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Forums - General Discussion - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread

John2290 said:
Nautilus said:

70%?Honestly, that's just an exageration.First, if things ever got that bad, countries would do the same as China and Italy, and would quarantine cities and such.So, it wouldn't come to that.

Secondly the population itself would start taking preventive measures, such as bringing hand sanitizers along, or avoiding public places for some time.Plus, the disease spreads through contact, so it dosen't have that much power in terms of contamination.

The biggest problem is the hospitals, with them not being able to handle.But then governments could try to shoote this part by bringing extra help, hiring doctors from other countries and setting temporary shelters to treat the infected.

Again, its a serious situation, but it's not the end of the world.I mean, if Europe survived the damn black plague during the 16th century with 0.01 of the technology we have today, I think we will be just fine.Which is why I think some of these measures are just too extreme.

It doesn't matter if its potential is 70% or 50% or 30, or 20 or even 10%. Italy has shown how much a well run health care system can take and it's an incredibly small fraction of the percentages, unfortunately. When you scale the numbers up the only out is to spread the numbers thin and across time, hence the quarantines.

No health Care system in the world could handle an outbreak that comes like this.That much is true.Dosen't mean you gotta run with it and just go crazy with it.

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NightlyPoe said:
useruserB said:

100,000 infections in a state with 5 confirmed cases and zero deaths?

I'm going to put my doubting hat on.  I mean, it'd be awesome if it were true.  It would basically mean that the strain of the disease spreading through the United States is relatively benign.

The Covid-19 strains have been sequenced already on most countries and are almost identical everywhere. For some reason, people think viral evolution is like Pokémon and happens in quantum leaps that would suddenly make the disease worse or better.

I still stand by what I've said from the beginning: all infectious diseases are massively undertracked and this is no different. I think the statistical impossibility of having so many high-profile cases, travel-related transmission and now community transmission are all proving this point.

It happened even in the Diamond Princess, where they supposedly had to carefully test everyone. Besides the ~ 750 confirmed cases, of which half had no symptoms, a further 800 were released from quarantine early and only later believed to have been mild / assymptomatic carriers. Where and how are they now? No one knows.






Nautilus said:

I am, and everyone should take basic measures to keep yourself safe.But also remember that, if you are in the US, the chances of you getting infected is extremely small, especially with the measures being take.In a country with 350 million people, and lets say there are 20k infected, the chances of you comming into contact with one are... small to put it lightly.

True but when you have less than 5 states infected 2 weeks ago (not including the ones from the cruise ship) and it jumps to 45 states it is clear that the virus is making its way around the country. (guess Alaska could be a safe heaven tho).

John2290 said:
Nautilus said:

No health Care system in the world could handle an outbreak that comes like this.That much is true.Dosen't mean you gotta run with it and just go crazy with it.

You suggest letting people die to save yourself? Tell that to the health care worker who puts their life on the line to treat you when the time comes, they'll still treat you regardless and they won't shrug about it. Maybe re-evaluate your moral compass.

What?I didn't say that.I said that any outbreak would cause this situation.If it didn't it would be an outbreak.

Measures would be taken, like checking if someone has symptoms before traveling, hiring medical staff to help with the situation and everything.You can do that AND not shit on the rest.That's what I meant.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

konnichiwa said:
Nautilus said:

I am, and everyone should take basic measures to keep yourself safe.But also remember that, if you are in the US, the chances of you getting infected is extremely small, especially with the measures being take.In a country with 350 million people, and lets say there are 20k infected, the chances of you comming into contact with one are... small to put it lightly.

True but when you have less than 5 states infected 2 weeks ago (not including the ones from the cruise ship) and it jumps to 45 states it is clear that the virus is making its way around the country. (guess Alaska could be a safe heaven tho).

Still it's a small number compared to the total.

Anyways, hope for the best for everyone.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

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If everyone were a recluse like me the virus wouldn't have spread. Clearly I am the model human being everyone should strive to be.

John2290 said:
Nautilus said:

But I'm not saying anything should be done.I agree with many measures being taken, I just think some passes a line that makes it a bit too extreme.And yes, we have been through outbreaks and diseases that are far more deadly and we have survived just fine.Governments need to take action to stop this, but one thing is taking action, the other is just taking every action you can do and run with it.

I am, and everyone should take basic measures to keep yourself safe.But also remember that, if you are in the US, the chances of you getting infected is extremely small, especially with the measures being take.In a country with 350 million people, and lets say there are 20k infected, the chances of you comming into contact with one are... small to put it lightly.

What I mean is: Take measures to keep yourself safe, but don't stop living your life.

You are putting others at risk by continuing to live your life. Stay safe but keep others safe aswell should be your attitude. 

So what you want me to do?Live inside my house for 3 months straight?Don't go for groceries, don't go for work, don't go to study?

Have no social life?Live a hermit life for that period when you are 100% sure you are not infected?

Dude, it's easier to die in a car accident than this.Far easier.And that's something that happens every day.I'm not going to live my life just because the world had an outbreak and people panicked, something that seems to happen once every 10 years.

Panicking is the worse thing to happen right now and just makes things worse.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

Uhaul is offering 30 days free temporary storage to college students who need to move out from their dorms dur to school closures.

super_etecoon said:
SpokenTruth said:

Interesting.  I hope it's as simple as that is suggesting.  Granted, that also pisses me off. If it were that simple, why has it not been utilized yet?

Watch the two minute exchange if you can.  Rep. Porter deserves a medal if this sticks.  And she holds his feet to the fire the entire time, even maintaining that she has been providing Director Redfield's office with info and support of the precedent to offer free testing for over a week.  It's also very sad to see just how inept the head of an agency like the CDC seems to be.  Hopefully he's just bad at oral examinations.

That was a pretty interesting exchange. She did not let up.  I'll second that it is worth the watch.

John2290 said:
Nautilus said:

What?I didn't say that.I said that any outbreak would cause this situation.If it didn't it would be an outbreak.

Measures would be taken, like checking if someone has symptoms before traveling, hiring medical staff to help with the situation and everything.You can do that AND not shit on the rest.That's what I meant.

Ah, alright. Well, the UK's Government made press conference today. They'll explain it in detail better than me regurgitating my limited understanding...

Hope it helps and you can get a gauge on what the US is doing or needs to do.

I'll watch it later, but just to add this: forgot that governments can't fail.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.