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AngryLittleAlchemist said:
Cerebralbore101 said:

Yeah, sorry I thought I made it clear that I was including games that were made using Nintendo IPs, that Nintendo contracted 2nd or 3rd party studios to make. Since I already talked about that in a previous post, I didn't feel the need to elaborate further. It should be just a few posts up from when I quoted signalstar. And yes, Age of Calamity definitely fits that bill. However that's still only 2-3 big, new, non-port, Nintendo games for 2020 (Animal Crossing, Paper Mario, and Age of Calamity). Even 2018 had Star Allies, Mario Tennis, Smash, Let's Go, and Torna. BTW, I'd like to add in that I'm being overly generous to both years here.  Personally, I don't think Paper Mario, Star Allies, or Mario Tennis are worth picking up. I'll definitely be picking up Age of Calamity, for the story content, but I'm not sure if I'm going to actually enjoy the game, or just slog through it for more Zelda Lore.

Anyway, my main point here is that there's no denying that 2020 has Nintendo Switch's weakest yearly lineup yet. Right in the middle of the console's life cycle. And that is a problem.

P.S. If Nintendo were to shadow drop two more big games, with a definite 2020 release date, like Poke'mon Snap (with 3x the length of the original), or a new F-Zero, or a 2D Metroid with AAA production values, I'd actually be pretty satisfied with Switch's 2020. But I see two high quality Nintendo games being announced for 2020 as a very unlikely occurrence right now. I give it 70% odds that Age of Calamity is Nintendo's only big new Holiday title.

I mean, I can only reply to what is written in your post. And it doesn't even make sense - because you replied not one, but two separate times denying Hyrule Warriors 2 as a significant release because it wasn't developed by Nintendo. 

"All rereleases, games not developed by Nintendo, and weird stuff like Home Circuit."

"Sony and MS are both releasing entirely new consoles in the midst of this. Why can't Nintendo release a single new Nintendo developed game?"

So I'm not sure what your criteria is, it's inconsistent. You could have just said that from your perspective, only one valid game was announced, but instead you chose to throw it under the bus even though it fit your criteria. 

Yeah, I really didn't mean to imply that Age of Calamity didn't fit the criteria I laid out before. Please take whatever I spell out directly over anything that I might have unintentionally implied.