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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Staring into the abyss of a world where Nintendo has no games scheduled for release. Edit: The Time of Darkness Has Arrived

AngryLittleAlchemist said:
Cerebralbore101 said:

Yeah, sorry I thought I made it clear that I was including games that were made using Nintendo IPs, that Nintendo contracted 2nd or 3rd party studios to make. Since I already talked about that in a previous post, I didn't feel the need to elaborate further. It should be just a few posts up from when I quoted signalstar. And yes, Age of Calamity definitely fits that bill. However that's still only 2-3 big, new, non-port, Nintendo games for 2020 (Animal Crossing, Paper Mario, and Age of Calamity). Even 2018 had Star Allies, Mario Tennis, Smash, Let's Go, and Torna. BTW, I'd like to add in that I'm being overly generous to both years here.  Personally, I don't think Paper Mario, Star Allies, or Mario Tennis are worth picking up. I'll definitely be picking up Age of Calamity, for the story content, but I'm not sure if I'm going to actually enjoy the game, or just slog through it for more Zelda Lore.

Anyway, my main point here is that there's no denying that 2020 has Nintendo Switch's weakest yearly lineup yet. Right in the middle of the console's life cycle. And that is a problem.

P.S. If Nintendo were to shadow drop two more big games, with a definite 2020 release date, like Poke'mon Snap (with 3x the length of the original), or a new F-Zero, or a 2D Metroid with AAA production values, I'd actually be pretty satisfied with Switch's 2020. But I see two high quality Nintendo games being announced for 2020 as a very unlikely occurrence right now. I give it 70% odds that Age of Calamity is Nintendo's only big new Holiday title.

I mean, I can only reply to what is written in your post. And it doesn't even make sense - because you replied not one, but two separate times denying Hyrule Warriors 2 as a significant release because it wasn't developed by Nintendo. 

"All rereleases, games not developed by Nintendo, and weird stuff like Home Circuit."

"Sony and MS are both releasing entirely new consoles in the midst of this. Why can't Nintendo release a single new Nintendo developed game?"

So I'm not sure what your criteria is, it's inconsistent. You could have just said that from your perspective, only one valid game was announced, but instead you chose to throw it under the bus even though it fit your criteria. 

Yeah, I really didn't mean to imply that Age of Calamity didn't fit the criteria I laid out before. Please take whatever I spell out directly over anything that I might have unintentionally implied.

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xPhenom08x said:
Cerebralbore101 said:

Like I said before, Nintendo's games a much easier to make, since Switch isn't as graphically powerful as PS4. So this still makes Nintendo look bad. Also, Nintendo isn't releasing a new next gen game console in 2020.

Keep moving that goalposts bud, meanwhile the rest of the world will continue to buy Switch consoles and Switch games at record rates with that weak line up. Boy does Nintendo look bad. 

You realize that since I said it before it isn't actually moving goalposts right?

And besides that whole phrase gets tossed around too much these days. A lot of people simply misread the obvious context of a conversation. And then when somebody tries to elaborate to their dense ass they cry, "MoviNg tHE GOaLposTS!!!"

For example: Suppose I say "The Lakers are having trouble finding a new player for their team." And you respond with "Oh well they should recruit my Dad! He plays pickup games at the YMCA!" And then I go on a long tangent explaining to you the importance of picking players that can compete at an NBA level. But then you respond with...

The problem isn't with me moving goalposts. The problem is that you are too dense.

Norion said:
Cerebralbore101 said:

Anyway, my main point here is that there's no denying that 2020 has Nintendo Switch's weakest yearly lineup yet. Right in the middle of the console's life cycle. And that is a problem.

1. I don't know how much manpower it takes to design, and release a console, but I'd be willing to bet that it's more than it takes to create a new AAA game for Switch.

2. This isn't a fair comparison. Neither of those two consoles will be out for more than two months in 2020.

3. Sony has actually done very well this year with it's first and 2nd party content. They gave us Dreams, TLoU2, GoT, and are on track to give us Miles Morales. That's four games that are all bigger than anything Nintendo has this year, other than Animal Crossing. I bet you're going to reply to this by saying that those games were mostly done before coronavirus hit. And my response to that is, Why didn't Nintendo have a bunch of games nearly finished before Coronavirus hit? After all if Sony can get all those new games out despite a virus, with PS4 level graphics, why couldn't Nintendo do the same with Switch level graphics? Developing on Switch is easier so the way I see it, Nintendo doesn't have excuses.

Nintendo's first party games are developed in Japan and I have seen people saying that Japanese companies are being hit harder by corona since their workers are far less capable of working from home and if that is the case Nintendo will be hurt by this more than Sony and Microsoft. This isn't to say it excuses things completely but it is something.

Well they should have quickly invested by buying the equipment required for their workforce to work from home effectively. I mean, they have record profits right now, and are sitting on a pretty huge pile of money. Or is there something preventing Japanese workers from taking computer towers and equipment home from the office? Serious question, not rhetorical.

Norion said:
Cerebralbore101 said:

Anyway, my main point here is that there's no denying that 2020 has Nintendo Switch's weakest yearly lineup yet. Right in the middle of the console's life cycle. And that is a problem.

1. I don't know how much manpower it takes to design, and release a console, but I'd be willing to bet that it's more than it takes to create a new AAA game for Switch.

