melbye said:
Is there much mask-use in Denmark? |
Barely any.
(in the start, during lockdowns, we did have like maybe atmost half (probably less) useing a mask when out shopping, now its like nothing, noone wears a mask)
We went against mask usage (ei. its too expensive (high quality ones), we dont have enough, leave what we have for our medical professionals).
We did a very strick lockdown, until we had really low numbers, and now we re just trying really hard to adhere to safety rules (so things dont spilke up again). In generally I think danes are good at respecting each others public space, and keeping distance to others, and we re good with hand washing, and staying away from people if you "think" you might have something (we try hard not to infect others).
Basically the shutdown did all the work, the rest is just reopening in a safe manner, so it doesn't flair up again.
(no half measures, you lockdown, you lockdown, and stay that way until its served its purpose, and make damn sure you dont squander the benefits it gave (its expensive to shutdown). All safety measures, need to be followed by everyone as you gradually step by step open up in a responsible way)
America doesnt need the mask if it doesnt want them.
You guys can go into a 2-3month nation wide shutdown again, as a way to deal with the high numbers instead.
So its basically a simple formula of:
1) lockdown as long as needed, dont quit halfways through, because its hard or costing too much.
2) everyone is in this together, so everyone needs to ahere to the safety measures recammended by to us. This virus only spreads via peoples actions.
3) make sure you reopen really slowly, and measuredly (keep a eye on things, pace it out, see what works and doesnt), and dont willy-nilly reopen anything without some form of measures to prevent spread in place (atleast at the start).
If you do it right, your in a decent'ish spot afterwards.
Even without mask wearing.
4) lots of testing, easily accesiable, and with quick results sent back to the person(s), so they can know to avoid infecting others.
(basically, if you first get results like a week or two lateron, the test is a waste, because the person that needed to know, never did get to do so, in time to stop infecting others) (for tests to mean anything (in terms of stopping spread), you need results back within a day or two)
Everyone (countries) that wants too, can do a lockdown.
What I think danes did well is the 2) and 3) parts.
We understand theres a social contract, that you act not just in your own intrests but in others, you dont want to spread this thing.
We did a semi decent re-opening.
*new edit:
Dispite the no mask thing, and our reopening of most things....
Currently theres ~259 active confirmed covid19 cases in the country.
Theres 17 people hospitalised, and 4 people in the ICU.
It looks like hospitalisations and ICU bed, are still dropping (though slowly), same with the active cases of covid19.