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John2290 said:
Nautilus said:

But I'm not saying anything should be done.I agree with many measures being taken, I just think some passes a line that makes it a bit too extreme.And yes, we have been through outbreaks and diseases that are far more deadly and we have survived just fine.Governments need to take action to stop this, but one thing is taking action, the other is just taking every action you can do and run with it.

I am, and everyone should take basic measures to keep yourself safe.But also remember that, if you are in the US, the chances of you getting infected is extremely small, especially with the measures being take.In a country with 350 million people, and lets say there are 20k infected, the chances of you comming into contact with one are... small to put it lightly.

What I mean is: Take measures to keep yourself safe, but don't stop living your life.

You are putting others at risk by continuing to live your life. Stay safe but keep others safe aswell should be your attitude. 

So what you want me to do?Live inside my house for 3 months straight?Don't go for groceries, don't go for work, don't go to study?

Have no social life?Live a hermit life for that period when you are 100% sure you are not infected?

Dude, it's easier to die in a car accident than this.Far easier.And that's something that happens every day.I'm not going to live my life just because the world had an outbreak and people panicked, something that seems to happen once every 10 years.

Panicking is the worse thing to happen right now and just makes things worse.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.