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Forums - Sony Discussion - (SPOILERS FREE) The Last of US 2 Discussion

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How do you rate TLOU2 in a whole?

1 2 5.26%
2 0 0%
3 2 5.26%
4 1 2.63%
5 5 13.16%
6 11 28.95%
7 1 2.63%
8 2 5.26%
9 5 13.16%
10 9 23.68%

I am actually enjoying the story quite a lot. I understand why it is going like this and it has been set up quite well. Rating for Gameplay, Audio Visuals it is a 10/10. The story is solid but not too special. 8/10

They are also working on the Multiplayer and looking forward for that release.

Stories unfolded with my home made rap songs. Feel free to listen here with lyrics:

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TheLegendaryBigBoss said:
It honestly makes me so sad the way the story goes with the tlou2. I am very disappointed. If you enjoy the game, I'm happy for you but this is just unbelievable. So far I would give the game a 6/10

What is it about the storyline that is disappointing you?

DonFerrari said:
hinch said:

Damn, my copy was last tracked in the Netherlands and I live in the UK :< I hope you get yours soon!

Just want to blast some infected, haha.

When I purchased the delivery was to be 3 to 5 working days, so I probably going to get by middle next week. But I just sent a message to the store to confirm since there may be problems since I bougth it over 2 months ago.

Yeah I would definitely check that out. I would assume that you were on more on the priority shipping since you ordered 2 months ago. I was stupid and ordered on the weekend before release! Guess it was partially my fault.

SecondWar said:
hinch said:

Damn, my copy was last tracked in the Netherlands and I live in the UK :< I hope you get yours soon!

Just want to blast some infected, haha.

I had similar problems. Pre-ordered it at the end of April during lockdown when I had no idea if shops would be open to get the game in release day. I bought it alongside Ghost of Tsushima. The email confirmation said it would be delivered between 17th and 20th of July (Tsushima’s release date). That got me a bit worried.

Sucks. If I knew earlier that I was ordering from a non UK company I would have sucked up the few extra pounds and gone on Amazon. Now we wait Oh well, lesson learned. Can you not change the GoT preorder?

Last edited by hinch - on 19 June 2020

I hope this game sells gangbusters to fly in the face of the toxic hypocrisy of the extremists. Fools cannot be helped.

Well for the first time ever a game really got to me. The first one was close, but this has made me a bit of a mess right now. I need to lay down a bit.

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DonFerrari said:
PotentHerbs said:
I got in 4 - 5 hours last night. Playing on hard difficulty.

On a technical level, TLOU: Part II has no rivals, the detail and polish is unmatched. The animations set industry standards. The facial expressions are incredible. Even squeezing through crevices feels next gen lol. Graphically it is the best console game I have ever seen. It really makes you think what ND can accomplish with 10TF.

The gameplay has absolutely been taken to another level. There's more vertically, with the ability to jump, adding a dimension of platforming which enhances exploration/scavenging. The guitar mini game is surprisingly fun. It makes great use of the touchpad! Gunplay feels tight and melee combat is a lot more engaging with the dodge mechanic. Although it took me a while to get used to it. Stealth is a lot better, with more variety, and you can also prone. The world design is great. Its still semi linear but it is more open with branching pathways. There is an open world level and it is impressive. There are collectibles, weapons, gear, side stories, rather than just items you can use to craft. Also, the encounters and set pieces are much improved too.

It feels like ND took everything they learned from UC4/TLOU/TLL and put it all together for TLOU: Part II.

Removed a portion of your excellent view on the start of the game. Please also edit your original since that could be considered spoiler.

I got you. Just edited my comment.

SecondWar said:

I had similar problems. Pre-ordered it at the end of April during lockdown when I had no idea if shops would be open to get the game in release day. I bought it alongside Ghost of Tsushima. The email confirmation said it would be delivered between 17th and 20th of July (Tsushima’s release date). That got me a bit worried.

Sucks. If I knew earlier that I was ordering from a non UK company I would have sucked up the few extra pounds and gone on Amazon. Now we wait Oh well, lesson learned. Can you not change the GoT preorder?

Doesn’t look like I can. TLOU arrived today rather than July so I was ok, just annoying that it came at dinner time rather than earlier as it limits my play time.

Just got to the first big plot point. Feeling some more backstory is required for the villain but I’m guessing that’s going to come later (at least I hope it does). 

John2290 said:
LivingMetal said:
I hope this game sells gangbusters to fly in the face of the toxic hypocrisy of the extremists. Fools cannot be helped.


It’s a reference to the backlash against the game following the leaks of the plot a few weeks ago.

Last edited by SecondWar - on 20 June 2020

The virus in The Last of Us is significantly worse than Corona oO What would you do to survive a dark apocalypse?

Its hard to say, because our real world would be just as hard without laws as in The Last of Us1/2. Maybe I would do anything to protect good people and those I love. What do you think?

I find the first 3 hours very impressive, the gameplay is a lot of fun and the story is interesting too.

John2290 said:

Character interactions are still pissing me off, I don't know how they managed to make the aftermath of a gunfight cringey but they did and that's me done until my cringe levels receed. If it wasn't for these writers, I'd be pumped to shove in another hour.

But just how much of a minus is that, really? People didn't seem to care that much about the cringiness that Katros' son was bringing to the table throughout God of War. Sure he was younger than these characters, but they are still teenagers, in a world where they don't have that many people to talk to/act normally with.