Wasteland in a Cyberpunk world? That wouldn’t be Wasteland.
It can be an RPG, 3rd person shooter, squad based, with base & resource management, etc...
Wasteland in a Cyberpunk world? That wouldn’t be Wasteland.
It can be an RPG, 3rd person shooter, squad based, with base & resource management, etc...
Ryuu96 said: Microsoft needs to leverage Shinji Mikami, treat him like a God, make sure he doesn't ever want to leave, give him the resources to go nuts. He's a veteran in Japan and widely respected, if Japanese content creators see Xbox treating him well it might make it easier for them to acquire more studios or do more publishing partnerships since Xbox doesn't have the best rep in Japan. |
Posted the same about 2 days, Shinji and Tango Gameworks are they key to MS expanding in Japan if they handle it right.
Goatseye said: Wasteland in a Cyberpunk world? That wouldn’t be Wasteland. It can be an RPG, 3rd person shooter, squad based, with base & resource management, etc... |
I feel the same, Wasteland 4 has a ton of potential if handled right.
Any possibility of MS giving Banjo Kazooei a remake, like the one crash bandicoot got? Would a perfect way to bring the games back to the forefront and see what the demand would be like for future games. It also doesn't seem like it would be a very expensive project, would it?
Ryuu96 said:
No I'm not saying that. I'm saying do a Cyberpunk genre RPG instead of an AAA Wasteland. But if someone were to do Fallout, it should be InXile (So...abandon Wasteland, Fallout is far bigger and Brian has connection to it anyway). So essentially InXile would be doing a Cyberpunk RPG + Fallout. I don't really want Fallout + Wasteland AAA...Too similar, InXile should branch out to something not covered and we can say with 100% certainty that Fallout will happen again at some point so that isn't the one being shelved. |
MS already own a Cyberpunk RPG IP and it's called Shadowrun, Someone at MS need to get on that asap.
Ryuu96 said: What are you all hoping the rumoured two studios are? Personally, Asobo and Techland for me. Asobo makes too much sense, Techland would be great to get a hub in Poland, great studio too, odd that they've gone radio silent for most of 2020. |
Asobo and Techland for me too. I think Asobo has great potential after A Plague Tale Innocence and Flight Sim, Techland is also great for their work Dying Light, Dead Island, etc....
I’d call Cyberpunk a theme or a setting instead of genre in videogame world.
A cyberpunk era, would mean that there would be some form of government or social structure. In Wasteland, you are supposed to be the structure to hold society together. Wasteland is so much different than Fallout, even though they’re post apocalyptic. Also, Wasteland is much more political and philosophical.
Brian Fargo suggests they’re working on 2 RPGs at the moment. That’s good news.
Ryuu96 said: I'll play Wasteland 3 eventually, I'm waiting on some console patches, maybe I'll play it on Series X, I'm just worried now an AAA Wasteland will be too much like modern day Fallout but perhaps I am wrong. |
Wasteland plays way different. The setting is post apocalyptic but the gameplay and tone of the world is different. Just like Call of Duty and Battlefield are different military FPS.
I paid with 500 dollars worth of free amazon gift cards so I don't want to cancel and try somewhere else. Anyone else get one of these?
...to avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.
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