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Forums - Politics Discussion - United States should downsize the population by ending all immigration and creating incentives for having fewer kids.


Should united states downsize it's population.

Yes 14 18.67%
No 59 78.67%
Maybe 2 2.67%


NJ also

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gergroy said:
Ka-pi96 said:

Definitely not. Here in Japan how to stop the ageing and decling population is a big political issue. People know it would be a bad thing and something needs to be done to keep the country ticking over mostly as is (or better).

Plus, more jobs are easy to make. Here we have elevator attendants. Is pushing the elevator buttons and announcing which floor the elevator has stopped on a needed job? No, it's absolutely stupid that such a thing exists (and if what I've seen on TV/movies is true you have petrol station attendants in America already, so y'all are clearly already willing to pay people for completely unnecessary jobs). Yet somebody is still paid to do it. I'm sure people could think of much more worthwhile things to employ people for if it were needed.

Haha, that’s just Oregon.  It is hilarious when you hear somebody in Oregon justifying it too.  People that have lived in Oregon their whole lives are scared to death of gassing up their car themselves.  

Also, it is super annoying every time I drive through Oregon and have to park next to the pump and wait for a dude to lift a nozzle and put it in my car for me.  Dumbest law ever.  

Ugh that does not feel right,i would like to spend my own money refueling my car and otherwise i'm just waiting for it to end so it seems like it takes longer when i let another do it.

The only time it occurred to me i refused the service.

USA is relatively low on population density and with a lot of fertile ground. Now if you are talking about major cities being overcrowded that is another point.
And as put with a 1.7 fertility rate you are more likely to end up with the issue of old population before any of over population.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

RolStoppable said:
Wouldn't it just be easier to hand out free guns to all citizens? That should bring the numbers down.

Just the lunatics would be enough. Start The Purge and repeat it every year!

Last edited by Bofferbrauer2 - on 14 June 2020

No, Cutting immigration to nothing would be horrible for long term future of the country and incentives for not having children I don't believe would be effective and if you took away tax credits for children it would just result in more children going hungry because they have parents who cant afford to feed them.  

I do wish there was a way to incentive people who cant even afford to take care of them selves from having children but I cant come up with a single way that would both work and be ethical.

Snoopy said:

making women pay child support just like men and give them the same punishment if they don't pay it (jail time).

I want to point out that child support laws are gender neutral, it is completely base on child custody and income.  I work with a man that receives child support from his ex-wife.  Both Woman and Men can get jail time for contempt of court if they refuse to abide by a court order to pay child support.

Around the Network
Ka-pi96 said:
Snoopy said:
This opinion is unpopular with a lot of people I've talked to, but I don't care. There are over 320 million people living in the United States and the rate of growth is exponential. There is not enough jobs, money or resources to go around especially when automation is ramping up and killing the need for humans. Truck Drivers, Teachers, Retail, Restaurants / Fast food, warehouses, farming, some IT jobs (especially because of cloud services), and I can go on all day. I hate saying this opinion especially because I know a lot of people seek to be here in the United States, but this can't sustain for very long. Also, this should apply to the world, but since I live in the United States, I can only focus on our country.
I might be wrong and someone can point it out. Most of this is just me speaking from the top of my head.

Definitely not. Here in Japan how to stop the ageing and decling population is a big political issue. People know it would be a bad thing and something needs to be done to keep the country ticking over mostly as is (or better).

Plus, more jobs are easy to make. Here we have elevator attendants. Is pushing the elevator buttons and announcing which floor the elevator has stopped on a needed job? No, it's absolutely stupid that such a thing exists (and if what I've seen on TV/movies is true you have petrol station attendants in America already, so y'all are clearly already willing to pay people for completely unnecessary jobs). Yet somebody is still paid to do it. I'm sure people could think of much more worthwhile things to employ people for if it were needed.

In Brazil we got rid of elevator attendant (had even a specific name in portuguese for them) for a long time and from bus collectors for over a decade, but gas station attendants is something that is still a thing here. No self-service available. It seems like a cultural thing that poor people want to be serviced once in a while instead of only serving.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

Cyran said:

No, Cutting immigration to nothing would be horrible for long term future of the country and incentives for not having children I don't believe would be effective and if you took away tax credits for children it would just result in more children going hungry because they have parents who cant afford to feed them.  

I do wish there was a way to incentive people who cant even afford to take care of them selves from having children but I cant come up with a single way that would both work and be ethical.

Snoopy said:

making women pay child support just like men and give them the same punishment if they don't pay it (jail time).

I want to point out that child support laws are gender neutral, it is completely base on child custody and income.  I work with a man that receives child support from his ex-wife.  Both Woman and Men can get jail time for contempt of court if they refuse to abide by a court order to pay child support.

Most women tend to benefit from this situation. Women and men should have to a hold a job and not just one person after a divorce. Also there shouldn't be any alimony as well. The only thing that each owe is money for the Child.

That would be the absolute nightmare scenario for any conservative right winger, which is why I'm surprised you would suggest it.

I'll give you a hint: The current capitalist system is based on constant growth. If such a policy was ever enacted that party would forever lose the support of every big donor.

Also, doesn't that sound like communism? You one of the red bois now?

Last edited by vivster - on 14 June 2020

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Snoopy said:
Cyran said:

No, Cutting immigration to nothing would be horrible for long term future of the country and incentives for not having children I don't believe would be effective and if you took away tax credits for children it would just result in more children going hungry because they have parents who cant afford to feed them.  

I do wish there was a way to incentive people who cant even afford to take care of them selves from having children but I cant come up with a single way that would both work and be ethical.

I want to point out that child support laws are gender neutral, it is completely base on child custody and income.  I work with a man that receives child support from his ex-wife.  Both Woman and Men can get jail time for contempt of court if they refuse to abide by a court order to pay child support.

Most women tend to benefit from this situation. Women and men should have to a hold a job and not just one person after a divorce. Also there shouldn't be any alimony as well. The only thing that each owe is money for the Child.

Well in order to properly respond to that would need to go way off topic since now we getting into why Men are more likely to have a higher paying job and why historically woman been asked to make sacrifices raising a family that men was not.  Instead I just suggest that if there was equality in the work force you would find that the current laws would not benefit Woman more then Men. 

That being said as the Trend of more woman in the workforce have continued the trend toward more and more woman paying Alimony have also happen as expected. 

My personal thoughts on Alimony is it very situation.  For example if 2 people with careers got married and have children then as a couple they decide one of the parents should give up there career to stay home and raise the children because they decide it what best for the children then I think it more then fair for the person that gave up there career for the family to receive Alimony in the case of a divorce.

On the other hands, there no children in the equation and there was no career sacrifices made for the benefit of the marriage then Alimony probably is not appropriate.

Either way you should of known the law when you signed the marriage licence and if you disagreed with aspects of the law you should of gotten a A prenuptial agreement.

I think there should be more focus on adoption instead of the breeding just for tradition because the family expects purebloods.
Too many population already,we should support the children without parents much more and look after them.