2. This isn't a fair comparison. Neither of those two consoles will be out for more than two months in 2020.

3. Sony has actually done very well this year with it's first and 2nd party content. They gave us Dreams, TLoU2, GoT, and are on track to give us Miles Morales. That's four games that are all bigger than anything Nintendo has this year, other than Animal Crossing. I bet you're going to reply to this by saying that those games were mostly done before coronavirus hit. And my response to that is, Why didn't Nintendo have a bunch of games nearly finished before Coronavirus hit? After all if Sony can get all those new games out despite a virus, with PS4 level graphics, why couldn't Nintendo do the same with Switch level graphics? Developing on Switch is easier so the way I see it, Nintendo doesn't have excuses.

Nintendo's first party games are developed in Japan and I have seen people saying that Japanese companies are being hit harder by corona since their workers are far less capable of working from home and if that is the case Nintendo will be hurt by this more than Sony and Microsoft. This isn't to say it excuses things completely but it is something.

Japan is back to "normality" since mid May. They didn't even stopped working completely. West, specially USA, was far more damaged by Covid than Japan 

Nintendo is just delaying their games because they are confident on their selling power without big new releases. They are stretching Switch life as much as they could. The teams working on BOTW 2, Odyssey 2 and etc are probably doing their last efforts for Switch ecosystem and will then work in the enginee for Switch sequel for 2024/2025/2026 games.

So Nintendo needs to delay the release of those big IPs as much as they can to provide a lasting support (unless they want long droughts periods), as much as getting the best 3rd party support they can get

I'm 99% sure all Mario releases were supposed to happen this year, and they are just delaying it because they can 

Hyrule warriors though, I think it was always planned to be released this Q4 as a damage control for BOTW 2 being released next year 

Cerebralbore101 said:
xPhenom08x said:

Keep moving that goalposts bud, meanwhile the rest of the world will continue to buy Switch consoles and Switch games at record rates with that weak line up. Boy does 

The problem isn't with me moving goalposts. The problem is that you are too dense.

So just to be clear you want new, big, internally developed games from Nintendo right? You have hijacked this thread because thats not what this thread was originally about to begin with. No im not dense, I just don't include my personal feelings in trying to determine what is or isn't a good year for Nintendo. I'm not going to be foolish enough to tell a multi billion dollar corporation, that some random on the internet knows how to run their company better. I am also not too childish to accept not every game Ninty makes will appeal to me. I leave it to Ninty to worry about selling games and consoles because its THEIR job. Whether its Odyssey 2 or the Mario 3D collection, I recognize both will sell at 60 bucks and both will sell millions. You would leave 3d collection off some nonsense list but include games from Sony and micro that will be easily outsold by that 3d collection lol. You would also tell us how this year was bad and we should be worried for Ninty. While Ninty sells more consoles in a year than either one of them and Mario continues to be the biggest exclusize gaming franchise on the planet. 

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Cerebralbore101 said:

JSG87 said:

Are you actually being serious? They have four games coming out between now and November on top of all the third party stuff. Just because those games aren't high profile enough for you doesn't mean they aren't for other people. Nintendo clearly thinks Hyrule Warriors is high profile enough for Christmas. Couple that with 3D all-stars 🤷🏻‍♂️

Wow. I'm still blown away that people are actually trying to count a low effort compilation, or old Wii U ports, in a list war to defend Nintendo. Had you read the OP, you'd understand that 3rd party isn't relevant for this discussion.

Well no, third party is relevant. You can't just rely on Nintendo's output to satisfy most gamers.

Nice to know this thread is still trucking along

xPhenom08x said:
Cerebralbore101 said:

The problem isn't with me moving goalposts. The problem is that you are too dense.

So just to be clear you want new, big, internally developed games from Nintendo right? You have hijacked this thread because thats not what this thread was originally about to begin with. No im not dense, I just don't include my personal feelings in trying to determine what is or isn't a good year for Nintendo. I'm not going to be foolish enough to tell a multi billion dollar corporation, that some random on the internet knows how to run their company better. I am also not too childish to accept not every game Ninty makes will appeal to me. I leave it to Ninty to worry about selling games and consoles because its THEIR job. Whether its Odyssey 2 or the Mario 3D collection, I recognize both will sell at 60 bucks and both will sell millions. You would leave 3d collection off some nonsense list but include games from Sony and micro that will be easily outsold by that 3d collection lol. You would also tell us how this year was bad and we should be worried for Ninty. While Ninty sells more consoles in a year than either one of them and Mario continues to be the biggest exclusize gaming franchise on the planet. 

The thread was obviously about Nintendo not having a definite release date for anything big, new and 1st or 2nd party in 2020. Any idiot should have been able to read between the lines, and understand that some dumb Mario Kart AR toy, or some old ports weren't relevant to the discussion. Would you like to objectively compare 2020 to 2018? Or 2019? How about 2017? From a games lineup perspective 2020 is objectively the weakest year Nintendo has had yet. But be sure to confuse Nintendo having a weak year with Nintendo having poor financial success, and then project that onto me. ;)

As I said before, this thread is undead. It just can't die. Logically, there is no reason why this thread should be alive, and yet it won't die. If you come near it, then it will eat your brain.

IcaroRibeiro said:
Well I have many older titles to play so I'm not really thirsty yet

However I really do want they to release ports of the older consoles

Just released I said this in second page 

Thank you Nintendo, really thank you for listen me

You can stop now lmao