curl-6 said:
victor83fernandes said:
That's where you are wrong, both ps5 and xbox series X will offer gaming on the go, with the 5G in the future, and internet everywhere, you can access your ps5 and xbox games streamed to your tablet, phone, laptop etc, I can bet with you that both sony and Microsoft will present such a service very soon. I am certain of this because I'm always right about these things, I've followed gaming for 30 years.
The switch being 10 million over the 3ds is nothing to boost, the 3ds hasn't caught up to the ps3 or xbox 360 or wii yet, let alone ps4 numbers. My point remains, following your own graphic, and logic from the 3ds, wii, etc, I always said the switch will sell a lot more than the 3ds, 100 million easy in 4-5 years, but will not catch up to ps4 which will be minimum 140 million by that time. The best the switch could do is 120 million, ONLY IF Nintendo doesn't release a new switch 2 which is highly unlikely, because Nintendo never kept the same console for more than 7-8 years without a new one.
I very much doubt streaming PS5 to one's phone/tablet will become a mainstream form of gaming. It won't be worth the hassle to the average consumer, they'll just wait til they get home to play. Folks said the same thing about Remote Play on Vita making 3DS obsolete.
We don't actually disagree much on lifetime Switch/PS4 sales it seems, I simply got the wrong impression from your posts that you were pushing the "it'll fizzle out soon" angle, my bad.
Anything is possible, no one can actually predict the future, example, the ps5 price could be lower than expected therefore making the ps4 less desirable, the switch could have a big price drop with bundled game.
But the point you make about the hassle of playing on a streaming service is almost as much hassle as to carry a switch with you at all time, and having an extra device to charge. Like I said, the future of the internet will most likely allow everyone to easily stream to a phone, but the internet and smart phones has made the portable dedicated consoles more of a kids thing, because we all have now youtube, internet, books, etc on our phones that get bigger screens and more power and faster every year.
There's nothing more convenient than a phone for media consumption, because its a thing everyone already carries in their pockets everywhere. And this will be enhanced with 5G availability in the future.
Here in the Uk I see almost everyone on their phones either facebook, books, videos, browsing messaging and the casual games, last time I saw someone with a portable dedicated console was months ago, then again I'm not in the big city, but I believe this trend is worldwide.
Lets not forget that switch games are still 60-70 dollars on top of the price of the console. Most casuals will just get cheap games on their phones.
In fact, I have been playing games for 30 years, and spent a fortune in Gameboy batteries, but I was a kid, life was different and we didn't have the internet neither smart phones. I would not buy a dedicated portable if I could not connect to my projector, so I would have never bought a switch Lite even at half price.
Suffice to say, as gamers, we must be happy to have so many options, so many great games, and more people every year enjoying this amazing hobby, I hope both sony, Nintendo and Microsoft sell as much as they can, and I hope the gaming industry continues to grow and evolve, I respect the most Sony because they are investing in VR, which after buying it, I can confirm it is the future of gaming. But I also respect Nintendo for giving us a different style of games or else gaming would become boring with everyone just doing the same.
With the power of the new consoles, the sky is the limit for developers, so I can only imagine what we will be playing by the end of next gen, considering that I am playing red dead redemption 2 in 4K and I am in awe of the little details and technical stuff in the game, I cant imagine that x5