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Fallout Retrospective - Fallout with Friends - YouTube

Ryuu96 said:

Fallout Retrospective - Fallout with Friends - YouTube


You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

I was going to ask if the Fallout 4 next-gen upgrade was being built on Creation Engine 2, but considering every version of Skyrim, including 2016's remaster, was on Creation Engine, I'm guessing it's just an upgraded version rather than taking advantage of the new version of the engine.

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

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Spade said:
shikamaru317 said:

He'll probably finish it before I will, haven't even downloaded it yet as I don't have the space. Need to finish some games so I can download it, but Overwatch 2 has enslaved me for the time being. 

You good though, looking at your psn signature, I'm guessing you already played it like me! 

Nah, I just bought the Futaba PSN dynamic theme and avatar so that the excellent Persona 5 music would play on my PS4 UI xD This will be my first time playing the actual game. 

Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 24 October 2022

gtotheunit91 said:

I was going to ask if the Fallout 4 next-gen upgrade was being built on Creation Engine 2, but considering every version of Skyrim, including 2016's remaster, was on Creation Engine, I'm guessing it's just an upgraded version rather than taking advantage of the new version of the engine.

It'll be pretty barebones I'm sure, just like the Skyrim 10th anniversary update was. 4K 60 fps in graphics mode or a lower res at 120 fps in framerate mode probably, maybe a few updated textures or other graphical bits if we are lucky, plus some free Creation Club content

After this releases, they really need to do some actual remakes of their older games, starting with Morrowind. That new Nvidia AI game remastering thing has shown that a gorgeous Morrowind remake can be made with minimal effort on the environments of the remake, just let the AI handle the remastering of the environments with high res textures and improved materials and improved lighting and such, and fix anything by hand that the AI doesn't do so hot on. All Bethesda would need to do is update the extremely dated character models, as well as some updates on the animations, gameplay, UI, and audio (either remastering the original audio or re-recording the soundtrack and voice lines). Would still be a fair amount of effort, but nothing compared to a brand new game, and it would sell very well.

Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 24 October 2022

My only question about P5R after playing the opening segment, will play some more tonight, is why does it play like a PS3 era game? I know the original game also released on PS3, but that was in 2016! Are all Atlus games like this?

I still did enjoy what little I played, but that immediately stood out to me.

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Ryuu96 said:

It's not doing too hot on TA despite being pushed pretty hard. Been comparing it to other JRPGs though and it seems to be doing alright. Currently closing in on 9.5k players.

Ni no Kuni is at 13k after a little over a month. Tales of Arise didn't have the Game Pass boost and currently sits at 15.5k players after one year.

We must also factor in that the first achievement of Persona 5 Royal takes around 2 hours to get which has an impact on the TA player count. At this time, 60% of Xbox players starting the game have not achieved this very first story achievement. Ni no Kuni fares a little better with 52% of the player base not having achieved the first story achievement but that one only takes around 45 minutes to get.

Doesn't the TA stats only count TA accounts?

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