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useruserB said:

Sickening what china did by downplaying, hiding and suppressing info early on, and withholding/not sharing info basically ensuring it would spread everywhere. Maybe china believed it was better for them if everyone suffered, you know, don't want to be the only country that takes a major L, gotta make sure everyone else does too! Especially disgusted with how the ccp pressured other countries to keep their borders open. And quite disappointed how most countries didn't initially take this seriously and respond with immediate decisive action. Seems like no one was really worried, prepared or on the ball.

Kinda sad when it seems like north korea had the best response to it, lol.

Let me know if I'm wrong but, this thing is somewhere around 10-30x deadlier than the flu, has a much higher severe disease rate, just as if not more contagious, and infected people are contagious for 2x the duration or longer compared to the seasonal flu.

Erm China is doing way more than the west is currently. The fact that it took from December until recently for it to escape, compared to how rapidly it's already spreading throughout the whole of Europe, the slow response of the rest of the world is what's sickening. Heck some of the people cleared to leave the Diamond Princess still turned out to have the virus.

Problem is, it's still largely unknown how the virus spreads exactly, incubation period can be 2 weeks with 3 weeks as an outlier and early symptoms look like a regular flu.

Shutting down entire cities and isolating entire regions is "no wanting to be the only country that takes a major L" ???

So far I see the 'west' still carrying on as normal. 2.7 million airline passengers daily, just monitor yourself for symptoms when you get back from a suspect area.

And yeah you're right, I made a comparison with the flu in another thread based on US stats

If Covid-19 gets to run lose like the flu:
Lower estimate: 40% of 327 million get sick, 130 million. 5% need hospital care (based on Diamond Princess) 6.5 million. 2% die, 2.6 million.
Upper estimate: 70% of 327 million get sick, 229 million, 10% need hospital care (based on China) 23 million, 3.4% die, 7.8 million.

2017-2018 Flu season (a peak year)
45 million got the flu 13.7%, 810k hospitalized 1.8%, 61K died 0.135%

Thus compared to flu, low estimate: 2.77x more severe disease rate, 15x higher death rate.
high estimate: 5.55x more severe disease rate, 25x higher death rate.

Plus the chance of catching it is also 3 to 5 times higher.

Last edited by SvennoJ - on 28 February 2020