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Forums - General Discussion - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread

useruserB said:

Sickening what china did by downplaying, hiding and suppressing info early on, and withholding/not sharing info basically ensuring it would spread everywhere. Maybe china believed it was better for them if everyone suffered, you know, don't want to be the only country that takes a major L, gotta make sure everyone else does too! Especially disgusted with how the ccp pressured other countries to keep their borders open. And quite disappointed how most countries didn't initially take this seriously and respond with immediate decisive action. Seems like no one was really worried, prepared or on the ball.

Kinda sad when it seems like north korea had the best response to it, lol.

Let me know if I'm wrong but, this thing is somewhere around 10-30x deadlier than the flu, has a much higher severe disease rate, just as if not more contagious, and infected people are contagious for 2x the duration or longer compared to the seasonal flu.

Erm China is doing way more than the west is currently. The fact that it took from December until recently for it to escape, compared to how rapidly it's already spreading throughout the whole of Europe, the slow response of the rest of the world is what's sickening. Heck some of the people cleared to leave the Diamond Princess still turned out to have the virus.

Problem is, it's still largely unknown how the virus spreads exactly, incubation period can be 2 weeks with 3 weeks as an outlier and early symptoms look like a regular flu.

Shutting down entire cities and isolating entire regions is "no wanting to be the only country that takes a major L" ???

So far I see the 'west' still carrying on as normal. 2.7 million airline passengers daily, just monitor yourself for symptoms when you get back from a suspect area.

And yeah you're right, I made a comparison with the flu in another thread based on US stats

If Covid-19 gets to run lose like the flu:
Lower estimate: 40% of 327 million get sick, 130 million. 5% need hospital care (based on Diamond Princess) 6.5 million. 2% die, 2.6 million.
Upper estimate: 70% of 327 million get sick, 229 million, 10% need hospital care (based on China) 23 million, 3.4% die, 7.8 million.

2017-2018 Flu season (a peak year)
45 million got the flu 13.7%, 810k hospitalized 1.8%, 61K died 0.135%

Thus compared to flu, low estimate: 2.77x more severe disease rate, 15x higher death rate.
high estimate: 5.55x more severe disease rate, 25x higher death rate.

Plus the chance of catching it is also 3 to 5 times higher.

Last edited by SvennoJ - on 28 February 2020

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curl-6 said:

I have OCD and am terrified of serious illness, so this is exactly the kind of thing that scares me most.

That said, when I think logically, I am not too concerned about this one, yet. Yes, it's naturally frightening when a new disease emerges. But remember SARS back in 2003, when we thought it would scour the globe and kill millions? In the end, less than a thousand people died.

Heck, remember the Swine Flu in 2009? Again, a novel virus emerged, caused some deaths, spread globally, and there was rampant fear of a devastating pandemic, but it turned out to overall be a rather moderate illness.

So far there have been 17 deaths out of 633 confirmed cases, but a lot of those deaths were among the elderly or those with underlying health problems, and it's possible that only the more severe cases are even seeking help and being caught, and that the actual mortality rate is no higher than the regular seasonal flu.

Also, this time the outbreak has been caught earlier than SARS, and quarantines are being put in place.

I'd say there's no call to panic just yet.

I am with you on the OCD thing. I am always worried about my body and every little thing that goes wrong. I had a really bad cold a few weeks back (sore throat, cough, congestion), and I had a strange symptom where my neck got sore during this time, and I discovered a lump underneath my chin (on the underside of my jaw, directly in the center, a few inches above my adam's apple). The swelling eventually went down, although I still do have a very tiny lump that I can feel if I push around that area. Is it something everyone has? I don't think so, but I also wonder. It's a very faint lump and I had actually been noticing it for a year or two now and thought nothing of it until the swelling.

But yeah, in this case I was fearing that it could possibly be cancer, and although I would have bet against it being cancer, I was still quite depressed for a few days and I still think about it often.

Just from the past few years:

1. Last June (it actually started earlier but it got bad in June) I had this issue where every night when I went to bed, just as my body would begin falling asleep, my heart would have a few beats that felt strong and out of sync and it would jolt me back awake, startling me and causing me to briefly yell out in my sleep. I have spent many nights sleeping on the couch as I felt bad about scaring my wife several times during the night. Not being a medical professional, my belief was that it was sleep apnea, or possibly that my heart was very weak. I was concerned that it was going to cause me to have a heart attack, as it got so bad it would happen a dozen times some nights, taking me hours to finally fall asleep. I went to the doctor in July and wore a "halter monitor", which is an EKG for 30 days that constantly monitored, and when an event occurred, I would report my symptoms.

