Weekly update. Downward momentum is declining, UK and Russia still going up as well as South Africa
In total another 2.56 million new cases were reported last week (down from 2.72 million) for a total of 178,588,459
Also another 66,363 deaths were reported (down from 73,122) for a total of 3,866,662

Europe is starting to level off, USA is slowing down as well
The continents

South America reported 984K new cases (up from 969K) and 26,837 more deaths (slightly up from 26,648)
Asia reported 973K new cases (down from 1.15 million) and 26,391 more deaths (down from 31,675)
Europe reported 275K new cases (down from 295K) and 6,210 more deaths (down from 7,751)
North America reported 172K new cases (down from 196K) and 4,337 more deaths (down from 4,754)
Africa reported 150K new cases (up from 112K) and 2,583 more deaths (up from 2,292)
Oceania reported 986 new cases (974 last week) and 5 deaths (2 last week)
Corners of the world

Brazil reported 501K new cases (up from 459K) and 14,271 more deaths (up from 13,382)
India reported 465K new cases (down from 664K) and 18,070 more deaths (down from 22,996)
USA reported 86.8K new cases (down from 114K) and 2,182 more deaths (down from 2,498)
Iran reported 67.4K new cases (up from 58.7K) and 950 deaths (983 last week)
South Africa reported 66.5K new cases (up from 44.1K) and 849 deaths (760 last week)
Japan reported 11.0K new cases (down from 14.9K) and 413 deaths (543 last week)
Canada reported 7,553 new cases (down from 10.2k) and 137 deaths (207 last week)
South Korea reported 3,379 new cases (down from 4,007) and 15 deaths (12 last week)
Australia reported 84 new cases (78 last week) no deaths
Europe in detail

Russia hanging on to the top spot, UK giving chase. Austria doing the best this week.
The border closure has been extended again, to July 21st. Meanwhile nearly 75% of the eligible population has received their first shot and 20% has been fully vaccinated in Canada. After the 26th I should be able to book an appointment for a second dose, my wife gets her second shot next Thursday if all goes well.