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smroadkill15 said:
Machiavellian said:

What Class did you choose.  Boss are hard because if your ability depends on killing to gain health well one boss kind of kill that and the first boss is tough with all his abilities.  I choose the Trickster since I can teleport behind the boss, activate my energy sword then hit him with everything I got and by the time it leaves rush away.  Also having equipment that gains you health on close range also helps alot since depending on your class.

I picked Trickster as well. I use the slow time bubble ability, slash, and spam him with shots, retreat behind cover, but he still does damage. I'll give it another go later today. If there was other enemies around, I would have beat it already, but since there is no way to gain health, it's been a pain. I might lower the world tier if I continue to struggle. 

Keep an eye on your gear. Even though some outfits might have a higher stats level I noticed that a lot actually increase your armor but decrease your health so it’s important you find a good balance of health and armor.

Also in the skill tree if you’re finding you lose health fast and can’t gain to back quickly look into unlocking skills that boost your health leech.

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smroadkill15 said:
Machiavellian said:

So I am guessing the gear you have do not gain you any health when using your ability or shooting in close range.  You can also try to farm the few side quest to upgrade your gear with some perks to make it more manageable without dropping the tier as that will affect the loot drop.

I only get health with kills. I'll check out my gear and see if there is anything I can change or upgrade, and do a couple of side quests. 

Until level 20 i used the mod that regenerates health from hits on my main weapon to boost my health back up after getting hit, Made it a lot easier when I found that mod which is fairly common and then putting it on any new weapon I found right away.

WoodenPints said:
smroadkill15 said:

I only get health with kills. I'll check out my gear and see if there is anything I can change or upgrade, and do a couple of side quests. 

Until level 20 i used the mod that regenerates health from hits on my main weapon to boost my health back up after getting hit, Made it a lot easier when I found that mod which is fairly common and then putting it on any new weapon I found right away.

It's good to know all this. Thanks everyone for the advice!

Ryuu96 said:

interesting that most people came in looking for a ps4, not a ps5 lol

VersusEvil said:

Narita Boy is ok so far, happy I can turn off the CRT effect for a softer image. It's not a long game apparently so I'll probably finish this in one sitting. 

Should take around 5-10 hours depending on how good you are at it

VersusEvil said:

Just finished the yellow zone in Narita Boy and .. you know, I just think these controls are so imprecise. I still believe Supermeatboy has the best control precision to this day, no platformer has come close since.

The major annoyance is movement with the left stick. Who thought that it would be a good idea to move with the left stick and not the D-Pad in 2D side scrolling game?

Ryuu96 said:

Stumbled upon this Subreddit:

Thought it was a cool idea Wonder if we could do something similar, although, sorry to say, I probably wouldn't participate since I prefer to play stuff at my pace but it'd be interesting to see others take part.

Meh. It's cool for those who have a ton of free time. Or not those who don't really care what they play and just like spending time pressing the controller buttons.


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Finally completed Tales of Vesperia this weekend. I also completed new super lucky s tale. I enjoyed both a lot. Wanted to complete both before i tried out Outriders and I really really like it so far.

Ryuu96 said:
zero129 said:

Damn.. So after seeing you guys talk about Outriders i decided id give it a try.. Only to find out its not on Gamepass PC.. I hope MS gets that sorted as its one of the annoying things about Gamepass atm when it comes to some games being on Console/Android but not on PC. It would be understandable if the games was only available on console with no PC versions. But for games that's on both MS really need to start getting them games on PC Gamepass too.

Yeah, honestly, I don't get how it can be sometimes suggested that Xbox treats PC better, if I'm being honest even though I don't game on PC at all, Microsoft has a huge amount of work to do still on the PC side of things, I hope it improves for y'all.

It probably has more to do with the publisher than MS.  Cost also may play a role as well but once Subs reach a certain level, things probably will open up better.  Just think how long it took to get EA stuff on Gamepass PC.  There must be something to it for it to take that long.

zero129 said:

Damn.. So after seeing you guys talk about Outriders i decided id give it a try.. Only to find out its not on Gamepass PC.. I hope MS gets that sorted as its one of the annoying things about Gamepass atm when it comes to some games being on Console/Android but not on PC. It would be understandable if the games was only available on console with no PC versions. But for games that's on both MS really need to start getting them games on PC Gamepass too.

I don't think Microsoft is to blame here. They can easily get such great deals on console side of things only because Xbox console as it stands is way behind PC, Playstation or Switch in terms of user base. Publishers just don't set the high expectations for sales on Xbox anyway - they know that Xbox sales would probably make around 10% of all sales, so putting the game on GamePass for console is an easy choice for a publisher itself and not way too expensive for Microsoft to get. PC, on the other hand is completely different. Steam is massive and if I'm not mistaken it's the biggest gaming platform in the world, or at least it's up there battling with Playstation for that #1 spot. Square Enix wants to sell the game on Steam and get a ton of money for it. (Which as we can already seen, paid off really well for them, as the game has incredible performance on Steam). Striking such deal will not only be way more expensive for Microsoft, but it would literally make not much sense as PC gaming audience is still not warm towards Microsoft and what they offer no matter what they do, so the real potential audience will be much lower compared to consoles. So, why bother spending that much money if they can be better spent elsewhere?


There's plenty games on PC game pass I'd like on xbox, it goes both ways really.

InkIt said:

There's plenty games on PC game pass I'd like on xbox, it goes both ways really.

Usually, in most cases it's either games that are not on Xbox at all or the games that already left console GamePass collection.