After that was done, the conclusion was that my heart was strong and it was just anxiety. I always thought anxiety was just a mental symptom, like depression, and I didn't realize it was something that could cause me to experience symptoms that I could only describe as what I believe the onset of a heart attack would feel like.

This problem still occurs on occasion, but its fairly mild now, and it actually got better the very day that I got the news from my doctor that my heart was strong. As though knowing my heart wasn't weak gave me the peace of mind to allow me to sleep at night.

2. Had a weird problem with my leg for about a week or two where my hip would feel pain whenever I walked. I thought I had gout.

3. Developed a localized rash on my stomach, which eventually caused my entire body to begin itching. Much of my body was getting small, red bumps from the scratching. This happened shortly after I had a stomach problem from an injury at the gym, and I thought they were related. Because of this coincidence, it never occurred to me that it was the nickel in my belt that my body was having a reaction to. My doctor knew right away and when I laid down, he undid my belt and pulled it off in what I can only describe as a weird situation where I thought I was about to be sexually abused but quickly realized my doctor was just showing me the source of the problem. In this instance I was convinced that the stomach issue I had from the gym injury was worse than I thought, and maybe my liver had stopped working, and was failing to metabolize things properly, and proteins, and histamines, and other scary words which was slowly causing my body to deteriorate.

Overall, my real issue is that I am oftentimes too afraid to actually go to the doctor, as I fear the worst. These are just a few of the things. It seems like every month or so something happens that I blow out of proportion.

This was entirely off topic >.>

Today 97% of my fair just vanished after I realize something, that we could NOT see a week ago, but now with these 6 weeks and large sample of 84000 declared cases, something appears very obvious. I have checked one by one each concerned countries and everything fits well except 1-2 minor exceptions.

Ka-pi96 said:
Well it seems like I might not get paid next month (due to not working) thanks to this virus. So yeah, I'm not at all worried about "dying" from the virus but it's still probably gonna fuck me over

What do you do for a living? 

My bet with The_Liquid_Laser: I think the Switch won't surpass the PS2 as the best selling system of all time. If it does, I'll play a game of a list that The_Liquid_Laser will provide, I will have to play it for 50 hours or complete it, whatever comes first. 

John2290 said:
Amnesia said:
Today 97% of my fair just vanished after I realize something, that we could NOT see a week ago, but now with these 6 weeks and large sample of 84000 declared cases, something appears very obvious. I have checked one by one each concerned countries and everything fits well except 1-2 minor exceptions.


I believe he isn't fearful anymore because most countries have only a few cases and only a few got hit hard yet. But most countries got hit only the last few days which doesn't tell us anything yet about how it will look like in a week or a month. 

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crissindahouse said:
John2290 said:


I believe he isn't fearful anymore because most countries have only a few cases and only a few got hit hard yet. But most countries got hit only the last few days which doesn't tell us anything yet about how it will look like in a week or a month. 

Looking at the spread outside of China:

Exponential growth despite all efforts to quarantine the chain of infection as soon as a new case has been found. At some point we won't have the resources anymore to find, test and quarantine all those that have been in contact with someone with the virus. Atm the spread across Europe still has the benefit of each country having all their resources available to try to stop it when a case is found. But it's obviously not enough to slow this thing down.

In China it has been going down due to the drastic isolation measures the chinese government employed. Here in the west nobody is willing to go to such lengths and we simply do not have the resources to test everyone crossing the border. We can't even test everyone coming from infected areas.

But maybe he's not worried because he's young and the death rate under age 40 is 'only' 0.2%, 499 out of 500 under 40 will survive. Your grand parents, make amends, 15% chance they won't survive if they catch it.

RaptorChrist said:
curl-6 said:

I have OCD and am terrified of serious illness, so this is exactly the kind of thing that scares me most.

That said, when I think logically, I am not too concerned about this one, yet. Yes, it's naturally frightening when a new disease emerges. But remember SARS back in 2003, when we thought it would scour the globe and kill millions? In the end, less than a thousand people died.

Heck, remember the Swine Flu in 2009? Again, a novel virus emerged, caused some deaths, spread globally, and there was rampant fear of a devastating pandemic, but it turned out to overall be a rather moderate illness.

