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Forums - Sony Discussion - First look af the PS5 controller. The DualSense


Dig it?

Yay 90 69.23%
Nay 40 30.77%
Captain_Yuri said:
JRPGfan said:

Make a entirely white one? and a console thats also white..... please.

I dont like the mix and match look of it.... make one a solid colour please.
Pure white, or pure grey/black please.

Like this? It's a fan mock up.

As someone who was never really a fan of the different Dualshocks shapes and ergonomics, I'm kinda liking this.

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Otter said:
pikashoe said:
In terms of shape it's a step in the right direction. But is still lagging behind the xbone controller and switch pro controller. I'm not sure why Sony is so adverse to modernising controllers. Even Nintendo realises that Microsoft had it right with the 360 controller, and Nintendo can be so stubborn when it comes to these things.
Overall it looks fine and looks like it'll work fine, not bad, not great, just ok.

If you're referring to the sticks, theyre probably not doing it because market research shows the vast majority of playstation owners are comfortable and used to its placement. Changing it would be weird for them. Personally I've never got the fuss about the stick placement, what exactly do people not like about it? Is it  a problem for people with big hands or something?

I personally really hate the asymmetrical stick layout so seeing this new controller has me relieved. Just wish it had the colored face buttons.

TheBraveGallade said:
SvennoJ said:

Standard lol

Anyway now I know what that useless extra port on my laptop is :)

I mean, at this point at least HALF of the population of a first world country should be using a USB-C device.

Even IPADS have the port.

I got my wife an iPhone 11 not long ago, that still has the lightning connector. The iPad we have is a 4 mini lol. I still use mini USB for old Move controllers and micro USB for new Move controllers and other controllers. Micro USB works best imo, snaps on nice and tight. Mini USB is too loose, lightning cables suck.

Then of course the old HDMI cables, HDMI 2.0 cables, next we'll need HDMI 2.1 cables and there's also mini HDMI cables. I love all these standards! My wife always makes fun of me when I pull out the old box with my cable collection going back to Coax, Serial and Parallel cables, RCA, S-VHS, different headphone cables and all the connectors and converters that come with them for different consoles, PCs, audio and video equipment.

But sure, still looking forward to a 'standard' cable!

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twintail said:
Angelus said:
I think my biggest issue with this controller, is that they took something I found pretty useless on the PS4 controller, the touch-pad, and made it even bigger. Fucking why? Do people like this thing? Am I the weird one?

If you want BC with the PS4, the touch pad is a requirement. 

Fair point. Didn't need to make it bigger though.

Looks like a controller, alright.

My bet with The_Liquid_Laser: I think the Switch won't surpass the PS2 as the best selling system of all time. If it does, I'll play a game of a list that The_Liquid_Laser will provide, I will have to play it for 50 hours or complete it, whatever comes first. 

That's both ugly and boring. I'm not typically a person to get a new console at launch or anywhere near it, but this guarantees I won't be getting a PS5 anywhere near launch unless there's a better colour available.

Here is the console to match and I hope I can plug in my PocketStaion!

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

I don't like it but maybe it'll grow on me the more I look at it.