If MS was going to hold anything back in July this backlash should motivate them to make it better. You got 2 months MS, dazzle me.
If MS was going to hold anything back in July this backlash should motivate them to make it better. You got 2 months MS, dazzle me.
I believe some AAA XSEX games will be shown running on consoles during the technical showcases in June. There were some fun looking games shown today.
Surprised that MS picked up Bright Memory, shame that they couldn’t pick up Lost Soul Aside though. Hopefully it’s timed exclusive to PS4.
Just noticed that Games with Gold titles now also have a pop up that indicates that these are Gold/XGP Ultimate games similar to the Game Pass pop up.
Quick someone post a news article about this life changing observation!
Scarlet Nexus reminded me of Astral Chain the name is similar too, the only thing that I didn’t like was the generic Anime art style for the playable characters I wish that they would have went with something more unique.
So which of the new games shown yesterday are you guys most interested in playing? (You can go ahead and make that question the new poll, Ryu)
Gotta be The Ascent for me.
Of the ones I already knew about, it's Bloodlines 2 and AC of course.
The Medium looks like a great atmospheric horror game I'm definitely down for and The Ascent been Cyberpunk setting + Diablo playstyle is definitely a win in my book both were highlights for me. Infact I could push it out and say this showcase is probably the best in terms of games I'm interested in in a long time with 10-11 of the games out of the 13 shown I'm either going to play or looking forward to seeing more from compared to most shows usually just a few pique my interest
I went back this morning and watched most of the trailers again in 4k/60 and some of the games shown do look rather nice and considering they are all A/AA budget I think the baseline for next gen is quite promising if these are anything to go by. .
Assassin's Creed looks dope and I'll pick it up day one. The Ascent I'm looking forward to as well.
I don't know why but none of the other games really caught my attention. Medium looked interesting but since it's made by Bloober I'm not getting my hopes up. Blair Witch trailer was also cool but the game..not so much.
Need to see more and I'm sure many of the games shown will be good, hard to get hyped though.
Honestly I think the entire reception of the show was hung on if there was 20 seconds of Assassin's Creed gameplay from the standard third person view shown people would be reacting differently.
I feel most people who follow Xbox or gaming news in general knew what to expect and got that minus the AC gameplay that was a no show.
1. It's Inside Xbox and it's know for it's focus on A/AA titles
2. We were told that this is from their smaller partners and the big AAA partners are coming in the Summer
3. For the last few days every Insider under the sun was saying keep expectations in check
4. We knew the E3 replacement event is in July and this was an appetizer with around 45 minutes run time
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