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Norion said:
Cerebralbore101 said:

Anyway, my main point here is that there's no denying that 2020 has Nintendo Switch's weakest yearly lineup yet. Right in the middle of the console's life cycle. And that is a problem.

1. I don't know how much manpower it takes to design, and release a console, but I'd be willing to bet that it's more than it takes to create a new AAA game for Switch.

2. This isn't a fair comparison. Neither of those two consoles will be out for more than two months in 2020.

3. Sony has actually done very well this year with it's first and 2nd party content. They gave us Dreams, TLoU2, GoT, and are on track to give us Miles Morales. That's four games that are all bigger than anything Nintendo has this year, other than Animal Crossing. I bet you're going to reply to this by saying that those games were mostly done before coronavirus hit. And my response to that is, Why didn't Nintendo have a bunch of games nearly finished before Coronavirus hit? After all if Sony can get all those new games out despite a virus, with PS4 level graphics, why couldn't Nintendo do the same with Switch level graphics? Developing on Switch is easier so the way I see it, Nintendo doesn't have excuses.

Nintendo's first party games are developed in Japan and I have seen people saying that Japanese companies are being hit harder by corona since their workers are far less capable of working from home and if that is the case Nintendo will be hurt by this more than Sony and Microsoft. This isn't to say it excuses things completely but it is something.

Well they should have quickly invested by buying the equipment required for their workforce to work from home effectively. I mean, they have record profits right now, and are sitting on a pretty huge pile of money. Or is there something preventing Japanese workers from taking computer towers and equipment home from the office? Serious question, not rhetorical.