Weekly update.
In total 3.17 million new cases were reported last week (down from 3.49 million) to a total of 235,039,923
Also another 54,584 additional deaths were reported (down from 58,204) to a total of 4,805,099

Cases and deaths are slightly rising again in Europe, slightly down in the USA
The continents

Asia reported 1.04 million new cases (down from 1.20 million) and 14,394 more deaths (down from 17,148)
North America reported 956K new cases (slightly down from 1.08 million) and 18,929 more deaths (down from 20,287)
Europe reported 893K new cases (slightly up from 831K) and 12,749 more deaths (slightly up from 12,245)
South America reported 168K new cases (down from 275K) and 4,920 more deaths (down from 5,594)
Africa reported 105K new cases (up from 87K) and 3,356 more deaths (up from 2,858)
Oceania reported 70.0K new cases (slightly up from 16.4K) and 236 deaths (172 last week)
Corners of the world

USA reported 774K new cases (down from 870K) and 13,691 more deaths (down from 14,579)
India reported 166K new cases (down from 207K) and 1,915 more deaths (slightly down from 2,127)
Brazil reported 118K new cases (down from 225K) and 3,594 more deaths (slightly down from 3,954)
Iran reported 92.4K new cases (down from 113K) and 1,871 more deaths (down from 2,356)
Canada reported 30.3K new cases (slightly up from 29.6K) and 301 deaths (250 last week)
South Korea reported 18.6K new cases (up from 13.2K) and 63 deaths (45 last week)
Japan reported 13.9K new cases (down from 24.4K) and 273 deaths (345 last week)
Australia reported 13.2K new cases (up from 11.7K) and 101 deaths (67 last week)
South Africa reported 9,965 new cases (down from 17.3K) and 738 deaths (1,015 last week)
Europe in detail

Ukraine still shooting up, UK and Russia heading up
I guess we reached the new normal, this level of infections and deaths seems to be acceptable for most countries. Meanwhile another study found at least one long term symptom in 37% of Covid-19 cases. Just get vaccinated.
Word vaccination rate is at 33.68% +1.3% (45.33% first dose)
About a month away from passing the 5 million (official) deaths.