want to try or not a game and sure that can be often based on imprecise information.

It's the reason why I never played Uncharted until PS4, of which the UC Collection came with my bundle. I was going to sell it because I read a few somewhat negative reviews, and a few of my friends said they didn't like the first game. Those friends were fairly liberal, and one was a bigger XB fan, though I didn't really pay attention to politics back then or look at the world in a political way. A 'buyer' actually messaged me asking me why I was selling it and told me it was like a better version of the Tomb Raider franchise and I should really try it out. I did oddly enough and loved the series, eventually getting UC4 and UCLL.

It works the opposite way as well at times. You just gotta make a choice and maybe it turns out positive or negative. You never truly know until you try though. For some people $60 just to try every game they want ain't worth the risk. When you get big legitimate leaks and can easily watch walk through's now however, it makes deciding a little easier anyway.

That is basically my only use of Metacritic. If I'm buying a game from a dev or IP I don't know and it is below 80 I'll probably only buy for less than 10USD. The other deciding factor is genre, some genres I have played some games and didn't like so I avoid most.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

I just wanted to come back to this particular topic again just to post this.

First I will say the obvious that no one that worked in this project deserves any death threats at all. That's a pathetic thing to do. However I think it is also asinine to assume that majority of the people that hated the story would like a public lynching of anyone involved in producing this mess.

Now that that's out of the way, this once again proves my point as to why Druckmann is one of the problems of Naughty Dog as stated in my previous post. This guy found a way to make the matter about himself again(his work). It was extremely pompous of him to award his work with a tittle that it challenges conventions. It's the same behavior that he had in the previous years when things got heated.

I really think this guy is full himself.

Last edited by iron_megalith - on 05 July 2020

iron_megalith said:

I just wanted to come back to this particular topic again just to post this.

First I will say the obvious that no one that worked in this project deserves any death threats at all. That's a pathetic thing to do. However I think it is also asinine to assume that majority of the people that hated the story would like a public lynching of anyone involved in producing this mess.

Now that that's out of the way, this once again proves my point as to why Druckmann is one of the problems of Naughty Dog as stated in my previous post. This guy found a way to make the matter about himself again(his work). It was extremely pompous of him to award his work with a tittle that it challenges conventions. It's the same behavior that he had in the previous years when things got heated.

I really think this guy is full himself.

If you are that into a fictional story and get that attached to the characters, then maybe its time to reevaluate certain aspects of your life. What a bunch of losers.

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iron_megalith said:

I just wanted to come back to this particular topic again just to post this.

First I will say the obvious that no one that worked in this project deserves any death threats at all. That's a pathetic thing to do. However I think it is also asinine to assume that majority of the people that hated the story would like a public lynching of anyone involved in producing this mess.

Now that that's out of the way, this once again proves my point as to why Druckmann is one of the problems of Naughty Dog as stated in my previous post. This guy found a way to make the matter about himself again(his work). It was extremely pompous of him to award his work with a tittle that it challenges conventions. It's the same behavior that he had in the previous years when things got heated.

I really think this guy is full himself.

Not sure how you can come to that conclusion when he and his entertainment are so 'popular'...

iron_megalith said:

I just wanted to come back to this particular topic again just to post this.

First I will say the obvious that no one that worked in this project deserves any death threats at all. That's a pathetic thing to do. However I think it is also asinine to assume that majority of the people that hated the story would like a public lynching of anyone involved in producing this mess.

Now that that's out of the way, this once again proves my point as to why Druckmann is one of the problems of Naughty Dog as stated in my previous post. This guy found a way to make the matter about himself again(his work). It was extremely pompous of him to award his work with a tittle that it challenges conventions. It's the same behavior that he had in the previous years when things got heated.

I really think this guy is full himself.

Strange yet is people pissed that her char killed joel and they want to kill her for it while ignoring that she was revenging her father and is inside a game.

Not uncommon in Brazil that some actors that interpret villains receive this type of threatment.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

iron_megalith said:

I just wanted to come back to this particular topic again just to post this.

First I will say the obvious that no one that worked in this project deserves any death threats at all. That's a pathetic thing to do. However I think it is also asinine to assume that majority of the people that hated the story would like a public lynching of anyone involved in producing this mess.

Now that that's out of the way, this once again proves my point as to why Druckmann is one of the problems of Naughty Dog as stated in my previous post. This guy found a way to make the matter about himself again(his work). It was extremely pompous of him to award his work with a tittle that it challenges conventions. It's the same behavior that he had in the previous years when things got heated.

I really think this guy is full himself.

Can you show me where he said his work? Clearly speaking on behalf of everyone that worked on the game over the last 5 years, your assumption are just painting a narrative you wont to exist. 

iron_megalith said:

I just wanted to come back to this particular topic again just to post this.

First I will say the obvious that no one that worked in this project deserves any death threats at all. That's a pathetic thing to do. However I think it is also asinine to assume that majority of the people that hated the story would like a public lynching of anyone involved in producing this mess.

Now that that's out of the way, this once again proves my point as to why Druckmann is one of the problems of Naughty Dog as stated in my previous post. This guy found a way to make the matter about himself again(his work). It was extremely pompous of him to award his work with a tittle that it challenges conventions. It's the same behavior that he had in the previous years when things got heated.

I really think this guy is full himself.

He is a big hypocrite and a living example of the fart smelling episode of south park.

Still, what is happenning to that lady is almost unbeliavable, although it happens a lot.

The problem is that instead focusing that those are just crazy people which will do crazy stuff no matter what, the media (with the help of drunkmann) will try to attach this behaviour to all the sinners that didnt like the story.

In summary, nothing new under the sun.

EnricoPallazzo said:
iron_megalith said:

I just wanted to come back to this particular topic again just to post this.

First I will say the obvious that no one that worked in this project deserves any death threats at all. That's a pathetic thing to do. However I think it is also asinine to assume that majority of the people that hated the story would like a public lynching of anyone involved in producing this mess.

Now that that's out of the way, this once again proves my point as to why Druckmann is one of the problems of Naughty Dog as stated in my previous post. This guy found a way to make the matter about himself again(his work). It was extremely pompous of him to award his work with a tittle that it challenges conventions. It's the same behavior that he had in the previous years when things got heated.

I really think this guy is full himself.

He is a big hypocrite and a living example of the fart smelling episode of south park.

Still, what is happenning to that lady is almost unbeliavable, although it happens a lot.

The problem is that instead focusing that those are just crazy people which will do crazy stuff no matter what, the media (with the help of drunkmann) will try to attach this behaviour to all the sinners that didnt like the story.

In summary, nothing new under the sun.

He is specifically calling out the "people that propagate this kind of hate".  So please, explain why you think he is a hypocrite. 

Because as is, your comment is indeed nothing new under the sun. You've been on the the haters bandwagon and crapped on this game and Druckmann the whole time. 

Last edited by Hynad - on 06 July 2020