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What I definitely think is going to be very interesting, is how the launch games for each system stack up. UE5 may not be coming for some time yet, but not everyone will realize that, and a lot of Sony's fans who've now seen this demo are going to have sky high expectations for what Sony might deliver day 1. But...what will they actually deliver? And what will MS deliver? Fun times ahead.

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Eh mildly impressed by the demo. Lighting and shadows look good. Texture detail is great but Idk if it's enough for a generational leap. The demo was too limited in that regard. I need more water, weather, foliage and reflections to make a judgment.
The character model looks pretty bad for a next gen tech demo. I've played tons of X1 games with better looking character models. Definitely nothing special but the worst thing about it is the almost anime like face. Looks like they slapped the face of a Dead or Alive girl on it.

But it's even more funny how this is supposed to be a win for PS5 especially when the engine will run better on Series X in the end. If anything it's a win for next gen. Everybody knows Unreal Engine is a multiplat engine just like people know that a game is multiplat even though one company has marketing rights. No one is gonna watch the ad for a new CoD with a "Playstation" outro and decides "oh shit. there's no PC and Xbox release for this game. Need to buy a Playstation now.".

Also it's just a tech demo. Don't expect games to look like that any time soon. Just re-watch the Samaritan UE3 demo from 2011 (!!!) which still holds up incredibly well.

Last edited by Barozi - on 13 May 2020

shikamaru317 said:
Angelus said:
What I definitely think is going to be very interesting, is how the launch games for each system stack up. UE5 may not be coming for some time yet, but not everyone will realize that, and a lot of Sony's fans who've now seen this demo are going to have sky high expectations for what Sony might deliver day 1. But...what will they actually deliver? And what will MS deliver? Fun times ahead.

Well, Microsoft wise, we know that Ninja Theory can already do some amazing things with Unreal 4, so that is good news since we're not getting Unreal 5 for awhile, Hellblade 2 will likely launch on Unreal 4 in 2021. The Coalition are also amazing with Unreal, but I'm not expecting a new game from them in the next several years, except for the multiplayer in The Initiative's game that they are supposedly assisting on. 343's new Slipstream engine seems pretty great, though we've only seen the current gen version of Halo Infinite running on XB1 X spec so far, we'll have to wait and see what the XSX spec looks like. Turn 10 and Playground Racing both make great use of the ForzaTech engine already, and we're rumored to be getting a new next-gen build of ForzaTech for Forza Motorsport 8 later this year, so that is good news as well. The bad news is that some of Microsoft's studios have struggled with Unreal 4; State of Decay 2 looked kind of meh, Compulsion seemed to have quite a few issues with Unreal while developing We Happy Few. Hopefully with assistance from other studios, especially The Coalition and Ninja Theory who have already proven themselves Unreal masters, those weaker studios will be able to step things up for next gen.

As for Sony, well, only 3 of their 1st party studios use Unreal engine, and only 1 of the 3 that use it is a AAA studio, Sony Bend. Naughty Dog uses an unnamed in-house engine, Guerrilla uses their in-house Decima engine (which has twice been used by Sony 2nd party studios as well, Until Dawn from Supermassive and Death Stranding from Kojima Productions), Sucker Punch uses an unnamed in-house engine, Insomniac uses an unnamed in-house engine, Sony Santa Monica uses an unnamed in-house engine. The other 2 Sony 1st party studios that actually use Unreal are the single A Pixelopus and the primarily VR Sony London Studio.

So as far as launch week and 1st year titles go, we'll mainly be seeing in-house engines vs in-house engines it seems, though there will also be several Microsoft Unreal 4 games releasing in that timeframe most likely, the most noteworthy of which will likely be Hellblade 2. 


Most of the rest of what you said really has little to do with my post. 

shikamaru317 said:

I will say this about today's tech demo. It looked more like an actual game than earlier Unreal tech demos did. Earlier demos like Samaritan, Elemental, and Infiltrator looked more like CGI movies, today's demo looked like Epic built an actual working game demo and were playing it with a controller. Looked like Tomb Raider/Uncharted gameplay for awhile, at least until the flying started. Those earlier 3 Unreal demos, while impressive visually, kind of felt like bullshots, most real games on late Unreal 3 and Unreal 4 never really lived up to Samaritan, Elemental, and Infiltrator. Today's demo seems like we will see actual games next-gen that match it's environments and exceed it's character models.

Yeah, i actually believed that it'll say Horizon Zero Dawn 2 at the end.

A Square Enix Leak that was dismissed last month because it mentioned Unreal Engine 5.

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shikamaru317 said:
Ryuu96 said:

You don't think Hellblade 2 will be able to swap over to Unreal Engine 5 in time? How hard is it to swap?

Given Hellblade II will likely suffer a delay, due to Coronavirus, I'd say they might as well take that time to move over to Unreal Engine 5.

Well, I'm thinking back on when Unreal 4 launched this gen, and I distinctly remember quite a few Unreal 3 games releasing well after Unreal 4 was publicly released, sometimes years after. So I'm guessing it takes a fair amount of time and effort to change from 1 build of Unreal to another, but I could be wrong. 

It's hard to compare UE3 -> UE4 transition to UE4 -> UE5. As far as I remember, UE4 was built completely from scratch. So, UE3 and UE4 were completely incompatible. I don't think that games that were upgraded from UE3 to UE4 even exist because it would require to rebuild the whole game from scratch. UE5 seems more likely just a huge upgrade to UE4 actually, so the upgrade process should be not hard I guess.


I really don't know what to do with this poll. For starters, I don't even know how many of these studios will end up utilizing UE5. Yes, lots of them use the current UE atm, but that doesn't necessarily guarantee that they'll be working exclusively with UE in the future. For all I know the guys over at the Initiative may wake up tomorrow and decide their next game should be in CryEngine, or that they wanna build their own, or maybe Slipspace is versatile enough to be used across various MS studios....idk. Also, how the engine is utilized ultimately depends largely on the style of game being made, as well as the scope of it. Here, again, I know almost nothing about what many of these studios are really working on, beyond some rumors, speculation, and vague assertions from job listings about how it's AAA or And then, last but not least, there's the unknown timetable of when everyone's games would be releasing. Anything coming out later has many inherent advantages in terms of how well the engine could be utilized for said game.

I protest this poll. No vote.

Voted Obsidian :)
Reason is that I just would love to see a AAA RPG using everything possible (even at 30 FPS ) but with beautiful and detailed world and sceneries.
For shooters, I'm not a big fan of Gears and they have their own engine at 343i (Slipspace or something) so this is already covered!

I am actually expecting Microsoft to start using their in-house engine at some point for first party games but that's another story

Last edited by Imaginedvl - on 13 May 2020

Angelus said:
What I definitely think is going to be very interesting, is how the launch games for each system stack up. UE5 may not be coming for some time yet, but not everyone will realize that, and a lot of Sony's fans who've now seen this demo are going to have sky high expectations for what Sony might deliver day 1. But...what will they actually deliver? And what will MS deliver? Fun times ahead.

Well. I really think Sony is going to deliver day one tho :) As Microsoft with first parties.

Of course in a year or two games are going to look way better than the first wave but Sony is well known for delivering top of the art games even day one. 

I'm expecting the big hitters from both side to be Halo Infinite and Horizon Zero Dawn 2

Voted Ninja Theory. Hellblade really stood out to me as a graphical showpiece

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles.