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I stand by what I said yesterday....this inside Xbox, or at least the way they hyped it up as "first Series X gameplay" was a complete misfire. If this was any random IX, that had arrived with no fanfare, cool, no problem. Alas, you set the expectation for people at "this is my first glimpse of what next gen really offers," and you completely wet the bed on that front. You only get one chance to make a first impression. Ball is back in Sony's court.

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Angelus said:
I stand by what I said yesterday....this inside Xbox, or at least the way they hyped it up as "first Series X gameplay" was a complete misfire. If this was any random IX, that had arrived with no fanfare, cool, no problem. Alas, you set the expectation for people at "this is my first glimpse of what next gen really offers," and you completely wet the bed on that front. You only get one chance to make a first impression. Ball is back in Sony's court.

I think you're being a bit over-dramatic here :) Come July and the hype is back. 

The Ascent is an exclusive?

Ryuu96 said:

That was meh, the format was decent and the games were decent but for a Series X showcase, to show the capabilities of Series X, it was trash. Going to look really bad when Sony has a huge blowout in June, it won't be hard to make PS5 look better - Though Xbox can counter in July but hopefully they don't leave it too long.

What did he say at the start about Double Fine and Ninja Theory? I missed it, the wait for July is going to be unbearable, this feels like the first stumble in Microsoft's marketing.

I wonder if due to the Coronavirus situation and E3 being broken up if publishers are just going to save their big titles for their own events, even the Valhalla showing was disappointing but we know we'll get gameplay at Ubisoft's event.

Honestly they should have just advertised it as a generic May Inside Xbox, as a Inside Xbox I think I'd give it a 7/10 but as a 'Series X Showcase' I'd give it maybe a 5/10.

Bold: Agreed. Microsoft has been on an impressive streak with Xbox marketing these past few years.

Also agree that it was fine as an "Inside Xbox" but I'd hoped to see more gameplay and get the feel of next gen. In that regard it disappointed me.

Ryuu96 said:
KiigelHeart said:

I think you're being a bit over-dramatic here :) Come July and the hype is back. 

While they definitely will counter it, what will happen is for a whole month folk will be running around talking crap about how Series X titles look cross-gen and PS5 titles look amazing in comparison, for a month we'll have certain groups of people thinking PS5 is way more powerful given Sony is almost certainly going to show off some 1st party built specifically for PS5.

It's a dangerous tone to set, we saw this generation how one marketing screw up fixed fairly quickly still hurt Microsoft for years and had folk still thinking certain things about the console.

That's already been happening since November last year.

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KiigelHeart said:
Angelus said:
I stand by what I said yesterday....this inside Xbox, or at least the way they hyped it up as "first Series X gameplay" was a complete misfire. If this was any random IX, that had arrived with no fanfare, cool, no problem. Alas, you set the expectation for people at "this is my first glimpse of what next gen really offers," and you completely wet the bed on that front. You only get one chance to make a first impression. Ball is back in Sony's court.

I think you're being a bit over-dramatic here :) Come July and the hype is back. 

I'm speaking simply from the perspective of the average consumer, who may be on the fence between what next gen system to purchase, or if next gen is appealing at all here in it's early stages. I'll get the Xbox first regardless, cus all my friends game on Xbox/PC, I'm a huge Halo fan, and I love GamePass. That doesn't change that you only get one chance to be the first one to give the market a sense for what a real next gen experience entails, and MS just told everyone they were gonna do so, and then presented nothing of note. In other words, whatever they do in July, they've set a monumentally low bar for Sony to clear in June. Sony will not do them the same favor. 

This event would have been much better if they tweaked it a bit.
Showed more gameplay for the vampite, ascent, and AC. Not gameplay trailers but gameplay gameplay.
Showed cyberpunk and mention a Series X version was in the works.
Teaser gameplay Halo Infinite for July.

Really the main thing I think is the XGS show should of been now and this after it since this was their Indie/AA budget game showcase.

Ryuu96 said:
KiigelHeart said:

I think you're being a bit over-dramatic here :) Come July and the hype is back. 

While they definitely will counter it, what will happen is for a whole month folk will be running around talking crap about how Series X titles look cross-gen and PS5 titles look amazing in comparison, for a month we'll have certain groups of people thinking PS5 is way more powerful given Sony is almost certainly going to show off some 1st party built specifically for PS5.

It's a dangerous tone to set, we saw this generation how one marketing screw up fixed fairly quickly still hurt Microsoft for years and had folk still thinking certain things about the console.

Well those people will look like fools after the next Xbox show. I seriously doubt people will suddenly start to see SeX as a weak console.

Memories of X1 disaster launch are the reason why some of you make this misstep a bigger deal than it is.

@Angelus Average consumer has plenty of time to change his/her mind. Sony better come out and guns blazing because I think so will Xbox in July.

Goatseye said:

60fps will be the standard output, but the architecture allows us to support up to 120fps.

Dirt 5 has a 120 FPS mode but from the sound of it, it won't be at 4k resolution.