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That demo is what I expect Fable to look like.

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shikamaru317 said:
jason1637 said:

Iirc Epic and Somy hve a partnership. Godfall is one of those games in it.

Godfall is Gearbox published, not Epic. 

Yeah but apparantly epic and sony helped out someway.

I can totally understand why Phil wouldn't moneyhat this demo though. Sweeney calling him up like "yo, I'll give you first crack at it if we something out." Then Phil's just like "man....last I checked, you already get plenty of money from all my studios using your engine....if that ain't good enough for you, kick rocks." lol

shikamaru317 said:

Speaking of Playground RPG studio using Unreal Engine, I forgot to post this yesterday when I posted about the new hire at The Initiative. Playground RPG also had a new hire recently:

A recent college graduate (June 2018), Jake was hired straight out of college by Ubisoft Bordeaux, where he then worked for a year and a half as a character artist on Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint. Left Ubisoft in February and was hired by Playground RPG this month. He's not a senior character artist at Playground, understandable given he only has a year and a half of experience, but still seems like a good hire for Playground, his portfolio show good 3D character modeling ability, especially for a fantasy RPG like Fable. 

That looks like a Qunari, from Dragon Age. Just with a beard lol

shikamaru317 said:

It does seem kind of strange for Phil to let Sony moneyhat this Unreal 5 marketing deal on PS5. Afterall, 12/15 XGS studios use Unreal engine, while only 3 of Sony's 14 first party studios use Unreal. Strange decision by Phil, would have been a good opportunity to show that they have the full support of Epic, the creator of the engine that so many Xbox studios use.

It's not strange really considering that MS probably wasn't even involved in this. It could have easily been agreed behind MS back like Tim Sweeney comes to Sony and asks for an X amount of money to showcase the demo on PS5. Sony agrees and it's done. Without MS involvement at all. I actually would not be surprised if it actually didn't have any money from Sony involved based on two facts:

1) Epic doesn't like Microsoft. It's clear to everyone I guess.

2) Sony is the market leader so everyone wants to partner with them. It's just the safe bet. The majority of gaming community will be happy even if it's money hat because this part of gaming community is on PS side. That's why Sony can easily get away with crap like COD DLC timed deals, Control timed DLC deals and why Microsoft are being hated for RotR situation. I've said many times that Microsoft's strategy "doesn't matter how many consoles we sell" is dumb and it shows in things like this. You just can't get any partnerships if you don't have user base. Simple as that.


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I'm beginning to rethink my day one next gen purchase to waiting a couple of years and deciding then if I want to jump in bit disappointed at what we saw :(

trunkswd said:
WoodenPints said:
I'm beginning to rethink my day one next gen purchase to waiting a couple of years and deciding then if I want to jump in bit disappointed at what we saw :(

Referring to the Unreal Engine 5 demo or the 3rd-party Xbox Series X event? 

I was happy with the 3rd party games shown but I dunno I watched the tech demo and I didn't care one bit about the graphics I saw or anything to wow me to crave a next gen console especially when 30fps will likely be the standard again

Maybe I'm just getting old.

shikamaru317 said:

Maybe it's just me, but most AAA devs aiming for 30 fps again next-gen doesn't bother me at all. I can barely tell a difference between 30 fps and 60 fps, especially if the 30 fps game has per object motion blur. I'd rather have better graphics at 30 fps than lesser graphics at 60 fps personally. The push for 4K is already going to take up alot of GPU resources, if they push for both 4K and 60 fps we will barely see any graphical improvement, next-gen games will basically just looking like current gen games running at ultra settings on PC if developers do that. 

So, way I see it is devs have 3 choices for next gen:

-Native 4K, 30 fps

-AI upscaled 4K 60 fps

-Native 4K 60 fps

Options 1 and 2 will allow a pretty significant graphical improvement that feels like a generational leap. Option 3 will not. I'll take options 1 or 2 any day over option 3. I was quite impressed by the results of AI upscaling in the recent video Digital Foundry did about it, I no longer feel like native 4K is a smart idea for next gen. Option 2 therefore is probably the best move for developers on next-gen consoles.

It really depends on the type of game imo. Generally, I'm not super bothered by 30fps either, as long as it's stable, but in shooters and racing games for example  the higher frame rate is definitely appreciated. 

If something like Tomb Raider, or whatnot wants to just look as good as possible, at the expense of frames, that's fine. If I go into a Halo match I don't wanna deal with that.

"this demo sold PS5 to the masses"

Can't say it often enough: after July, nobody will give a shit about anything shown before (on Xbox). Maybe Xbox games will still look worse as what Sony will show, maybe they will look better. But no, the masses (so not even those who buy consoles this year, that will be the "fans" of the brands) won't decide which console they buy because of MS's May 2020 fail.

If MS's games will look better then this is what counts after July and If they will look worse then it has nothing to do with the games shown in May. Then MS's studios are just not capable enough if it comes to graphics

30fps is a huge let down. I was expecting standard with some games going above that.