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Forums - General Discussion - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread

Jumpin said:

If you're wondering about the worldwide number of deaths.

Dude, what are you joking about? I mean, you do you but joking about this kind of thing is kinda gross in my opinion.

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Spike0503 said:
Jumpin said:

If you're wondering about the worldwide number of deaths.

Dude, what are you joking about? I mean, you do you but joking about this kind of thing is kinda gross in my opinion.

I have a dark sense of humour. Many find it disturbing.

But on the bright side, at least I'm not joking about AIDS or cancer like Matt Stone and Trey Parker. Those two sickos have an audience of millions, they're the real bastards you should be judging!

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Here in holland the gov almost does nothing.
They dont test if the case is not severe.
Hundreds are infectec each day (more then 2400 now)
More and more deaths each day.

And the only thing they do is say"dont shake hands and dont come close"


My youtube gaming page.

Based on SpokenTruth's US side of his chart, here are my estimates for future US cases:

3-20 - 18k
3-21 - 24k
3-22 - 31k
3-23 - 39k
3-24 - 50k

Anybody wanna try their own estimate? It all looks grim.

JRPGfan said:
apparently we can only have like 1400 ppl on ventilators at once.

That's a pretty good number. Yesterday in Switzerland, 640 of the 800 available emergency beds were occupied. (Once you are on ventilators, your survival chance is pretty close to zero if we take Italy as factual data). Several young people in critical condition as well, so the idea of "let the young get infected to build a herd immunity" definitely is a bad idea. It is expected that triage might begin within a few days due to all beds occupied.

The virus is closing in on me, too. Yesterday, two plastified paramedics carried an equally plastified person out of a house just 30 meters from where I live...

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I'm a security guard at a healthcare company. Looking at 48 hours a week for the next 8 weeks. And that's if none of my co-workers get ill. If just a single guard gets sick that buries us in overtime. We can't even hire anybody new right now, because there's no visitors allowed in the building. That means no interviews.

drkohler said:
JRPGfan said:
apparently we can only have like 1400 ppl on ventilators at once.

That's a pretty good number. Yesterday in Switzerland, 640 of the 800 available emergency beds were occupied. (Once you are on ventilators, your survival chance is pretty close to zero if we take Italy as factual data). Several young people in critical condition as well, so the idea of "let the young get infected to build a herd immunity" definitely is a bad idea. It is expected that triage might begin within a few days due to all beds occupied.

The virus is closing in on me, too. Yesterday, two plastified paramedics carried an equally plastified person out of a house just 30 meters from where I live...

Yeah thats when its a little too close to home....

Out of those ~1400, theres like 150+ that were from veterinarians, some new ones where bought resently ect.

Spoke with my dad, and he said he say alot of people useing 1 time gloves, when out shopping.
however he said he saw them take them off, stuff them in their coat pockets (in and out of cars) and reuse them ect.
(while getting them on, they would touch the parts they shouldnt ect... its a mess)

Its stupid, theres plenty of hand sanitizer, at every entrence to shops ect.
People just need to use that before entering, and when they get home rub hands in soap for 20+ secounds before rinseing it off.

The re-useing of those 1 time gloves, the way they are (incorrectly), is bound to be alot worse for spread imo.

drkohler if you have access to one of those "space suits" try wearing one out when you go shopping, hahhaha.
(mean joke, but it would be funny, probably scare the bejesus out of people out shopping)

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 20 March 2020

NightlyPoe said:
SpokenTruth said:

3/19: US-Italy Chart plus other updates - (NightlyPoe is excused from tonight's meeting).

The US has definitely entered an exponential phase of new cases having gained 4,530.  That is 33% of the current total cases in 1 day. We have now moved more than 3 days ahead of Italy from the original alignment. If this rate maintains, we will pass Italy and China in total cases in about a week.  The nightly reporting gap is already 526 new cases - equal to a our daily total from 6 days ago.

Italy itself gained 5,322 new cases.  Thankfully, they are slowing down. An absolutely welcome sign for the region. Especially given that their death toll has now eclipsed the published figures for China.

Switzerland may be the next country in trouble as they increased by more than 1,100 new cases today.  That's 25% of their total.  The numbers are unfortunately sizable for the population.  The same rate of increase and scale applies to Austria and Luxembourg.

36% of all Israeli cases were reported today though it still represents a low proportion of their population.

This is a daily reminder that the comparisons between the United States and Italy do not make sense as they are two countries of vastly different proportions.  Please watch the clusters, not the bottom-line numbers.

Sorry but this is getting a bit annoying.

RolStoppable said:
The entirety of Tyrol (Austria) was put into quarantine yesterday. We are all going to die.

Be honest... do you own a German Alpine Bavarian Hat? (in english aparently its called such) (in denmark we just call it a Tyrolerhat)

Tyrol is a beautifull place though.... silly hats, beautifull place and people.
And ofc you wont all die!

This is a perfect time to catch up on your backlog of games.
Stay home as much as possible, play games.
If you go out, remember not to touch your face, when you get back home, remember to really put some effort into the handwashing.

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 20 March 2020

John2290 said:
Lads. I don't think many of us will be getting to the sunny side of this one. It's too much all at once and too wide spread. Sure a country like China can handle but the global trade econony is going to be wiped out, it's interlocked to such a degree that countries will have way too much of one supply than an another and no where to sell it to if they can't find demmand in their own borders. It's already happening but when everyone is doing hard lockdowns it's finished. If they don't come up with solutions soon, like right this week to trade we're fucked beyond the virus and I'm not talking money here, I'm talking short term on the ground effects of supply and demmand. Someone is going to have to create an international emergency team to handle this and our governments are going to have to ration food for the months ahead, the more time they loose on this the worse the problem becomes because right now people aren't fishing, planting or selling livestock because the demmand, where it once was in these locked down countries isn't there any more. They are loosing time on this again like they did with the virua and now that they are so hyper focused on that it doesn't look like they are concerned about things like this two months down the road. How the fuck do you get producers to produce when they can't see a way of making their money back no less profit. How do you find a demmand within your own country for supplies that usually go to multiple countries of completely different cultures and how do you change all of the infrastructure to distribute that?

I'm sorry to say but I think we need some form of a one world government (Yes, I know but fuck it, what is the other solution, billions starving and a world of only nation states left?) to get through this and we need it fast.

In denmark I think the agriculture sector is still working in large parts (rest of europe too)
Also even though borders are closed off (to normal people), its still open to transports of goods (so they still flow in and out, of countries in the EU).

Plus we have some big "wholesale" concerns, that basically own most of the larger super markets here.
This isnt fantastic for competiton, but it means that theres huge depots of common goods/foods, to supply these super markets for basically half a year+ time usage, at any one time.

Then theres the fact that EU, has a overproduction of food, and "storage" of such, so that we should never hunger.
They spend a fortune on this stuff, and usually it just gets burnt (because its never usually needed).

So basically even if "production" shut down for like a year+, people in europe shouldnt run into issues of lack of food or starve.
Theres no need to worry about foods, our prime minister also said this on the news.

Currently the "worst" case situation is you walk into a super market, and you look around for bread, and usually theres like 20 differnt brands.
A few weeks from now, there might only be half as many "brands" but there will still be bread to buy on shelves.  Stuff like this, is gonna happend, but its not a big deal.

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 20 March 2020