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Forums - General Discussion - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread

CrazyGamer2017 said:
Amnesia said:

Ah you think 2% is not enough ? Shit always happens to the others, until the day it happens to ourselves or a relative.

Hence the advantage of not having relatives (or at least none I care about or see IRL) As for me since I don't see people and avoid as much contact as possible, 80% of my city should be contaminated before I can start wondering whether I am contaminated or not and so far 1 person out of 11 million are contaminated over here, just 1, recently in the news they said 2 other people coming from China could have the virus but after testing them it turns out they have not.

And finally what part of "expect to end mankind" makes you think I would care even if I ended up contaminated?

There are sweeter ways to die than this virus.

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43106 confirmed cases 1018 deaths and 4046 recovered. 

The death toll has passed 1k recovered has passed 4k

1000+ people are now dead!

so it could be 25% mortality... That's scary.


Chicho said:

43106 confirmed cases 1018 deaths and 4046 recovered. 

China does not report cases of people which are carriers of the virus but are not "endangered" (no typical symptoms show). If we consider the people who live in areas not covered by healthcare, the true number of virus carriers could be anywhere from 2 to 20 times the reported numbers. Same problem with India for example. That is a big country which has a much bigger healthcare problem. So far, no reports from India (maybe Chinese do not visit that country in drones...) or muslim countries (which simply do not report).

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drkohler said:

 so far, no reports from India (maybe Chinese do not visit that country in drones...) or muslim countries (which simply do not report).

India has reported 3 cases no deaths the United Arab Emirates have reported 8 cases Malaysia 18 cases

Last edited by Chicho - on 11 February 2020

Dozens of million of Chinese are unable to leave their homes, several cities with 10+ million people basically shut down since January 23rd. Yet the virus is spreading fast.

Last edited by CuCabeludo - on 11 February 2020

The WHO has given the virus an official name: Covid-19, short for Coronavirus Disease 2019

Heres an update from Guangzhou. The Guangzhou government has suspended all schools until at least March 1st. Also, as of yesterday no one is allowed to leave or enter our province. Not even deliver, shipping and delivery has to be specially screened.


sethnintendo said:
Not doomsday yet. A tsunami could kill more people. However, maybe this will wake China the fuck up and ban the exotic live animal markets. You shouldn't keep a bunch of wild animals in cages in such close proximity.

^ this.

It happends too often that some thing breaks out in china and then spreads to the rest of the world.
Live animal markets, and liveing side by side with all manner of animals isnt healthy.