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Forums - General Discussion - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread

Record number of new cases worldwide and a big adjustments in reported deaths in India, 2006 reported today
1,328 deaths (862 from Mumbai and the remaining 466 from across the state) actually occurred in March and April but were added only today after clearance from the state's death audit committee tasked with taking the final call on the cause of deaths

The virus is starting to spread faster again throughout the world, about 110% week over week change 3 day average.
The USA has been increasing again since last Thursday, about 111% week over week change 3 day average.
Europe broke even today, 99% week over week change 3 day average.

In about 4 days the USA will have reported more cases than Europe in total.

South America is adding 31.0% of the world's cases, 103% week over week change and accelerating again
Asia is growing steadily, adding 28.6% of the world's cases, steady 115% week over week change
North America is back to growth, adding 21.9% of the world's cases, 112% week over week change, accelerating
Europe is flat to slight decline, adding 11.2% of the world's cases, 99% week over week change, trending up
Africa is growing the fastest, only adding 6.6% of the world's cases but seeing just over 130% week over week change
Oceania adds 15 cases

China and Japan are seeing new outbreaks while South Korea might be stopping one.

Australia is back on the board, hopefully only temporary.

Canada is still doing well for now, although my local county reported 3 new cases and the pending tests keep piling up. The border will remain closed until July 21st, yet you can get in no problem if you say you're traveling to Alaska. (Doubt that will work on the east coast though lol)

Phase 2 of re-openings coming Friday for the whole province (Ontario) except Toronto has to wait another week. Restaurants, swimming pools etc. And Quebec will allow gatherings of up to 50 people again from next week. Playing with fire...

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UK study finds cheap, already-approved and widely available drug reduces COVID-19 deaths in patients requiring ventilation by a third:

Ontario is quick to post numbers, 190 for today, slightly up from yesterday but down from last week. The number of pending tests keeps going up though, 21.6K pending which was down to 2K a week ago. The cynic in me says they stop counting positives when the reach their 'quota' and leave the rest pending for later...

But it's from doing more tests daily

Positive rate is going down, as well as hospitalizations, there are 383 patients in hospital with the virus, 92 of which are being treated in an intensive care unit. Of those 92 in the ICU, 65 are breathing with the assistance of a ventilator. Perhaps Dexamethasone can help them.

It looks like we're on the right track. No new local cases today.

John2290 said:
The stage for war is really starting to take shape now and it's a big stage.

What are we fighting over this time?  My country is too busy fighting itself and we could use a "distraction".

Last edited by sethnintendo - on 17 June 2020

John2290 said:
The stage for war is really starting to take shape now and it's a big stage.

War? Over what? For what?

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sethnintendo said:
John2290 said:
The stage for war is really starting to take shape now and it's a big stage.

What are we fighting over this time? 

The design of the PS5, of course.

Barozi said:

2,349 positive cases (-25.4%) with 329k tests (-16.1%).

On average there were 336 positive cases a day (or 392 if you discard Sunday).

492 in ICU (-22.2%)

Definitely still in decline but not as drastic as it seems (because of the public holiday and therefore reduced testing which I mentioned in my other post).

Another week, another:
2,065 positive cases (-12.1%) with 320k tests (-2.7%).

On average there were 295 positive cases a day (or 344 if you discard Sunday).

406 in ICU (-17.5%)

So slooooow. Another public holiday (not in every part of the country though) caused a slight dip in testing capacity. However, all public holidays are over for now so testing should increase to ~400k for the current week. Due to this, there could very well be more positive cases than last week. (320k tests vs. 400k tests would find about 520 more infected at the current rate (0.65%).

Bofferbrauer2 said:
John2290 said:
The stage for war is really starting to take shape now and it's a big stage.

War? Over what? For what?

I think he is referring to the China India border clashes. 20 Indian soldiers died and China had some casualties too. They have little skirmishes from time to time over their disputed borders but it had been years since people actually died. I don't think it would lead to actual war tho.

39 hospitalised in denmark for covid19 (in total).
6 of which, are in the ICU.
5 are on ventilators.

A mink farm here, found out their mink had gotten it.

Stupid virus..... wish it would just go away.
its been here too long already imo.

With these recommendations I'm not sure whether it will be safe to send our kids back to school in September.

These are the recommendations from SickKids Toronto

- Frequent hand washing, teaching kids how to wash hands properly and avoid touching their face.
- No face masks, teach kids to cover their cough and sneeze into their elbow.
- Arrange classroom furniture to keep as much space as possible between students, and to have smaller class sizes, if possible. They also said schools could consider holding classes and lunch breaks outside, if weather permits. However students should be allowed to play together.
- Limited cohorting. “Student well-being and mental health should be prioritized, however, such that class or program switching should not be denied on the basis of cohorting,” the recommendations state.
- Students and staff should stay home if they have any signs or symptoms of COVID-19
- Students who develop symptoms during the school day, the group said principals and teachers should be provided with information to recognize those signs in order to take “appropriate action.”
- Parents and caregivers should be given a checklist to do daily screenings at home every morning. (no screenings at school to avoid line-ups)

There reason to get kids back in school asap

“The impact on the mental, behavioural, and developmental health of children not going to school, not being exposed to in-person teaching, and not being with their friends and peers is something that myself and many of my colleagues in pediatrics are literally losing sleep over.”

Which is very true, however then they go on to minimize the risk for children, which is true, but sidestepping the issue of possible transmission by children, up to 3 days before any symptoms show. Also afaik air borne transmission in closed spaces in a bigger factor spreading sars-cov-2 than touching contaminated surfaces.

“We have to accept and internalize that this virus will stay with us for a very long time, a year, maybe even longer,” Cohn said. “We have to accept that we will not be able to eliminate the risk from getting infected from the coronavirus. So we have to stop living in fear from the virus. And most importantly, we need to move on with certain activities of our life.”

Yeah bullshit. My wife won't be any less at risk in the fall. The schools / classes here are very full, outside time usually dwindles fast from October and relying on parents to do a 'proper' health check before sending their kids to school, I don't have much faith in that. We haven't had a single fall yet where my wife didn't catch several colds and/other stuff from the kids bringing it back from school.