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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Playstation 5 " Future of Gaming ", June 11 Official Games Reveal/Streaming Thread - PS5 hardware revealed, includes standard and digital editions, PS new motto : "Play Has No Limit "


Are you ready for PS5

I am so Ready 16 51.61%
I am always ready 6 19.35%
Not yet, PS4 still has greatness 3 9.68%
My wallet are not ready 6 19.35%
ClassicGamingWizzz said:
Cerebralbore101 said:
That design looks really bad, both from a asthetic standpoint, and from a cooling standpoint. This thing is gonna overheat and die 7 years after it launches. Also fuck you for the pathetic digital version!

Cry more, i AM sure you know better than Sony engeniers . Lmao

Cry more? I want PS5 to be good. Been a Sony fan since 2006. As consoles become more and more powerful it becomes harder and harder to properly cool them while sticking to the standard console design. I know this, you know this, MS's designers know this. Sony's designers know this. The problem is that Sony's engineers can't stop some dumb exec from demanding it have an outdated form factor. This thing is going to blow like a jet engine, and die after 7-10 years of use. 

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The Fury said:
rapsuperstar31 said:
 Resident Evil

Did I miss something. I thought that game was called Village?

Yeah, Resident Evil VIllage


Spiderman PS5
Ratchet and Clank
Gran Turismo 7
Demon's Souls
Resident Evil 8
Horizon 2

And a whole bunch of smaller titles sprinkled around between.

There's still a lot being held back, obviously, but not too bad for a reveal show. Next couple months will be interesting.


And so many nay sayers, that Sony wouldn't have games to show and launch because they launched to much games recently. This show was unprecedented and I'm not copying MS marketing.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

$499 - disk
$399 - digital edition.

My bet.

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Just skimmed through everything and I'm not sure how much I care. Like, there are a lot of games that look solid, or that I would probably play if I had the console, but at least from these trailers, there was nothing that made me want to actually buy the console. Also, there wasn't anything that made me think that a new console was even really necessary at this point...

I'll probably end up buying it because it is backwards compatible and I skipped the PS4, but I'll probably wait a year or two.

Well, no denying that was a massive step up from the Xbox showcase. Best games by far were Ratchet & Clank, Resident Evil 8 (I'm assuming multi-plat) and Horizon II. Gran Turismo 7 looked promising. I expect Demon's Souls to be another ecellent remake by Bluepoint.

Miles Morales: Spider-Man seems to be the big launch title, which is worrying since they showed hardly any gameplay, and what I saw didn't seem like a big leap over the last Spider-Man. Still, it's something.

Lots of other good stuff thrown in. Kena looks cute and charming. Hitman 3 is a sweet announcement (hopefully with smart delivery/cross-gen support), but that supposed gameplay preview at the end wasn't much of a preview. 3D Hyper Light Drifter game seemed cool.

As for the system reveal, certainly a bold stylistic choice. Hopefully it's not as awkward to fit on/in a spot as it looks. Still don't really care for the new controller design, but it's how it feels that'll count.

Overall a very good reveal. But unless Demon's Souls, Ratchet & Clank and Horizon II all release in it's first year, I'm not interested in buying yet. Paid some lip service to supporting cross-gen, but didn't actually go into much detail, so Smart Delivery still has the edge for me, especially with Xbox One X having the best versions of each new game right now.

For both systems, probably a 2+ year wait to see how they pan out and get a good bundle.

This conference makes MS look bad.

Honestly. It's not how they presented Series X. But the games that usually accompanied it's shows/conferences. By comparison MS shows are so freaking boring.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

Sexy little machine. Sony’s systems always have the best style imo.

Ljink96 said:
AngryLittleAlchemist said:
Jesus christ ... they basically just showed most of the hyped games coming to the console from 2020-2021 ... the madmen ... THE MADMEN!

This is a complete turnaround from the ... well ... slow start of this gen ... to put it nicely.

Not much gameplay either. More than the Xbox event but that one wasn't even for 1st party showings. 

That's true. And the sad reality is ... at least with my experience with most PS4 exclusives, I personally probably won't find the exclusives shown that great when I actually get to play them. But man can Sony put on a show! HYPE TRAIN! 

Think my personal highlights, or at least the ones that I'm still thinking about a lot, were Resident Evil VIII, Demon's Souls Remake, that furry game, that game with the adventurer and the old man, and Ghostwire ... though I'm very skeptical about it.