RolStoppable said: Everything feels surreal right now. I can't believe that I still live. The virus is out there and it can only be a matter of time until the vast majority of the population is infected. Healthcare doesn't have the capacities to treat everyone, so only the rich and important people will see their lives saved. |
I can ensure you... If you are in Australia, that will not be the case.
As a first responder and on the front lines... We don't give a shit how big your wallet is.
RolStoppable said:
People are scared, John. It's not the right time to go all out. Or go out in general.
The VGChartz community has been preparing this for years to come it seems.
Snoopy said:
Corona virus update : It still over blown!!!!! People, we are seeing a death rate of about 1.3% and probably much lower than that because there are a lot more people who have the virus, but haven't been tested to be part of that statistic. If you're old stay at home, if you're young go out and have fun!!!
It's not overblown... It's mortality rate for the elderly, disabled and those with compromised immune systems (I.E. Chemo patients) is pretty damn high.
The mortality rate for the younger, fitter and healthy is negligible. - However we need to retain our distancing and keep exposure to a minimum so as not to pass the disease on to those who are more at risk.
Basically... We need to stop being selfish and think of others. - We should all be capable of doing that.
haxxiy said:
To be fair, though, our pandemic of the century is peas next to every other one that preceeded it. Let alone average life less than a century ago, when we had to deal with endemic measles and tuberculosis - which together were worse than a perpetual Covid-19 pandemic, in terms of how many people died every single year.
Of course, statistics never convey the impact of personal tragedies that each of these deaths represent...
To also be fair... The last Pandemic the worlds population wasn't as large or as dense it is currently, which has aided the spread.
Our interlocking global economies which promoted convenient travel expedited the issue.
In short... Even with a lower mortality rate, the number of TOTAL deaths can be equal or higher than past scenarios.
LurkerJ said:
The US can LITERALLY snap its fingers and create a universal basic income program that covers all of its citizens, hardly anyone would oppose it under today's circumstances.
And get off your high horse, it's safe to say that hardly anyone "grasp the whole extent of it" when just weeks ago this was a non-issue to most people, politicians and governments.
Let's be realistic... That won't happen, the populace of the USA will cry that it is "socialism" and a waste of tax payer money, they would rather give tax breaks to big business and the rich.
Let's see how the big business and the rich does when no one can afford to buy anything... Because the price of everything increased, jobs have been lost.