Ryuu96 said:
Anyway I had some time to get over it. 
While this is a bad thing for Microsoft's $$$, it is ultimately a good thing for gamers/us, Xbox will live even if its sales are hurt but I honestly still expect stock shortages for both consoles on launch and leading into December, no Infinite will likely hurt its legs but oh well, SX will get a boost again once Infinite actually launches.
If it launches in a better state than what it would have been for launch it will ultimately be better for Halo too and could still give SX a big boost. If Patrick is right and Infinite MP Beta launches with SX though then that could possibly make up quite a lot for Infinite missing launch, as long as the beta is open for everyone, like I said, Fortnite was technically in beta for years and the MP is separate from the Campaign, MP will push Halo more than Campaign, always has since Halo 3.
COVID has really fucked the industry, not just gaming but basically every industry so its best to take a little perspective and be more understanding, the entire world is going to shit right now so fair enough 343, take your time.
I'll still have Cyberpunk, I would be fine with delaying SX into Early 2021 but not if Cyberpunk doesn't get delayed. If they get Gears Tactics on SX for launch, alongside multiplats like Cyberpunk/AC, as far as I'm concerned that'd be a better lineup than Xbox One's.
Also, PS5 was outselling SX with or without Infinite.