So far there have been 17 deaths out of 633 confirmed cases, but a lot of those deaths were among the elderly or those with underlying health problems, and it's possible that only the more severe cases are even seeking help and being caught, and that the actual mortality rate is no higher than the regular seasonal flu.

Also, this time the outbreak has been caught earlier than SARS, and quarantines are being put in place.

I'd say there's no call to panic just yet.

I am with you on the OCD thing. I am always worried about my body and every little thing that goes wrong. I had a really bad cold a few weeks back (sore throat, cough, congestion), and I had a strange symptom where my neck got sore during this time, and I discovered a lump underneath my chin (on the underside of my jaw, directly in the center, a few inches above my adam's apple). The swelling eventually went down, although I still do have a very tiny lump that I can feel if I push around that area. Is it something everyone has? I don't think so, but I also wonder. It's a very faint lump and I had actually been noticing it for a year or two now and thought nothing of it until the swelling.

But yeah, in this case I was fearing that it could possibly be cancer, and although I would have bet against it being cancer, I was still quite depressed for a few days and I still think about it often.

Just from the past few years:

1. Last June (it actually started earlier but it got bad in June) I had this issue where every night when I went to bed, just as my body would begin falling asleep, my heart would have a few beats that felt strong and out of sync and it would jolt me back awake, startling me and causing me to briefly yell out in my sleep. I have spent many nights sleeping on the couch as I felt bad about scaring my wife several times during the night. Not being a medical professional, my belief was that it was sleep apnea, or possibly that my heart was very weak. I was concerned that it was going to cause me to have a heart attack, as it got so bad it would happen a dozen times some nights, taking me hours to finally fall asleep. I went to the doctor in July and wore a "halter monitor", which is an EKG for 30 days that constantly monitored, and when an event occurred, I would report my symptoms.

After that was done, the conclusion was that my heart was strong and it was just anxiety. I always thought anxiety was just a mental symptom, like depression, and I didn't realize it was something that could cause me to experience symptoms that I could only describe as what I believe the onset of a heart attack would feel like.

This problem still occurs on occasion, but its fairly mild now, and it actually got better the very day that I got the news from my doctor that my heart was strong. As though knowing my heart wasn't weak gave me the peace of mind to allow me to sleep at night.

2. Had a weird problem with my leg for about a week or two where my hip would feel pain whenever I walked. I thought I had gout.

3. Developed a localized rash on my stomach, which eventually caused my entire body to begin itching. Much of my body was getting small, red bumps from the scratching. This happened shortly after I had a stomach problem from an injury at the gym, and I thought they were related. Because of this coincidence, it never occurred to me that it was the nickel in my belt that my body was having a reaction to. My doctor knew right away and when I laid down, he undid my belt and pulled it off in what I can only describe as a weird situation where I thought I was about to be sexually abused but quickly realized my doctor was just showing me the source of the problem. In this instance I was convinced that the stomach issue I had from the gym injury was worse than I thought, and maybe my liver had stopped working, and was failing to metabolize things properly, and proteins, and histamines, and other scary words which was slowly causing my body to deteriorate.

Overall, my real issue is that I am oftentimes too afraid to actually go to the doctor, as I fear the worst. These are just a few of the things. It seems like every month or so something happens that I blow out of proportion.

This was entirely off topic >.>

Everyone has two glands like that underneath the chin and a bit above and to the side left and right of the adam's apple,some people never notice them and others can always feel them especially when they swell up for a time because of fever or a virus,happens to me all the time so do not worry!

So yeah the thing you worry about is a swollen salivary gland that produces saliva/spit.

But i get you,i can get caught up in my own panic either and get depressed very easily.

Last edited by Immersiveunreality - on 28 February 2020

WHO raises Global Risk from Coronavirus to the highest level of alert “We have now increased our assessment of the risk of spread and the risk of impact of COVID-19 to very high at global level,” World Health Organization chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told reporters.

“If we don’t take action... that may be a future that we have to experience,” he said, adding that “a lot of the future of this epidemic is in the hands of ourselves.”

This weekend.

Next weekend.


I stocked up 3 weeks ago. avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

SvennoJ said:

WHO raises Global Risk from Coronavirus to the highest level of alert “We have now increased our assessment of the risk of spread and the risk of impact of COVID-19 to very high at global level,” World Health Organization chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told reporters.

“If we don’t take action... that may be a future that we have to experience,” he said, adding that “a lot of the future of this epidemic is in the hands of ourselves.”

And some people still say it's just a media hype.