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Or worse, instead of trying to make JP centric games appeal to western audience, I fear Square will try to make western appealing games from Japan. That rarely works well when JP devs do that. Forspoken seems to be designed for western audiences rather than JP audiences. It has western character design and a western writing team and western composers. Seems to be the least JP game that a Square JP team has released to date.

And get ready for more GaaS most likely, because that worked so well for Babylon's Fall and Avengers.

Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 30 October 2022

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konnichiwa said:

Around 29 hours in and I just beat the third palace in P5R. Going in blind and was the first time it challenged me ^^'.

Also beat the 3rd palace just yesterday. The second palace felt shorter and easier than the first but I'd agree that the third palace was the hardest thus far.

Barely any safe rooms and I was always pretty low on SP as I never expected that you can go to the treasure on the first try unlike the previous ones where you had to do some stuff in the real world in order to progress.

The boss was really easy though.

I'm around 28 hrs in and not even at the third palace yet (June 11th) ... Lol

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

So we all in agreement that Ryuji is the worst character in the game?

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

VersusEvil said:

So we all in agreement that Ryuji is the worst character in the game?

Well since there are new characters introduced every few hours I cannot say it for sure right now. But yeah he's pretty stupid.

The group itself is pretty stupid too. They even mentioned a few times that they shouldn't be seen hanging around together but it gets ignored every time. They even meet in public spots and then act surprised that people find out about them. Why don't they meet on the school roof again or only in Leblanc's or some other private location.

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The Semis and then Finals for AoE 4 esports are live on Twitch for those interested!

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

VersusEvil said:

So we all in agreement that Ryuji is the worst character in the game?

The protagonists best friend is always the worst character in Persona. Yosuke and Junpei are also the worst characters in their respective games.

I thought this was interesting. Microsoft claims they lose about $100-$200 per console sold this generation

aTokenYeti said:

I thought this was interesting. Microsoft claims they lose about $100-$200 per console sold this generation

I find it strange that Series X would be selling at a loss still 2 years after launch. Sony claimed it's more expensive disc drive PS5 hit break even point more than a year ago, and while Series X has a larger chipset than PS5, increasing silicon costs, as well as a more expensive split motherboard and probably slightly more expensive RAM, Series X should also have a cheaper SSD, a cheaper controller, and a cheaper cooling system than PS5. A year later you would expect Series X to also have broken even just like PS5 did. 

A loss on Series S is less surprising, but a $100 loss on it still 2 years after launch seems way too much. Afterall, it's chipset is nearly half the size of the Series X chipset, substantially reducing silicon costs, it has a cheaper regular motherboard, it has half the SSD size, and it has 6 GB less RAM and slower RAM.